At the top of the Red Earth Continent, the holy land of Marijoa, the deepest part of Pangu City, in the Flower Room.

Hundreds of flowers bloomed and the fragrance of flowers filled the air.

This was the Flower Room, where the king of the Celestial Dragons and the true ruler of the World Government, Im, lived.

Im, he was standing in the center of the Flower Room, holding the bounty order for Shenluo in his hand, his eagle-like eyes revealed a coldness, but no one knew what he was thinking.

""Lord Yim, your dinner is ready!"

At this time, a beautiful maid in a maid outfit said respectfully outside the door of the Flower Room. She lowered her head slightly, looking at Yim with awe in her eyes.

Yim did not speak. He turned around, holding the bounty order in his right hand and walked out of the Flower Room, and the maid followed him.

Tap, tap, tap, in the quiet corridor outside the Flower Room, there was only the rhythmic footsteps, one by one, gradually going away.

In another building, that was the Power Room where the Five Elders usually held meetings.

Now, they were in the Power Room, and their expressions were all serious and solemn.

The Five Elders, on the surface, were the masters of the World Government, but in fact, Yim was the one. The person the Five Elders feared was Yim.

"Lord Im may be furious!"

The old man with the sword spoke first.

He was holding the first generation of Kitetsu, and possessing one of the twelve supreme swords.

It seemed to indicate that he might be a great swordsman!

The world only knows that Hawkeye Mihawk is the world's number one great swordsman, but there may not be no great swordsmen of the same level or even stronger.

Maybe they are living in seclusion in a corner of the world.

The short-haired old man was helpless:"Maybe he is really angry!

Another Celestial Dragon died, and the culprit is still at large.

This is undoubtedly a provocation to the supreme power of the Celestial Dragons!


The old man with the cane was furious:"The ability of the Navy Headquarters to do things is getting worse and worse. A mere small pirate can let them escape! That bastard Garp was there at the time. Do we need to get rid of him? Garp is openly against all Celestial Dragons!"

The old man with a mustache reminded,"Don't even think about Garp. We can't cover up his military exploits and reputation. If people know that we will purge Garp, then the prestige of the World Government will be completely shattered! Moreover, Garp's strength is there, and we need his kind of combat power."

The old man with long hair also spoke,"That kid is no ordinary guy!

He has already defeated Sakaski!

His strength makes me uneasy!

I'm afraid that the balance of the world will tilt because of this!

A terrible situation that we can't control will happen!

" What he said was that Shenluo, who has the powerful strength to defeat Akainu, may grow into a pirate emperor in the future.

The current balance of the world relies on the navy and the Seven Warlords of the Sea to balance the world and achieve the situation of curbing the power of the Four Emperors.

However, if the fifth pirate emperor appears in the new world, this balance will be completely broken or even out of control, and the times will go out of control!

This is something that the Five Elders cannot control, and they don't want to see, and Lord Im doesn't want to see it even more!

The old man with the sword said in a cold tone,"Do you know his dual fruit ability? According to the available information, he possesses two abilities, one is very similar to the Tremor-Tremor Fruit, and the other is completely the Freeze-Freeze Fruit.

Regardless of why his body can accommodate two devil fruit abilities, just looking at his two abilities, he is fully qualified to be the new Pirate Emperor!

As long as he doesn't die!

He will definitely reach this point!


"Indeed, youth is the capital for growth. In addition, the data also shows that he has other powerful means, three-color domineering, monster-like physical fitness, and the flame sword. Aokiji was actually burned by the flame of this sword! It can be seen that this sword is not an ordinary item! Is it the supreme sword?"

"The unknown knife that ate the Flame Fruit, but it's very strange, what is the Flame Fruit? We have all seen the Devil Fruit Encyclopedia, and there is no Flame Fruit or Explosion Fruit in the Encyclopedia.

As for freezing, apart from Kuzan's Freeze-Freeze Fruit, there is only one Devil Fruit called the Snow-Snow Fruit, but it is also a lower level of the Freeze-Freeze Fruit and does not have the freezing effect of the Freeze-Freeze Fruit at all, so I am very curious, what exactly is the ability of that little devil?"

"Could it be that he has been hiding all this time?"

After saying this, the five old men fell silent. It was indeed possible that there was such a thing. There were only a few Devil Fruit Encyclopedias in the world, and few people had seen them.

Old Man Sword suddenly said,"You should also know that the Devil Fruits recorded in the Devil Fruit Encyclopedias are not necessarily all the Devil Fruits. After all, they are too old, and the dusty history cannot be re-opened, and we don't know the origin of the Devil Fruits."

The old man with the cane wondered,"So his Devil Fruit ability might be the ability that is not recorded in the encyclopedia?"


The short-haired old man suddenly had an idea:"It would be best if we could catch him, although I know it's unlikely. If we can capture him and let Vegapunk study him, maybe we can find out why one person can have two devil fruit abilities."

"It is estimated that he is unique, because there is no history. In the past two days, many pirates have tried to eat two devil fruits, but all died tragically. So, he is just a special case."

In the power room, the five elders have been discussing the fall of the gods. After about an hour, the door of the power room was gently pushed open.

""Master Five Elders, Master Im is waiting for you all."

The Celestial Dragon guard who pushed open the door said respectfully.

The faces of the Five Elders changed, and they stood up without saying anything. They did not dare to waste any time, and they quickly rushed to the place where the Void Throne was.

At this time, in the room where the Void Throne was located.

Im was walking up the dozens of meters long stairs step by step. He walked around the pool full of weapons and walked to the second step. Above was the most honorable throne in the world, representing the throne at the pinnacle of power.

That position is the center of the world. No one sits on the seat, which symbolizes peace. Someone sitting on the seat symbolizes corruption and inequality. The throne is no longer the throne at the beginning. The

Void Throne, also known as the Vacant Throne, was founded eight hundred years ago by the founders of the World Government, the twenty kings. The nineteen kings except Alabasta moved to the holy land of Marijoa, and the Void Throne was established. The throne symbolizes equality, and no one is allowed to sit on it, so it is called the vacant throne.

When someone sits on the vacant throne, it means the corruption of power.

For eight hundred years, the privileged Celestial Dragons have been doing evil, and corruption has long been bred.

Yimu sat on the Void Throne, and from that supreme position, he looked down at everything below. He was accustomed to all this, and he had no burden. What he had to worry about was not being condemned by the world for sitting on the throne, and not many people in the world even knew of his existence. He was the king of the Celestial Dragons and the pinnacle of the world's nobility. What he had to worry about was that someone would push him off the altar! However, this was also impossible!

At this time, the Five Elders came in.

They knelt on one knee respectfully, facing their Lord Yimu, and Yimu, who was sitting on the Void Throne, looked down at them.

"The Five Elders come to pay their respects to Lord Yimu!"

The Five Elders spoke respectfully and in a loud voice.

"Please tell me, Lord Yim, which lamp you want to extinguish!"

The old man with the mustache spoke first.

The old man with the sword said:"We will certainly not let Lord Yim down."

Facing the person on the void throne, the Five Elders were sweating. Unlike their usual high position, at this moment, facing the most honorable person among the Celestial Dragons, they could not suppress their inner awe and trembling!

At this time, Yim on the void throne threw out the bounty order for Shenluo. Before the bounty order fell to the ground, a dagger shot out from Yim's hand and hit the photo of Shenluo in the bounty order. The broken knife pierced the bounty order and flew through the air, and finally stuck on the floor in front of the Five Elders.

The Five Elders saw the bounty order clearly. It was Shenluo!

Shenluo , he is the light that Im wants to extinguish!

He killed three Celestial Dragons, which made Im extremely afraid. When a mortal dares to try to shake the power of God, his end is only death.

But Shenluo killed God! Even if he is not a real God, he is indeed a God in the eyes of countless people.

Celestial Dragons cannot be violated by anyone.

It is Im's way to settle historical accounts by extinguishing the lights.

However, no matter what, the new world is still not under their control, and the rule they want to maintain is becoming more and more out of control! ps: That, among the five elders and Im, except for the one with a knife, no one knows whether the others have any ability, or how strong they are, and no one knows their names. Im doesn't know whether he is a man or a woman, so"he" is used here. No matter what, I saw some fans made Im a woman and also accepted the heroine.

Starting from the next chapter, the perspective returns to the protagonist and writes about Fishman Island. If it is not well written, you can mention it. It will not be eunuch, so subscribe with confidence.

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