The two of Sorata didn't stay with Doctor Doriel much.

After seeing Chopper, they said their goodbyes and headed back to the pier.

During this period, Sorata also asked Madam Doriel to buy a few bottles of her plum wine.

He originally wanted Doctor Doriel to give it to him, but this guy was unwilling, only willing to sell it to him.

The reason given by Doctor Doriel was that he was a big pirate, and he was definitely not short of money. How could he have the nerve to ask her for wine from a doctor in a remote area?

The reason was very good and powerful, and Sorata couldn't refute it, so he had to obediently pay and buy wine.

But after he drank it, he realized that he had been fooled. The plum wine was not tasty, not to mention the alcohol smell, the alcohol content was pitifully low, and there was a sour smell of plums, anyway, he didn't like it that much.

On the contrary, Kuina liked the taste of plum wine very much, and bought a few more bottles from Madam Doriel.

That's right, although plum wine doesn't have any alcohol taste, it's still very good as a drink.

Moreover, Dr. Doriel added medicine to the wine, which is good for girls, so it's no wonder Kuina liked it.

Sorata also asked about the tree she built her house on.

At first, he wondered if this kind of tree was so tough that it could be used to make a boat.

After asking, I found out that this kind of cold-resistant trees unique to Winter Island cannot be used for boats.

Because the wood of this tree is easy to swell once it leaves the low temperature environment, not to mention being used to make boats, even as materials for houses, it can only be used on Winter Island.

As for Chopper, before Sorata saw him, she really wanted to lure this guy into the boat, but after seeing him, she immediately dismissed the idea.

Because Chopper's medical skills have not yet graduated.

Don't say whether he is willing or not, anyway, Doctor Doriel is definitely not willing.

Don't talk about him at this time, even if Wang Luffy comes, don't let Chopper go to sea with him.



The three of Ahua and Indigo moved all the supplies on the Iron King.

Not to mention, the king of Wapol really enjoyed himself, with plenty of food and wine on board.

The warehouses of the Liberty were filled with the things moved from the Iron King, and some of the warehouses couldn't fit, so they could only be placed on the front cabin and the deck.

Since Wapol is always accompanied by "Twenty Doctors", there are still a lot of medicines and surgical tools on the Iron King.

These things were all moved back to the Liberty by Indigo, which greatly enriched his infirmary.


Mihawk opened his coat, leaned on the recliner, and read the newspaper.

On the coffee table next to the recliner, there is a cup of coffee, and the coffee is constantly steaming, and the steam is formed into shredded tobacco, which slowly rises into the air.

From this point of view, it was just brewed, and everyone on their boat drank tea, so there was no such drink as coffee.

Therefore, this cup of coffee can only be made by Mihawk himself.

I don't know how his coffin-like boat put down these daily necessities.

Presumably someone will be curious, how this guy is so convenient on the sea!

Of course, Sorata was also curious.


"are you back?"

Mihawk put down the newspaper, took a sip of coffee, and looked up to the back of the pier.

I saw two figures approaching Liberty without any haste.

Sorata took Kuina by the hand, stood on the pier, glanced at Marine who was watching his Marine warship vigilantly, and looked away.

Lift your feet, follow the plank, and walk onto the Liberty.

As soon as Sorata stepped onto the deck of the Liberty, a plump figure wearing a chef's hat rushed out of the kitchen.

Ah Hua is holding a kitchen knife in his hand, apparently cooking.

He rushed in front of Sorata and complained loudly to him: "Sorata, that guy named Hawkeye actually dislikes the tea I make."

"Hey! I'm still here!"

Mihawk was holding a coffee cup, standing on the deck on the roof of the front cabin, leaning against the railing, looking at A Hua below and said, "I don't hate it, I just can't get used to it."

"Are you not used to drinking? It's obviously disgusting. I can see your expression."

Ah Hua looked up at Mihawk and yelled angrily.


Sorata looked at Ah Hua, with the corners of her mouth raised, showing a smile.

"He disliked your tea, why did you tell me? Do you want me to teach him a lesson. "


A Hua nodded without hesitation, and then looked at him expectantly.

"Why don't you do it yourself! Didn't you practice well in Little Garden?"


Ahua was speechless, "Didn't I give you a chance? I'm not afraid of this guy! If he wasn't your friend, a guy who despises my tea making skills, I would have taught him a lesson."

"When did you become so brave?"

Sorata looked at A Hua with a strange flash in her eyes.

Boom boom boom! !

At this moment, Arlo clapped his hands and walked up from the cabin below.

As soon as he came up, he turned to A Hua and said loudly: "This guy can't even beat me normally, how could he dare to trouble Mihawk!"


Veins popped out of Ah Hua's forehead, he held the hatchet, turned around slowly, and stared at Ah Luo, "Do you want to fight again!"


A Luo stretched out his hand, wiped his head, and stared at A Hua sideways, with contempt in his eyes, "Who is afraid of whom! If you haven't come yet, is it because you are afraid."

"You really don't know what to do, you don't know who is in Little Garden, and I beat you to the point of crying."

"You still have the nerve to talk about me, isn't it you who is crying for your father and mother?"

Ah Luo put down his hand, and Ah Hua inserted the hatchet into his belt, his eyes staring at each other.

In the next moment, the two rushed towards each other quickly.


On the way of running, one raised his left hand and the other raised his right hand, and at the same time they smashed towards the opponent's head.

Seeing that the fists of the two were about to hammer each other's faces.

At this moment, a shadow enveloped the two of them.

Boom! !


Kuina withdrew her hands, glanced at the two Ahuas who were lying on the ground with two big bumps popping out of their heads, her eyes were calm.

"Don't be ashamed, okay? There are guests on board!"

As she spoke, she clapped her hands, turned her head to look at Mihawk, and said, "Sorry, I made you laugh, these two guys are usually very..."

She thought for a while, then shook her head helplessly, "They're always like this, just treat them as a joke."

In the aisle outside the rear wheelhouse, A Tao took a deep breath with a cigarette in his mouth. He looked down at the two of A Hua with a haughty look in his eyes. He reached out to take the cigarette from his mouth, held it between two fingers, and opened his mouth to face the following. Breathe out a smoke ring.

"Still so weak, still so stupid."


He turned, shook his head, and went into the wheelhouse.


"This pretender!"

Sorata glanced at A Tao's back, and the corner of her mouth twitched.

Since A Tao ate the Devil Fruit, she became more and more pretended and arrogant.

I don't know if it is a side effect of Devil Fruit.

He shook his head, looked at A Hua, and said with a smile: "I'm done joking, let's stop here, A Hua is almost noon, let's hurry up and prepare meals!"

"To understanding!"

A Hua stood up and glanced at A Luo.


Turned around and went into the kitchen.

"Hmph, why are you venting your anger on me if you can't beat Kuina?"

A Luo hurriedly followed A Hua, apparently to help. Although the two guys were funny and disliked each other, they were always like a pair of happy enemies, and they would never really get angry with each other.


Mihawk drank his coffee and looked at everything below with a smile in his eyes.

He had only seen the way a team like this got along in Red Hair Pirates.

In this kind of team, there are no obvious superiors and subordinates. They are all friends, so they can laugh and fight freely, but when it comes to critical moments, everyone is a partner and friend who can be entrusted with life and death.

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