In the blink of an eye, four days passed.

In the past few days, the ship that Shenluo commissioned Bingshan to build has been under construction. In order to avoid unnecessary trouble and for safety reasons, Bingshan did not say whose ship it was. After two days, the ship will be completed and will appear in Port No. 3. Shenluo can just drive away.

Rob Lucci has been frightened these days. He has been very uneasy because Kalifa disappeared without any signs! Now four days have passed, and there is no news at all.

It’s not that Rob Lucci cares about Kalifa. As an organization used by the World Government to implement dark justice, they are not allowed to have that kind of unnecessary feelings. As senior spies, they must be cold and ruthless.

Implement dark justice!

However, as a tool for the Five Elders and even Yim to rule the world, justice, whether it is darkness, light or benevolence, is very false, and justice is out of the question.

In addition, Rob Lucci feels that Bingshan doesn’t seem to care about Kalifa’s disappearance at all. Did he forget Kalifa? Kalifa is his Bingshan’s right-hand man.

Bingshan may know something!

Rob Lucci had a strong feeling that they were exposed! But they hadn't even got the design drawings of Pluto yet. The trust they had gained in four years seemed to be crumbling!

If they were really exposed, they would die. The people above would be furious, and that kind of anger was not something they could bear.

It was the masked man!

It must be because of this man!

Counting the time, Kalifa disappeared since that night. Kalifa was going to investigate Shenluo, and after that, there was no news of her.

Something happened to Kalifa. She should have been arrested or even killed!

After getting the clue, Rob Lucci took action.

Today, it was also evening.

In Shenluo's rental house.

Kalifa was here, her movements were restricted, and she could only speak.

Shenluo was sitting on a stool drinking tea, and Kalifa was sitting opposite him.

Shenluo said:"Even if you have the Pluto blueprint, you still need someone who can interpret the text on it, such as Nico Robin. She is the only one in the world who can understand this text. The Five Elders authorized the destruction of O'Hara, and now she is the only one in the world who can interpret this text."

Kalifa:"What do you want to do?"

She was still calm. Usually, she was so queenly that she made countless men confuse her. Now she couldn't use her tricks on Shenluo.

Shenluo was unmoved.

Just like a few days ago, he could punch her a few times without blinking an eye.

"I don't want the World Government to get the Pluto blueprint."

Kalifa:"So you want this blueprint?"

"I don't need this kind of external power, pure power from the human body is perfect."

Kalifa clenched her fists,"What do you want to do to CP9? Get rid of us?"

Shenluo said,"It's very simple to make you CP9 disappear from this world."


"Just disappear, like O'Hara disappeared, I have a list of all of you, I know your names and what you look like"

"You! Aren't you afraid of offending the World Government? Don't underestimate it!"

Kalifa was a little uneasy.

"I don't even care about the Celestial Dragons, I'll just chop them up. I'm not afraid of the World Government either."

Kalifa's breathing calmed down:"What do you want to do to me? You haven't attacked me in the past few days, nor have you killed me as CP9."

"I'm short of a cook on board."

"Cook? Impossible!"

Shenluo:"You have two choices, one is to cook on my ship, the second is that hell has reserved a place for you."

Kalifa was furious, Shenluo's meaning was very clear, the first was to be his crew member, so that she could survive, the second was to be killed.

So if she wanted to survive, she had to become his crew member.

However, cook for him?

Shenluo said slowly:"When your plan is exposed and you don't get the Pluto blueprint, you are doomed to die. The World Government will not let you go. How much thought and resources have they spent to train you?"

Kalifa was silent. Indeed, if they let the World Government know that their plan had failed, they would be dead.

"But can you beat Rob Lucci? I don't believe it!"

"You will believe it."

Shinrak smiled. What about now? Rob Lucci has entered his observation Haki field, less than a hundred meters away from Shinrak.

Shinrak jumped out of the window, jumped to the balcony of the other side, and climbed over the wall to the roof.

He looked ahead and saw an agile figure in a black suit.

"He found me?"

Rob Lucci was surprised. Now he was the one looking for Shen Luo, but the other party was waiting for him!

"No, he's not wearing a mask!"

He remembered Shen Luo's figure and could easily recognize him. Unlike what he had seen in the past few days, Shen Luo was not wearing a mask now.

"He is...Shenluo?"

"God falls! That's right!"

Rob Lucci couldn't help but stop, but the other party came quickly.

This is the roof, the residence of the Seven Water City

"No wonder he is so strong, it turns out he is the young man who killed the Celestial Dragon!"

"I didn't expect to see him here!"

"Well, if I can get rid of him, I will have done a great job!"

Rob Lucci is very confident in his own strength. He is a genius trained by the World Government. Without using the Devil Fruit, his Dao Power is 4,000.

He is the one who has practiced the Six Styles to the highest level.

"Rob Lucci."

Shen Luo is coming.

Rob Lucci's expression is cold:"I didn't expect it was you!"

"Rob Lucci, the leader of CP9"

"CP9?"The calm Rob Lucci was shocked and couldn't believe it.

Rob Lucci's face was a little bad:"You caught Kalifa? And then she said we are CP9?"

Shenluo:"I knew it a long time ago, there is no need for her to say it"

"Are you holding her captive now?"

"I turned her against me"

"incite defection?"

"In short, she is betraying you and the Five Elders."

"You surprised me."

Rob Lucci's face was cold:"You are really a dangerous person, people like you must die!"

Rob Lucci clenched his fists and rushed towards Shenluo.

"Six King Spears!"

Rob Lucci roared, and put his fists together with terrifying power, and even a fist wind was raging! ps: I'm not free in the morning, I'll update in the afternoon.

Kalifa treats her as transparent, I left her on the boat, and I'm worried about being scolded if I kill her.

Finally, I ask for flowers, evaluation tickets, and monthly tickets.

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