Since Shiruluk's death, no one has been here except Chopper.

Although everyone on the island knew where she was, they didn't know where she was.

And the villagers would not come here to find her, because that would attract Wapol.

Wapol has been looking for her all the time!

That's why she was full of vigilance against the sudden knock on the door.

She was thinking, if Wapol's escort team really found this place, then she and Chopper could only abandon this place and move to other places.


As if feeling the tension of the old and the young in the house, Sorata withdrew his right hand, stroked his chin and thought for a while, and then said: "We are travelers from other islands, and we are just curious about such a remote place when we come here. Why is there a tree house of this style, so I take the liberty to bother."

"From other islands?"

Kuhale looked at the door, thought for a while, and walked over.


The old wooden door of the tree house opened from the inside out. Because the wooden door was too old, it was not very flexible, and there was a piercing scream.

The wooden door was opened wide, and the warm air in the room poured out, blowing away the cold surrounding the two of Sorata standing at the door.

Sorata rubbed her hands, looked up at Kureha, and said softly: "Grandma, you are the owner of this place! Can we go in and rest for a while?"

Kureha's nose and chin are very sharp. If she wears a hood, she looks like a witch. No wonder everyone calls her a witch.

Kureiha stretched out her hand, lifted up the sunglasses in front of her eyes and hung them on her forehead.


When she lowered her head to see clearly the appearance of Sorata and Kuina, her complexion suddenly changed slightly, and her body froze slightly.

Although Magnetic Drum Island is a winter island, there are not too many people, so there is no special open port for passing pirate ships and merchant ships.

Therefore, the exchange of news can only rely on newsbirds.

A few months ago, the news about Sorata was sent to the whole world by Morgons, including Drum Island of course, so Kuleha saw Sorata and Kuina in the newspaper.

But thinking of such a big pirate who treats her so politely, he might not be a vicious pirate.

And the newspaper also said that Sorata and his gang fought against the World Government and Marine in order to save Bath.

Thinking of this, her complexion quickly returned to normal.

He said calmly to Sorata: "I saw you in the newspaper, your name is Sorata, right?"


Sorata nodded.

"You called me old lady just now, didn't you?"


Sorata continued to nod.

Then he looked up and stared at Kuhale in confusion, "What's wrong? Mother-in-law."

Kureha frowned, raised the ax in his hand and threw it at Sorata.

"Go to hell! Brat, pay attention to what you say!"


Sorata was taken aback, red light flashed in his eyes, and he swung his head from side to side, easily dodging the ax thrown by Kureha.

Then he raised his head and stared at Kureha, who was suddenly furious for no reason, with question marks all over his head.

"What's wrong?"

Kureha took the wine bottle on the table beside her, raised her head and took a few sips.


Then he looked at Sorata and said seriously, "I'm still a young and beautiful person in my thirties!"


"Quack quack...???..."

A flock of crows flew over Sorata's head, and there were more question marks.

He stared at Kureha, the corners of his mouth twitching.

"That's why you're angry."

"if not?"

Kureha looked at Sorata, the corners of his mouth turned up, and a smile appeared on his face.

"Hey hey hey hey!! I'm still very young! Brat."


Sorata shrugged helplessly, looked up at Kureha and said, "You won, let me call you the beauty head office!"

He tidied up his appearance and looked at Kureha seriously, "Hi beauty, can we go in and rest for a while?"

After speaking, he opened his mouth and grinned at Kureha, as sincere as he could be, as if Kureha was really a beauty.


Kuina looked at Sorata and Kureha, and couldn't help laughing out loud anymore.

The crisp laughter, like a wind chime, seemed to play a melodious music in the depths of this lonely forest, making the mountains, rivers, giant trees, and snowflakes no longer lonely.

Kurekha stared at Sorata and laughed.

"What a funny kid!"

Putting down her laughter, Kureha turned her body sideways and let the door open.

"Come in! It's so cold standing outside!"

It's okay if she doesn't say it, what she said made Kuina's laughter stop immediately, and her body shivered uncontrollably.

The heating in the room is incomparable with the coldness of the outside world!

Even though the heating had the upper hand the moment the door was opened, the cold that followed was mixed with snowflakes, like flowing water pouring down, continuously pouring into the room.

Sorata glanced at Kuina, quickly took her hand, quickly walked past Kuleha, and entered the wooden door.


Seeing the two of Sorata enter the house, Kureha hurriedly closed the wooden door, blocking all the boundless wind and snow outside from the door.

Sure enough, after entering the house, the cold disappeared immediately.

Sorata let go of Kuina's hand, looked left and right, and finally settled on the large fireplace on the right wall, with a flash of curiosity in his eyes.

Not only hollowed out the tree, but also lit a fire inside to keep warm. The trees on this island are also magical enough.

Thinking of it, he reached out and touched the wall next to him.

not cold.

It was very warm.

This tree can still keep warm.

This is a bit incredible!

I just don't know if I can take the boat.

Thinking of this, he turned his head, looked at Kureha who was sitting on the sofa, and asked curiously: "Hello! Beauty..."

"All right."

Kureha looked at Sorata amusedly, stretched out his hand to interrupt him, and said, "Don't keep calling me beautiful, I know I'm young and beautiful, but you don't have to keep calling me a brat!"

As he spoke, he lifted the wine bottle and took a few more sips.

You can tell at a glance that he is an old alcoholic.

She exhaled alcohol, stared at Sorata and Kuina and smiled: "Little devil, do you want to know the secret of my eternal youth? Hehehehehehe!!"

"In no mood."

Kuina looked at Kureha, and replied coldly: "I'm only sixteen years old, it's too early to worry about my appearance."

Sorata shrugged and nodded, agreeing with Kuina's words.


Kureha's hand holding the bottle froze, then raised her head nonchalantly.

Goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo !

After taking a few big gulps, a blush flashed across Kureha's face, and then quickly disappeared.


Then she put the wine bottle in her hand heavily on the tea table in front of her, and looked up at Sorata and the two of them.

"Let's end the joke here! I know you are pirates, you are big pirates, I think there must be something for you to come here!"

She is almost one hundred and fourteen, who hasn't seen her before!

Although she didn't feel any malice towards the two of Sorata, she knew that it was impossible for Sorata to come here unintentionally.

That lame reason, as soon as Sorata opened her mouth, she knew it was false.



Sorata nodded helplessly, "We came here specially to see you and a blue-nosed reindeer."

"Blue-nosed reindeer."

Surprised, Kureha looked up at Sorata.

"The villagers in the village told you!"

Sorata hesitated slightly.


He looked up at Kureha and said with a light smile, "If I say, I was in a dream, dreaming that there was a blue-nosed reindeer here, I don't know..."

"Do you believe?"

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