It wasn't until Liberty disappeared under the sea level in the distance that after a long time, the people on the shore gradually looked back and turned to look at Bada.


Liya turned around, looked up at Bada, and reached out to grab his arm, "It's time to go back, the country and its citizens are still waiting for us!"


Bada turned his head, glanced at Liya, then turned around and shouted to the younger brothers behind and the citizens on the shore: "Go back, rebuild your homeland, rebuild Bath, we want the future of Bath to be worthy of The banner given to us by Silver Hair."

"Yes, my lord."

The little brothers and the citizens, looking at Bada and their king, raised their hands together and roared loudly.

The sound was firmer than ever.


Liberty, helm room.

With a "creak", the wooden door of the wheelhouse was pushed open by Arlo.

With a stack of papers in his hand, he walked excitedly to the sofa in the wheelhouse.

Seeing the figure standing in front of him, Ah Hua raised his head and shouted loudly: "You are not standing guard outside, what are you doing running in, get out of the way, and block my sight."

At this time, everyone on the ship gathered in the wheelhouse, and they were all lying on the sofa, watching with relish. The picture projected in the eyes of the giant phone bug behind him on the white cloth on the opposite wall.

Sorata asked Morgons for this screen phone bug, and he also asked for other phone bugs for easy contact.

As for the phone bug, of course it is to kill the boredom during the journey.

Although there are some old news, and some singing and dancing videos such as concerts, but for everyone who has never seen this thing, it is very amazing and very new!

Speaking of which, it is really amazing to show the phone bug, and it can actually tune the channels like a TV.

Except that there are fewer programs, it is exactly the same as the TV in his previous life.

"What's the matter, Arlo?"

Sensing Aluo's emotions, Sorata withdrew her gaze from staring at the white cloth opposite, and turned to look at Aluo.


Arlo bent down and slapped the paper in his hand on the coffee table in front of the sofa.

Looking up at Sorata, "Our new bounty."


Hearing that it was a reward order, everyone on the sofa turned their eyes to the coffee table.

A Luo didn't hold back, picked up the reward orders, spread them on the coffee table one by one, and talked while laying.

"The captain of the Silver Hair Pirates, 'Silver Hair Sorata', offers a reward of 1.5 billion Berry."

"How many?"

A Tao stopped smoking, and looked at A Luo with shock in his eyes.

"1.5 billion!"

"What's the fuss about this, this is Sorata, I think 1.5 billion is too little!"

A Luo replied, and despised A Tao.

He completely forgot that when he saw Sorata's 500 million reward order for the first time, he was the one who was the most shocked.

A Tao pursed her lips, looked away, and turned to look at A Hua.

When he saw Ah Hua's calm expression, he quickly turned his head and took a deep breath of the cigarette.

"It turned out that he was the only one shocked!"

Yes, this is Sorata!

1.5 billion, trivial.

Thinking of this, his smoking movements became smoother, and his whole body relaxed, as if his spirit had suddenly sublimated.

"Nothing will shock him again."

Ah Luo continued, spreading out the next reward order.

"Silver Hair Pirates, combatants, 'Blue Hair Kuina', reward, 250 million Berry."

A Hua's body trembled, and A Tao stopped smoking again.

He turned his head and looked at each other, then turned away together.

"It's okay, isn't it just 250 million! For Kuina, it's nothing."

Kuina did not increase much. After the town of Rogge, her bounty rose to 70 million, the same as the first time for Sorata.

Although the increase is not as exaggerated as Sorata, it will shock the sea if you think about it!

After all, Kuina is one year younger than Sorata!

The 16-year-old great swordsman is still the one who has had an inseparable fight with the Marine elite Vice Admiral.

Although the radish that restores physical strength is helping, it cannot erase the fact that Kuina is already a strong person.

"250 million?"

Kuina looked at his reward order on the coffee table, nodded his head, and a smile appeared in his eyes.

She didn't really care about the reward order, but this kind of high reward reflected the Marine and World government's recognition of her strength from the side.

This kind of recognition will inevitably make people feel happy.

A Luo glanced at Kuina, quickly looked away, continued to offer a reward, looked up at Indigo and smiled, "This time it's Dr. Indigo."

"Oh! Is there any more for me?"

Indigo was taken aback, and quickly sat up straight, looking at the reward order in Arlo's hand.

A Luo moved his hand away from the reward order, and showed the whole picture of the reward order.

"Silver-haired pirates, ship doctor, 'dr. Indigo', reward, 20 million Berry."


Indigo looked at the reward order on the coffee table, chuckled, then turned to look at Sorata, "Captain, I didn't get a reward on the Golden Lion ship, and I didn't expect to follow you. It's only been a few days before I was offered a reward." gone."

He grinned at the corner of his mouth and laughed loudly, "Kalekal!! You have to protect me from now on!"

When he first boarded the boat, he didn't dare to joke with Sorata, but after so many days of getting along, he has already integrated into the silver-haired group very well.

"Don't worry, with me here, no one can hurt any of you."


Sorata picked up the teacup on the coffee table, handed it to her mouth, took a sip, and then raised her head to signal for Arlo to continue.

Since Indigo, who is equivalent to a person who did not participate in the war, has a reward, then the three of Aluo must also have it. I think this is the reason for Aluo's excitement!

"What's next is the main event!"

Arlo's eyes showed excitement.

A Hua and A Tao also sat up straight.

For those who had already prepared, being offered a reward was something they had been looking forward to for a long time!

If there is a reward, it proves that they are no longer nameless chickens in the sea.

Didn't make people wait for a long time, A Luo spread out the reward and said directly.

"The silver-haired pirates, 'Momotaro', offer a reward of 30 million Berry."

"What? Only offered a reward of 30 million!"

Momotaro, that is, A Tao, their real names certainly do not start with the word A!

A Tao is just a name for those who have been close to them since childhood.

A Tao looked at the reward order and waved his hands with an indifferent attitude, but from the upturned corner of his mouth, it could be seen that his mood at the moment was not as simple as it appeared on the surface.


A Hua gave A Tao a contemptuous look, then turned to look at A Luo, his eyes full of expectation.

"Silver-haired pirates, 'Lotus', offer a reward of 50 million Berry."


A Tao stopped smoking for the third time, he looked up at A Luo, and spoke loudly.

"Why is your reward so much higher than mine?"

"Hahaha!! Of course it's because my strength is higher than yours!"

A Luo looked at A Tao's surprised look, with a smug expression on his face, he continued to smile: "You don't even think about how many people I killed on the battlefield, but you..."

He looked at A Tao, but did not continue.

"Are you guys trying to make gestures?"

A Tao threw the cigarette in his hand into the ashtray on the coffee table, and wanted to stand up and challenge A Luo to a duel.

But just as his butt left the sofa, he was pushed back by Ahua.

In the past, A Tao was the mediator of the three of them, but now it is A Hua.

A Hua patted A Tao on the shoulder and said with a smile: "Okay, okay, isn't it 20 million! Next time, next time you will definitely surpass him."

As he said that, he turned his head to look at A Luo, probably looking at the last reward order in A Luo's hand, his eyes shone with gold.

"Quickly, what about mine? How much is mine?"



A Luo picked up the last reward order in his hand, unfolded it, looked down, and suddenly froze in place, as if he saw something incredible.

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