Pirates: Invincible At The Beginning

Chapter 89 The Call With Sengoku

The bow of the cruise ship.

Sorata and others have been waiting here for more than two hours.

The screams from below stopped.

After such a long time, their emotions have recovered.

Sorata turned to look at Indigo and said, "Doctor Indigo, go prepare some medicine! Those slaves..."

Having said that, he paused slightly, and then said: "Although the wounds on those people's bodies are not fatal, it is better to deal with them. If they get infected, it will be bad."

"Understood, Captain!"


Puff! !

Indigo replied, turned around and took a step forward, jumping from the bow of the cruise ship onto the Liberty.

Go to the infirmary below.

Sorata then turned to look at Ah Hua, "Ah Hua, let's make some food!"

"it is good."

Ah Hua pushed down the mirror frame and jumped off the bow.

"It may take a long time for him to cook for so many people alone. There are many cooks on our ship, so let me do it!"

At this moment, Shi Tie Reiss spoke.


Sorata nodded and turned to stare at Steele Reiss.

Only then did he take a good look at Shi Tie Reiss, and found that this guy, whoever, abolished Seven Warlords of the Sea, and led the team to capture the name must not be written backwards, nor can it be read backwards, pirate The lucky king of the world, the "Buggy god-tier", the Vice Admiral?

Before he crossed over, in the latest episode of comics he saw, that guy Buggy seemed to be Four Emperors.

"It's outrageous!"

He shook his head and looked at Steve Reiss with a strange look in his eyes.

This is the guy who pushed "Buggy" to the throne of the Four Emperors!


"What's wrong?"

Steele Reiss was uncomfortable being stared at by Sorata.


Sorata waved his hands, put away the weirdness in his eyes, turned around, stared at the direction of the sea, and raised the wine gourd.



He put down the wine gourd, let out a breath of alcohol, and said calmly, "Marine, what's your name?"

"Steel Reiss."

"Steel Reiss, right! I can let you off today."

Steele Reiss looked up, stared at Sorata, and breathed a sigh of relief.

Although from the beginning, Sorata had no intention of killing him, he had already expected such an ending.

But at this time, from Sorata, he was relieved to hear that he would really let them go.

Marine is not afraid of sacrifice, but fearless sacrifice.

And if you can live, who wants to die?

He said to Sorata: "Is there any condition!"

"It's not a condition."

Sorata turned her head and stared into Shi Tie Reiss' eyes, the corners of her mouth were turned up, and a smile flashed in her eyes.

"Can I trouble you to take down the phone bug on your warship?"

"Phone bug?"

Shi Tie Reiss asked suspiciously, "Why do you want a phone bug?"

"Take it and you'll know."

Sorata waved his hands, turned his head, and raised the wine gourd to the sea again.

Steve Reiss, looking at Sorata, hesitated for a moment.

Then jumped up, stepped on the Moonwalk, and rushed towards the military aircraft next to the cruise ship.

He didn't understand why Sorata wanted the phone bug.

But he can only do so at this time.

After all, the situation is stronger than people.

After a while, Steve Reiss took the phone bug, stepped on the Moonwalk, and returned to the bow of the cruise ship.

"No! Take it!"

As he spoke, he handed the phone bug to Sorata.

Sorata didn't reach for it, but turned around and leaned her back against the railing of the bow.

He raised his head and took a sip of wine.

He lowered his head and stared at Shi Tie Reiss, "What are you doing to me, dial the number!"


A question mark flashed in Shi Tie Reiss' mind, he raised his head, and asked Sorata, "What number are you dialing?"

"What number? Of course it's your Naval Headquarters, Admiral Sengoku's number!"

As he spoke, he tilted his head and stared at Steve Reiss, with a strange look in his eyes, "Otherwise, why would I need your phone bug?"

He has a few things to tell Sengoku well.

Otherwise, it would be a bit annoying to meet Marine who came to harass him every time.

In fact, the last time I met that Marine named Kedo on Magnetic Drum Island, he wanted to call Sengoku.

But when he went to see Chopper later, he put the matter behind him.


Shi Tie Reiss withdrew his hand and didn't ask anything else.

He quickly dialed the number of the headquarters, and then picked up the receiver amidst a burst of "brubulu".

"Moses, Moses!!"

"I'm Steele Reiss, if you need anything, please contact Mr. Sengoku."

Naval Headquarters, Communications Department, a communicator, picked up the microphone on the huge phone bug in front of him, and said to the microphone: "It's Steve Reiss Vice Admiral! Mr. Sengoku is in the office now, I'll transfer it to you."

As he spoke, he put the microphone aside, took a small phone bug on the side, and dialed it.

After a while the call was made.

He quickly picked up the microphone and said into the microphone: "Report to Marshal Sengoku, this is the Department of Communications, Shi Tie Reiss Vice Admiral called, saying something important."


The phone bug nodded.

The correspondent quickly connected the two phone bugs together, and let the phone bug in Reiss's hand be sent directly to Sengoku's office.

Why not call Sengoku's office directly?

Because there is a distance between the signal transmission and reception of the phone bug.

At this time, Shi Tie Reiss's warship is too far away from the headquarters, and the signal can only be received through a large phone bug.

Therefore, when Marine is performing a mission, to contact Naval Headquarters, he usually calls the communications department, and then asks the communications department to make a transfer to connect to other phone bugs.

In the Marshal's office, Sengoku sat at his desk.

Looking at the pile of documents in front of him, these documents are the reports that Marine has received from the kings of various countries in the past few days.

He pushed the report aside, stretched, and leaned his back on the chair behind him.

The whole person suddenly became lazy.

At this moment, he is alone in the office, so it's okay to relax a little bit.

He took the microphone on the right side of the table, and said into the microphone: "Is this Steele Reiss? I'm Sengoku, what's the matter?"

He remembered that Steele Reiss was going to pick up the king of Gamma Kingdom!

Due to the distance, it should be near Alabasta, the desert kingdom.


His hand holding the microphone froze and his eyes lit up.

The Silver Hair Pirates are right there!

"Could it be that I met the Silver Hair Pirates!"

Thinking of this, he quickly sat up straight, with a serious look on his face.

He looked at the phone bug and waited for a while, but he didn't wait for Steve Reiss' voice.

Just when he was about to speak.

The head of the phone bug in front of him suddenly changed its appearance.

Looking at the phone bug's head, Sengoku's heart twitched.

"Sure enough, I really met Silver Hair."

"Sengoku, I think you should know who I am!"

The phone bug rolled his eyes and stared at Sengoku.

"Silver hair."

Sengoku pushed up the frame of the mirror and stared into the phone bug's eyes, his face serious. "Is there a problem?"

At the bow of the cruise ship, Sorata held the microphone in his right hand, and took a sip with his left hand holding up the wine gourd, then lowered his head, exhaled alcohol into the microphone, and said, "I have two things to do with Mr. Sengoku this time."


Sorata put away the smile in her eyes, stared at the eyes of the phone bug, a trace of indifference flashed in her eyes: "The first thing is, I hope you Marines will restrain the Marines below, and you will shoot me for no reason in the future, I will not Let them go!"

In the marshal's office, Sengoku put the microphone on the table, propped his chin with his hands, stared into the eyes of the phone bug, and did not answer.

He knew that Sorata was talking about Drum Island.

Marine is so big, there are always some young and impulsive Marines, he can't manage every Marine.

So he can only ignore Sorata's first thing.

As for the future, he can only try his best to keep those young Marines from messing with silver hair.

This is not a cowardice, this is wisely saving Marine to make a senseless and fearless sacrifice.

Sengoku didn't answer, and Sorata didn't force it either.

He just stated his plan. As for whether Marine will shoot him in the future, that is Marine's business.

But if he fires the cannon, whether he kills Marine or not is his business.

"What about the second thing?"

"The second thing is that I hope that Marine will stop escorting those disgusting nobles. This time I will let go of the two Marines that came to escort this time. Next time..."

Sorata didn't go on, he believed that Sengoku should feel his killing intent.

This time he was indeed furious like never before, and at one point he planned to destroy Marine to vent his anger.

But he suppressed his anger in the end and didn't bother Marine.

He is not a murderous monster. He can kill those pirates who do all kinds of evil without hesitation, but he really can't kill these Marines.

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