When the dawn sun descended on the sea of the new world, a new day had arrived.

With the escort of the sea kings, the Monarch easily reached the sea surface and had a smooth journey.

"New world!"

Shen Luo looked at the vast sea ahead, the water was sparkling and reflected the sunlight.

A new world means a new journey. This is the beginning of Shen Luo's true journey to hegemony. With power, Shen Luo will never be just a small figure! Instead, he will be the one who can influence this world!

The king of the world!

"It's time to release Esdeath!"

Although a long time has passed, Shenluo has not forgotten Esdeath. With perfect character investment, he has the opportunity to summon real characters. The so-called disappeared characters are summoned from the original world of that dimensional character, rather than the system copying one!

Esdeath from the real world.

The Esdeath summoned by Shenluo this time is not the Esdeath in the timeline of the original work, but the Esdeath whose plot in the original work has undergone important changes a month ago. The original timeline is that Esdeath later met Tatsumi, but the timeline after this change is that after Esdeath met the Night Raid Organization, they quickly eliminated them. All members including Tatsumi were eliminated, and no Esdeath was left alive! Even the

Esdeath in this timeline is more powerful. Later, he overthrew the rule of the original empire and let himself rule the world, truly Become a queen of a generation.

This powerful and terrifying woman should be treated with caution!

Shen Luo called up the character template.

Character: Esdeath.

Age: 26.

People loyal to: None.

Personality: I am the only one, cruel, cold-blooded, super S.

Ability: Ice Emperor, Demon God Appearance, Demon Essence!

Overall review: difficult to conquer, conquering conditions: defeat.

It is indeed troublesome, because in addition to appearance and ability, this Esdeath is not the Esdeath that Shen Luo knows. The change of the timeline also leads to the change of the character's experience. The change of the character's experience naturally leads to the fluctuation of the life trajectory and personality of the entire character.

This is the Esdeath who reigns over the world, that is, she is not a general, but a king. Generals and kings are completely different things. Generals are inferior to others, and kings are supreme!

Supreme, I am the only one!

This is normal!

So, this is the trouble, Shen Luo has to conquer the other party!

"Kalifa, I'm going to be away for an hour or so. Make breakfast first and I'll be back soon.

Shenluo said hello to Kalifa and flew away from the Monarch.

"Hey, sir, where are you going?……"

Kalifa watched Shenluo leave without looking back, nor did he answer Kalifa's words.

""Oh! My Lord Shenluo!"

Kalifa was extremely helpless.

"Forget it, let me make breakfast for the adults and wash the clothes first!"

Kalifa turned and entered the kitchen. She tied an apron on her head and became a more and more qualified cook.

Ten minutes later, to the east of the Monarch's sailing direction, it was about a thousand meters away from the Monarch.

Flying a thousand meters in ten minutes is nothing for Shenluo. It is just like running a thousand meters in ten minutes, which may be considered slow.

Shenluo landed on the sea and used the freezing ability of the Ice Imperial to freeze a large area of the sea in an instant.

It can be said that the freezing power of the Ice Imperial is above Aokiji's Freeze-Freeze Fruit, for example By the way, if Aokiji needs to freeze an area of sea, it may take more than ten seconds for Aokiji to use Ice Age or Freezing Moment to freeze the same area and thickness of ice. However, it takes only one second for the Ice Imperial to use the freezing power! Two seconds is too late!

This is the horror of the Ice Imperial. It freezes the sea in an instant, just in a wave of the hand!

Shenluo froze a sea area with a diameter of about 500 meters, and the thickness of the ice layer is more than one meter.

At this time, there was no one in the vast sea, only Shenluo stood in the center of the ice.

"System, use the summoning opportunity to summon Esdeath!"

"Confirm the call!"


"Ding! Esdeath is being summoned, a space-time rift has appeared, please be prepared!"

At this time, in the world of Akame ga Kill, the world after the timeline was modified, or the parallel world was similar, Esdeath, who had become the queen who ruled the empire, was sitting alone on the supreme throne, her right hand supporting her cheek, yawning, feeling a little drowsy.

Even though she was already the king of the world, Esdeath was still wearing her old imperial uniform, but compared to when she was a general, she now had a more domineering temperament, and even the ministers below did not dare to disrespect her.

"Do you have to report this to me? Those who don't obey will be killed. Why waste words?"Esdeath didn't even look at them and said this directly. The borders of the empire had been pacified long ago, and the enemy countries had been overthrown by her. The incompetent monarchs of the previous generations were also killed by her own hands. Then, she ascended to the supreme throne.

"It was a boring world. Even as a monarch, there was nothing worth lingering on. People were still so lonely. It was better to say that they were invincible, but too lonely."

Esdeath sighed, a little helpless, and then she left the throne without listening to the ministers in the palace. She wanted to go back to sleep.

When she returned to her residence, invisible space fluctuations came, and a powerful force was pulling her, which made Esdeath a little confused for a while.

"Teigu? What Teigu? Where do you want to take me?"

"This is ridiculous! You actually want to pull me, Esdeath, away!"

"Let me see how powerful you are. How dare you offend me, Esdeath!"

Esdeath sneered. She tried to resist this force of space. She looked down on the user of this force of space because he didn't even dare to show up?

"This power seems extraordinary……"

"I can't resist!"

Esdeath's face changed slightly. She was actually���To summon her summoning power, her power seemed very weak! At this moment, a red magic circle appeared under Esdeath's feet. She appeared under Esdeath's feet and spun slowly. There were words that Esdeath could not understand at all. At the same time, the magic circle also emitted a strong and dazzling light, and a more powerful summoning power quickly blessed Esdeath!

"What kind of power is this? I can't resist it, and it's suppressing me.……"

"And I couldn't leave! My feet seemed to be blocked, or I couldn't move at all, as if countless unruly hands were holding me back, preventing me from leaving this circular red formation.……"

Esdeath, who had been invincible for many years, was shocked by this power. She had been invincible in this world for several years or even longer, but now there seemed to be someone stronger than her. Was that person using special power to take her away?

Esdeath clearly felt that the magic circle under her feet had a huge power that seemed to force her to another place. Esdeath even saw a young man waiting for her?

""Interesting! Let me see who you are. You actually have such a powerful force! Are you stronger than me?"

Esdeath laughed excitedly and gave up resisting. At the moment she gave up resisting, the red light of the magic circle became more dazzling. At that moment, Esdeath disappeared, and then the magic circle disappeared as well. It seemed that nothing had happened at the place, except that Esdeath would never appear in this world again! ps: Except for some changes in the character's experiences, nothing else has changed about Esdeath.

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