Pirates: Invincible At The Beginning

Chapter 48 Buster Call Still Going On?


The golden light flashed, and Kizaru condensed into a figure.

He looked at Sorata, leaned his chin forward, and said with a choked mouth: "It's so dangerous! I was almost buried in it."

As he said that, he looked down at the cave like an ant's nest exposed due to the collapse, thoughtfully.

"Is that the goal this time?"

"You really can't let the outside world know!"

From these mines, he can even see countless skeletons in the pits specially used for throwing corpses. It must be a lot of people who have died in these mines in the past few decades!

"Stop kidding, okay!"

Sorata withdrew her gaze from looking down, and turned to look at Kizaru, "You old man, you are really terrifyingly strong!"

Fighting all night, except for the three shallow wounds left on this guy's body by the first knife swallow.

The guy was unharmed.

Although Kizaru can't do anything to him, but he can't do anything to Kizaru either.

Although teleportation seems invincible, but if you want to hurt someone, the moment you teleport past, you must swing your knife!

For those who are well-informed and have rich combat experience, this moment is enough for them to deal with it.

His space domain can't restrict such a strong person yet.

And this guy's fruit development has really reached a very high level. Even if he hits this guy with the blade wrapped around Emission, it won't do much damage to this guy.

To compete with these Logia's top powerhouses, they can only be exhausted, until their physical strength declines, and they can't maintain their elementalization, otherwise they really won't be able to win.

On the sea outside the island, ten warships were floating there.

The warships had long been out of the shallow waters under the wind pressure of the Sorata and Kizaru battles.

And outside the infirmary on one of the warships, the non-commissioned officers of ten warships all stood in the aisle, their eyes were fixed on the door of the infirmary, and their faces were unprecedentedly dignified.

Although the doctor said that the four Vice Admirals are not in danger of life, but the infirmary has not been opened, so their hearts have been hanging.

As for going to the island to help Vice Admiral and Polusalino Admiral, forget it!

When they go, they just add to the chaos, and they still have this bit of self-knowledge.

at this time.


The door of the infirmary was suddenly opened from the inside, and the non-commissioned officers quickly stood up and surrounded them.

He asked several doctors who came out of the infirmary: "How is it? Doctor, are the four Vice Admirals all right?"

"It's fine, and fortunately it was delivered in time, otherwise it would be really difficult to perform surgery."

"It's also fortunate that there are enough people on board to find matching blood. Otherwise, we can only return to the voyage as soon as possible to rescue them."

"Those four Vice Admirals..."

The leading doctor took off his gloves and waved his hands, "Don't worry, the wound is deep, but it's not fatal enough. I'm awake now, you can go in and have a look."

As he spoke, he parted the crowd and led the other doctors behind him out.

The one-night rescue also made them terribly tired, so they should go to have a good rest now!

As he walked, he murmured in his heart, "That silver hair is really scary! He actually injured the four Vice Admirals so badly, it is said that only one knife was used."

Thinking of this, he couldn't help shivering, as if the domineering aura that stunned him was about to come again.

Being stunned is not a good experience!

In the infirmary, more than a dozen colonels entered together, while other non-commissioned officers waited at the door.

In fact, the Marine soldiers on the ship had woken up a long time ago, but the Vice Admirals were still in a coma. The ghost spider Vice Admiral and Polusalino Admiral were still fighting the silver-haired pirate on the island, and they couldn't get off for a while. The decision is to wait until the Vice Admirals who are qualified to give orders wake up.

After the colonels entered, they breathed a sigh of relief when they saw the Vice Admirals leaning on the four medical beds.

Then they quickly stood in a row and saluted the Vice Admirals.

"Hello Huoshaoshan, Flying Squirrel, Dauberman, Stolo Berry Vice Admiral!"

Huoshaoshan, smoking a cigarette, with a smile on his face as always, his eyes squinted, as if they were not open, he looked at the colonels and asked.

"What's going on outside now?"

A colonel took a step forward and said seriously: "Master Ghost Spider is still fighting against Blue Hair, while Master Polusalino is fighting Sorata in the center of the island."

"Since Lord Polusalino and Sorata are fighting too fast, it's impossible to see clearly, so we don't know their situation now."


"But what?"

Dauberman, whose face seemed to be gloomy, asked.

The colonel hesitated for a moment, and then said: "However, Master Ghost Spider is not in very good condition. Judging from the battle between him and Lanfa, the opponent seems to have unlimited physical strength, causing Lord Ghost Spider to suffer a lot of injuries."

"Blue hair?"

The flying squirrel showed doubts on his face, and then he thought of something, and a flash of clarity flashed in his eyes.

"It can't be the little girl Kuina from the silver-haired pirates! If I remember correctly, her arrest warrant is only 20 million Berry?"

"It has grown to the point where it can injure ghost spiders so quickly."

He was amazed as he said that.

No one in the infirmary could answer the flying squirrel's question.

The colonel looked at the flying squirrel, and asked, "Um, uh...Master Vice Admiral, do you still want to complete the 'Buster Call'?"

This is their main task this time, and it is also the question they have been waiting for all night.

There has never been a Buster Call like this one. It has been half a day and not a single shell has been fired.

"Buster Call!"

The Vice Admirals were all taken aback.

They almost forgot the main purpose of this time.

Before landing on the island, Polusalino gave them instructions, and the target was not the silver-haired group, but the island.

In the past, when dealing with big pirates, the Buster Calls were all far away to wash the ground with shells. Even if the big pirates know Conqueror's Haki, their Haki can't radiate so far, so they can't pose a threat to the soldiers on the warship.

But the silver-haired guy is different, this guy can fly, teleport, and appear directly on their ship.

At such a close distance, the Conqueror's Haki broke out, not to mention the bottom Marines, even some non-commissioned officers who were not strong enough were stunned and fell to the ground.

The flying squirrel tore off the quilt covering his lap and sat up.

"Vice Admiral..."

The colonel looked at the flying squirrel with concern.

The flying squirrel stood up, took the Marine justice cloak at the side, and waved his hand, "It's okay, it's just a little bit of an injury, it's still fine to walk."

As he spoke, he put his coat on his body, turned his head to look at the three Vice Admirals lying on the bed, and said, "I'll go out and have a look, you guys have a good rest."

Facing Sorata's slash, he was the last one, so relatively speaking, he was the least injured, and he can still walk up to now, but the three of Huoshaoshan can't even walk.

After speaking, he took the lead and left the infirmary with the colonels.

The three Vice Admirals lying on the bed wanted to struggle to get up, but the pain in their chests told them that it was better not to move. They had no choice but to look at the back of the flying squirrel, their eyes full of resentment.

Facing Sorata this time, they did lose.

This guy's slash made them feel like facing the Four Emperors' attack alone.


Ridiculously strong.

If their Armament Haki hadn't blocked 99% of the damage, they might have been split in two on the spot.

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