Pirates: Invincible At The Beginning

Chapter 46 It's Nice To Be Young

Behind the island is a hidden cave that only allows one ship to pass through.

Inside the cave is a huge pier. At this time, countless people on the pier are rushing towards several warships and dozens of large and small sailboats in the harbor.

These people were all dark and thin, and pitted scars could still be seen through the holes in their tattered clothes.

And some of the wounds were still bleeding yellow and red.

From the looks of it, it was obvious that it must have been beaten by the whip for a long time, new injuries added to old ones, and it would not heal at all.

However, their eyes at this time were not gloomy with despair, but filled with the brilliance of hope.


Because, their king, the king of their Bath Kingdom, "Bath Bada", came to rescue and welcome them.

They moved forward excitedly, the brilliance in their eyes was even inferior to the golden brilliance of the setting sun.

Bada stood on the pier next to the Liberty, looking at his citizens of the Kingdom of Bath passing by him one by one, looking at their appearance, deep self-blame flashed in his eyes.

These citizens can be said to be entirely caused by his impulse three years ago.

But he didn't know that even if he didn't save Liya, the World Government would find an excuse to destroy the Kingdom of Bath.

Who is the Kingdom of Bath, the closest to here!

On one of the Marine warships, Melason and his adjutant stood quietly at the bow, looking downcastly at the civilians on the pier.

Qiqi was silent, while the Marine soldiers behind them quickly helped maintain order and delivered food and water to everyone on board.

After going through this incident, their justice will definitely be impacted!

They just don’t know how many of them who faced the darkness of the world for the first time can truly stand firm in Marine’s justice and the justice in their hearts afterwards.

They glanced at Melason standing at the bow, and everyone's heart was not as calm as it appeared on the surface.

Blatantly violating the World government and helping to transport these civilians and slaves, you will definitely be punished by Naval Headquarters and World government afterwards!

But it doesn't matter, their base leaders are not afraid, what are they afraid of!

Thinking of this, they looked at the emaciated civilians who were gradually filling the entire deck, and the trace of hesitation about punishment after the incident flickered in their eyes.

What is justice?

What they are doing at this moment is justice to them.

After everyone boarded the boat, the boats on the hidden pier lined up one by one, rowed out of the pier in an orderly manner, set sail on the sea outside the cave, and headed towards Bass Island.

At this moment, everyone was attracted by a loud voice.

Everyone looked up at the sky together, and saw a scene they would never forget in their lifetime.

I saw that in the distant sky, the whole sky was suddenly cut open by something with a huge crack, and the clouds were pouring into this crack like sea water.

Through the crack, they can even see the starry sky that is invisible during the day.

And the setting sun is penetrating through the crack, swaying down below with a golden light that is not dazzling.

This ray of light is like the light of hope in the eyes of the civilians and slaves on these ships. Although it is the afterglow, it is warm enough.

"It actually did this step."

Melason stood on the bow of the warship with a cigar in his mouth, looking up at the sky with surprise in his eyes.

"Is it made by silver hair?"

Dai Wei, who was standing beside Merason, looked at the crack in the sky with shock on his face.

Even though he knew that only silver-haired people on the island could perform such a slash, he still couldn't help asking.

Melason didn't answer, because they all knew who did it.

On the bow of the Liberty, Bada and the others also heard the sound and raised their heads together.

Indigo is not used to it.

And the three of Ahua looked at the sky with excitement.

They have seen such a scene more than once, but every time they see it, they can't help being excited.

These three guys were covered in bandages, instead of resting in the infirmary, they insisted on running out to watch the fun.

It seems that the spirit of the battle with the CP organization has not been completely exhausted!

Compared with the three of Ahua, Bada is much better.

They didn't encounter particularly strong resistance on the way to save people. They were all some strong but not strong mine guards.

Although he still can't make a full shot, it is easy to deal with the guards.

It took them half a day to rescue all the people, mainly because the mines on the island were too complicated.

Although the island is not big and there are not many mines, the passages in the mines are like countless ant holes, extending in all directions.

This made them take a lot of detours. If it weren't for the full search and rescue, and the help of the civilians and slaves in the mine, they might not have walked the entire mine now.

Bada looked up at the sky, and then turned his eyes to the right. At this time, the ship had sailed a certain distance, and he could already see the beach where they landed on the island before.

"Buster Call?"

Although he had already known everything about the pier from Indigo, when he saw the ten huge warships stranded outside the beach in the shallow water, he still couldn't help but feel a little scared.

If only he and his little brothers came this time, they would have been destroyed together with this small island by now!

These ships are not the warships we usually see, but huge warships specially built for destruction. Two or three ships can destroy a small country, but now there are ten ships.

Thinking of this, he looked at the two battlefields fighting on the beach in the distance, and the gratitude in his eyes became even stronger.

"thanks, thanks."

"Okay, don't look, our challenge is not over yet!"

Indygo laughed and patted Bada on the shoulder, "Night sailing on the Grand Line is not a small challenge!"

Bada turned to look at Indigo with a serious face and firm eyes, "The hardest part has been blocked by Sorata, and we will leave it to us!"

"Well! Don't be so nervous, we have a world-class navigator on board!"


Indigo laughed and turned to look at Alo, "Alo, I will leave it to you next."

When Aluo heard Indigo calling him, he quickly turned his head to look at Indigo, and then met Bada's gaze, his eyes flashed with confidence.

"Don't worry, I'm an ant-man who ate an ant fruit, and I can feel changes in the surrounding weather within a certain range."

Bada looked at A Luo with gratitude in his eyes, as long as he sailed on the Grand Line, there would be no ships that are not afraid of the weather here.

He believed in Arlo, no, he believed in everyone in the Silver Hair Pirates.

Because they not only saved him, but also saved the whole Kingdom of Bath.

"Thank you Arlo."


A Luo stretched out his hand and patted Bada on the shoulder, "Thank you so much! Hahahahaha..."

As he said that, he laughed out loud.

"Hmph~ what are you proud of! Proud."

Looking at A Luo's proud face, A Hua raised the bar subconsciously.

"Hmm... what are you talking about?"

As soon as A Luo stopped laughing, he turned his head to look at A Hua, frowning slightly.

"What? Isn't it just that you can sense the weather? If it weren't for my radish, you would have fallen on the battlefield long ago."

"You bastard, do you want to fight?"



As they spoke, the heads of these two guys were pushed together.

Bada looked at A Luo and A Hua in surprise, and wanted to go up to fight, but just as he was about to act, A Tao stopped him.

A Tao smoked a cigarette and looked calmly at the beach in the distance, "Don't pay attention to them, these two guys are born with conflicting personalities, and they have been fighting since childhood."

Said he waved his hand, "It's okay."


Bada looked curiously at A Luo and A Hua who were already facing each other with fists and feet, the corners of his mouth raised, and a smile gradually appeared on his face.

He almost forgot that, except for Indigo, the silver-haired gang was all seventeen or eighteen-year-old boys.

"It's nice to be young!"

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