Pirates: Invincible At The Beginning

Chapter 70 The Candidate For The New King

On the deck of the Iron King, it was as quiet as if time had stopped.

Everyone looked at Sorata with fear in their eyes, not even daring to breathe.

"This guy...how dare? How dare...how dare to kill their king so easily!"

On the warship, Kedo looked at Wapol's headless body and frowned.


He also didn't expect that his first mission as a Rear Admiral would fail in this way.

Sorata stared at Wapol's body, which was still spurting blood, with disgust in his eyes. He stretched out his left hand and pushed forward through the air.


Quickly bounced the corpse in front of him, and then the space field spread out in an instant.

I saw that the deck below was suddenly torn apart amidst a harsh creaking sound, and the long strips of wood were waving quickly like noodles, and each noodle was like a rope, precisely entangled with a person neck, and then gradually tightened.

All the people in the spatial domain were struggling violently, trying to speak out, but there was no sound.

Amidst bursts of "puffs", everyone on the deck was separated from their heads.

Of course, it also includes Archer Jess.

He lowered his head, looked at the twenty doctors in doctor uniforms, and did not speak.

Withdrawing his gaze, he waved his right hand to shake off the Bloodline on the blade, then retracted the knife into its sheath, and the figure disappeared in the same place.



tick tock...

Blood dripped down the shattered deck continuously, and the sound was extraordinarily loud in the quiet cabin, just like dripping into the hearts of many doctors in the cabin, making them feel as if they had just been caught by Sorata's eyes. The mind that was taken away quickly returned.

The unemotional look that Kongtou looked at just now made them think that they were doomed!

Now that he came back to his senses, looking at the purgatory-like scene around him, even though they were all doctors, they were used to seeing patients, and they were even more used to seeing death in the past few years, they couldn't help but twitched in their hearts.


At this moment, a head rolled down from the broken deck.

Attracted everyone's attention.

After they saw the appearance of that head clearly, they didn't know whether to cry or laugh?

Anyway, it's quite complicated.

Although this guy is brutal and dictatorial, but...after all, he is the king of their Magnetic Drum Kingdom and the object of their allegiance. This sudden death made them feel confused.

"Next, what should Drum Kingdom do?"

At this moment, Kedo jumped on the Iron King, he was indifferent to the corpses around him, and when he saw Sorata leaving, he felt the breath of living people on the Iron King, so he jumped over to have a look.

Take a look at his mission, whether it can save the rescue.

"Hello! You are Wapol's royal doctor, that is, the kingdom's royal doctor, and you should be the ones who know the Drum Kingdom best."

"Now that Wapol is dead, do you know who can inherit Wapol's throne on Drum Island at this time?"

This is his purpose, since Wapol is dead, then find another king.

Anyway, the World government doesn't care about who is the king of a small country.

As long as this country pays the heavenly gold as scheduled every year.

Not to mention changing the king, it is the name of the country, you can change it if you want.

He only needs to bring the king of one of the joining countries to the Holy Land Mariejois to participate in the World Summit, that's it.

Hearing the sound, the doctors looked up quickly, and they breathed a sigh of relief when they saw that it was Marine.

They lowered their heads and thought for a while, and then everyone's eyes lit up.

Then they looked up and turned their heads, looked at each other, and nodded.

They thought of one person at the same time.

One of the doctors raised his head, looked at Kedo and said.

"If you want to say who else in Magnetic Drum Island is capable of taking on the important role of king at this time, there is... and only one."


"That's the former captain of the Kingdom Guard, Dalton."


Kedo thought for a while, and realized that he had never heard of this person before. He looked down and spoke directly.

"And where is this Dalton?"

"Lord Dalton was imprisoned by Wapol some years ago in the prison at King's Castle."


Ke Duo nodded, "It turned out to be a prisoner!"


Ke Duo paused, stared at the doctor and asked in doubt: "Since he is a prisoner, how can he be a king!"

The doctors looked at each other, then looked up at Kedo, and said loudly with firm eyes: "Because only Dalton can lead the Drum Kingdom again, and only he can be qualified to be the king, because he is the only one on the island at this time." A king who can be loved and accepted by the people of the whole country."


Ke Duo nodded and didn't ask any more questions.

If he can be loved and accepted by the people of the whole country, he must be a good king.

"Let's go quickly! Let's rescue your king as soon as possible, so I can complete the task sooner!"

Hearing this, the doctors quickly climbed up the stairs, ignoring the hellish scene around them, and followed Kedo ashore.

The new magnetic drum kingdom led by Dalton will surely restore its former glory, and they firmly believe in this.

Looking at the Magnetic Drum Mountain in the distance, their eyes were full of hope.

Sorata didn't pay much attention to the actions of Marine and Doctor Twenty.

As for the fact that Dalton was promoted by the doctors to be the king, he had predicted it from the beginning.

So no surprise.

It's just that he didn't expect that under Kedo's urging, Dalton could become king so quickly.

In order to complete the task, Kedo rescued Dalton in less than an hour.

And the guards of the palace, after hearing that their king Wapol was dead, instead of stopping Marine and the doctor, they acted as the leading party with excitement on their faces.

It can also be seen from this that the positions of Wapol and Dalton in the hearts of the people are completely different.

Sorata got ashore and walked straight to her companions.

When passing by Mihawk, he stretched out his hand, put it on his shoulder, and let him pass with him.

Mihawk is about the same height as him, so they walk together in harmony.

"Mihawk, it's okay if I call you that!"

Being hugged by Sorata on the shoulders, Mihawk felt uncomfortable for a moment, but followed Sorata and walked forward.

"up to you."

He shrugged, his face full of indifference.

"Well! Then I'll call you that from now on."

Gudoo -!

Sorata tore off the wine gourd, took a sip, and continued, "You're not yet forty! I don't want to call you uncle, so it's better to just call you by your name."

As he spoke, he let out a breath of alcohol, turned his head to look at Mihawk, retracted his right hand, stopped, turned around, and extended his right hand to Mihawk.

"Mihawk, my name is Sorata, Sora from space, Tai from space, we are friends now! Please advise me."

The corner of Mihawk's mouth twitched, but he still reached out and shook Sorata's hand, "Sorata, please give me your advice."

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Sorata laughed loudly, withdrew his right hand, turned around and walked towards his partners, "Come on, let me introduce my partners to you, as for our sparring, let's talk about it later!"

"Besides, if the two of us want to fight with all our strength, it's impossible to be on this island!"

"do you think so?"

Mihawk glanced at the snow-covered mountains in the distance, and nodded.

If they fight here, an avalanche can be triggered at any time, and it is a big avalanche. It is a natural disaster that is completely irresistible to the creatures on this island and the residents on this island!

Although he is a pirate, he is indeed a sword idiot, but he has not yet reached the point of disregarding the lives of countless civilians for the sake of fighting.

And there is an uninhabited island not far from here.

It won't be too late to take Sorata and the others there later to compete.

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