The Afro fighter who was walking with him, also known as "Chromalimon", also stopped quickly.

He turned to look at Jess and asked, "What's wrong?"

Jess stared at the sea outside the harbor without looking back: "That guy Hawkeye is here again."


Cromarimon shook his body, turned his head quickly, followed Jess' gaze, and looked out of the harbor, only to see the sparkling sea in the distance, and on the sea level, a group of black shadows was rapidly approaching here .

When he saw Xiaozhou's appearance clearly, his whole face collapsed.

In the past few months, Mihawk has come to Magnetic Drum Island from time to time.

Every time he came, he would live in the palace on Cigu Mountain for a few days, as if the palace was his home.

At first they resisted.

But after being cleaned up by Mihawk, it's all honest.

Even their king, Wapol, keeps away every time he sees this guy.

He quickly turned around and looked up at Wapol on the hippo.

"Your Majesty, that fellow Hawkeye is here again."


Wapol's happy face froze, and he quickly looked around, "Where, where?"

"Out there on the sea."


Wapol quickly looked out of the harbor. When he saw the familiar figure, he let out a big breath, then turned around, clamped the hippopotamus with his legs, and patted the hippopotamus' neck with both hands.

"Robson, go."

He didn't want to meet that Hawkeye guy!

That guy has bullied him miserably these past few months.

Not only occupied his palace, but also occupied his food.

Hiss——! !

Robson, the furry hippopotamus Wapol was riding, threw his head back and let out a cry.

Then he lowered his head, sprayed two puffs of white air from his nose, and stepped forward quickly.

Seeing the hippopotamus running past, Cromarimon and Jess quickly turned around and followed.

They are going to the Holy Land Mariejois soon.

Hawkeye, come here!

This time they won't have to face this terrifying monster.

After a while, Wapol and his crew all boarded the Iron King.

As soon as these guys boarded the ship, they quickly hid in the cabin, leaving only a few necessary sailors who started the ship.

Mihawk's small boat sailed slowly into the harbor, and passed between Marine's warship and the Iron King, while the people on the boats on both sides looked at Mihawk without making a sound.

Beside the military ship, the young Rear Admiral looked down at Mihawk, his pupils constricted slightly, and his face was serious.

Although he knew that Hawkeye was nearby, he never thought that he would meet him so easily.

Looking at the small boat below, he routinely asked loudly: "Hawkeye Mihawk, why are you here?"

Hearing the shout, Mihawk raised his head and put his hand on the brim of his hat that covered his vision, revealing a pair of eagle-like sharp eyes with yellow pupils underneath.

He calmly stared at the young Rear Admiral on the warship, and said, "How do I act and report to your Marine?"

As he spoke, his eyes narrowed slightly, "Pay attention to your identity, Marine."


Staring into Mihawk's eyes, the young Rear Admiral suddenly felt as if two sharp swords were being shot at him, and profuse sweat quickly broke out from his forehead.

He was startled by Hawkeye's sudden gaze.

But no matter what he said, he was a rear admiral. Even if he was facing Seven Warlords of the Sea, the number one swordsman in the world, he was not afraid, because behind him was the entire Marine system, the World government.

He clenched his fists, stared at Mihawk, and said loudly: "I don't care what you do around here, although I can't control you, and Marine can't control you, but don't forget, your identity, don't do it Something that endangers the world!"

Mihawk ignored the young Rear Admiral, lowered his head, and the boat continued to move forward.


At this moment, Mihawk stood up suddenly and turned to look outside the harbor.

"What's wrong?"

The people on both sides of the boat who had been staring at Mihawk all backed away when they saw Mihawk's sudden movement.

They were relieved to see that Mihawk didn't do anything else.

Then his face turned red, and he was ashamed of his subconscious retreat just now.

But when they saw that the people around them were the same as themselves, they exhaled in unison, their expressions returned to normal, they took a step forward, lying on the guardrail, their heads turned to the sea, and they all wanted to see what could attract Mihawk's attention.

The young Rear Admiral also turned his head, looking at the small sailboats coming towards him on the sea in the distance, with doubts in his eyes.

But when Li Ke entered and saw clearly what kind of flag was fluttering in the wind on the top of the mast, his expression could no longer remain calm.

"How come, how come, how come?"

The expression on his face suddenly changed, his pupils shrank into a single point, and cold sweat kept pouring out from all parts of his body, soaking his clothes after a while.

He is not afraid of Mihawk, because Mihawk is the Seven Warlords of the Sea, equivalent to their Marine ally, and also belongs to the World government.

But a group of pirates with a bounty of more than 2 billion, or the pirates who seriously injured 4 Vice Admirals in the Buster Call and left safely, are worthy of his fear.

Although he had never heard the news that the silver-haired group would harm Marine, the innate threat brought by the hostile forces still made him unable to stop the fear in his heart.

"What's the matter, Master Rear Admiral."

The deputy next to him noticed Rear Admiral's state and quickly turned his head.

Rear Admiral reacted and suppressed the horror in his heart. As a Marine, a Marine who regards justice as his belief, the moment he joined the Marine, he had already considered that when facing any pirate, he would What kind of situation did you encounter.

Although he is young, although he is afraid, although this is his first voyage after becoming a Rear Admiral, but...

Looking at his deputy and the Marine soldiers on the warship with concern, he raised his head and looked at the seagull flag fluttering high on the top of the warship's mast.

The fear in my heart disappeared.

They are Marines, and they are pirates. How can there be a saying that Marines are afraid of pirates!


He lowered his head, looked at the deputy, touched the sweat on his forehead, and smiled slightly.

It seems that he has grown a lot in an instant.

Then the smile on his face faded away, he raised his head, glanced across the deck, and shouted loudly: "Everyone cheer up, the silver-haired pirates are here."

"Silver hair?"

The deputy and the Marine soldiers on the deck all turned their heads, looked at Rear Admiral, their eyes widened, their faces were full of disbelief, and then they messed up instantly.

That's the Silver Hair Pirates!

That's the world's top pirate group walking sideways in the first half of the Grand Line!

Unexpectedly, let them run into each other.

Looking at the subordinates in a mess, Rear Admiral opened his mouth and shouted loudly: "Why are you panicking, don't forget what you are Marines for, please be quiet."

Hearing the sound, the Marine soldiers paused, as if they had found their backbone, and the fear in their eyes gradually turned into firmness.

They have listened to the old Marine countless times, telling how they faced the big pirate when they were young, and how they were fearless in front of the big pirate.

Now it's their turn, they can't be sorry for the clothes they are wearing, the clothes that represent Marine and justice.

If they are even afraid, who will protect the countless civilians standing behind them!

Isn't this exactly what they have been facing and will face when they joined Marine!

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