In the vast golden desert, a group of camels are lined up, facing the wind and sand and the sun, heading towards the unknown land without any haste.

Jingle Bell! !

Jingle Bell! !

During the march, the bells on the camel's neck kept ringing like wind chimes.

This kind of sound, in this boundless desert, is clear and sweet, like an epic performance.


In front of the camel team on the left, a small sand dune was suddenly flattened by a bullet.

Yes, it is a bullet, but this bullet is a bit special, not the dark black of metallic luster, but a translucent color with silvery light between reality and reality.

Behind the camel team, A Luo stared at his eyes, the red light in his eyes gradually disappeared, his face was flushed, and he was in a state of extreme excitement.

He put down his hand, retracted his eyes and looked down at the gun in front of him, the joy in his eyes was almost overflowing.

Sorata guessed right, the gun in Arlo's hand was picked up by Sorata last night.

After a night of training, the gun in the shape of a sausage that ate the dog dog fruit changed completely in Aluo's hands.

I saw that the gun in Arlo's hand at this time was no longer the snot-nosed, sluggish dog from before.

Instead, it turned into a gun with a thin body and the size of a long-barreled gun. The head of the barrel looked like a dog's head, a vicious dog's head.

Although the gun has become smaller in A Luo's hands, the power of the bullets fired has not decreased. On the contrary, due to the great change in appearance, the bullets have not only changed in size, but also changed in color, making this kind of space between virtual and real. The translucent bullets in between, not only did not weaken the lethality, but increased by more than one level.


A Hua put down the water bottle in his hand, turned to look at A Luo, and pushed the frame, "You guys, you've been playing for a long time, haven't you had enough?"

As he spoke, he moved his eyes down, staring at the gun in Arlo's hand, and pursed his mouth.


A Luo put away the gun in his hand, hung it on his waist, and glanced at A Hua. In the past, he would push back whatever he said to A Hua, no matter good or bad, but today...

He withdrew his gaze, took out the water bag from the cloth bag behind the camel with his right hand, raised his head and drank a few sips, held the gun handle in his left hand, and never let go, his eyes and heart were full of joy.


In front of Arlo, Indigo turned his head, looked at Arlo and smiled, "Alo."


Arlo looked up and looked at Indigo, "What's the matter, Doctor Indigo."

"Your gun, you haven't named it yet!"

Indigo looked down, looked at the gun on Arlo's waist, and said with a smile, "Don't you give it a name?"

"Name it?"

Arlo glanced down at the gun, then raised his head, looked past Indigo, looked at Sorata at the front, and shouted: "Sorata."


Sorata was lying on the camel's back, his body rose and fell with the camel, without turning his head, he asked loudly, "What's wrong?"

"Does this gun have a name?"

The gun was given to him by Sorata last night. He didn't believe that such a miraculous gun would be discovered by Sorata by accident. It should have been found somewhere by Sorata and Kuina when they played separately last night.

Hmm...could have been snatched from that bad guy too.

He doesn't care about these, he just wants to know, does Sorata know the name of this gun.

Sorata raised his right hand on his forehead to shade the sun, rubbed his chin and thought about it.

He remembered that this gun had a name. As for the name, the devil knows!

In the anime, this guy is just one of the dragons. If it weren’t for this guy being the only five in One Piece who ate one of Devil Fruit’s items and was the first one to appear, ghosts would remember this guy.

So Sorata, doesn't know this guy's name.

He raised his right hand and waved it to the back.

"This gun is yours now, and it will always be your partner in the future, so it doesn't matter what his original name is."

Sorata took out the wine gourd with his left hand, flicked off the stopper with his thumb, and lifted it above his head. The mouth of the gourd rested above his lips, tilted, and the transparent wine flowed down the mouth of the gourd slowly, and flowed into Sorata's mouth through the air.

Googoooooooooooooooooooooo !

The Adam's apple squirmed, and the wine flowed down his throat, non-stop.


Putting down the wine gourd, Sorata let out a breath of alcohol and shouted loudly: "Ah Luo."


"Partner's name, choose one yourself!"

Arlo withdrew his gaze, raised his right hand, took a sip of water, then covered the lid of the kettle, put it back in the cloth bag at the back, lowered his head, looked at the gun in his left hand, and stroked his chin in thought.

"What's the name?"

"Gun dog!"

At this moment, A Tao patted the camel and took a step forward, walking with A Luo. He tilted his head and looked at the gun in A Luo's hand. How is the dog?"

"Didn't your gun eat the fruit of a dog? It's another gun, and the gun dog is just right."

As A Tao said, she nodded, looked up at A Luo, and said with a smile: "How is it? Looking at you, I can't think of any good name, so why not use mine! I think it fits the occasion!"

"Ha ha!!"

After A Tao finished speaking, she raised her hand, took a few deep breaths with a cigarette in her mouth, and looked at A Luo expectantly.

"What a good name you are!"

Before Aluo could answer, Ahua's voice came from behind them. Ahua patted the back of the camel's neck, stepped forward quickly, and walked side by side with Aluo.

He glanced at A Luo, then looked past A Luo, and looked at A Tao, "If you want me to say, this gun should be called a dog gun."

As he spoke, he retracted his gaze, stretched out his fat stomach, and made himself sit more comfortably, then looked at A Luo and said, "After all, he ate Devil Fruit's gun, so Devil Fruit should be in front, are you right? Ah Lo."

"That's right!"

A Tao put down her hand, and sprayed on A Hua, letting the shredded tobacco in her mouth flow out along the corner of her mouth.

"A gun is a gun, how can Devil Fruit be ahead? Do you know common sense?"

"Yes, yes, I don't understand, you are the only one who understands, right? Then let me ask you, is it better to hear the gun dog, or the dog gun. Anyway, I think the dog gun sounds better!"

"It sounds good, I think the gun dog is the best one."

"Dog gun!"

"Gun dog!"

"Dog gun!"



Indigo laughed loudly, watching A Tao and A Hua talking to each other, completely unaware of this topic, and he was the first to speak.

"All right."

Arlo put down his hands, raised his head, and roared.


A Tao and A Hua looked at each other, and turned their heads together, as if they were not arguing at all, then took out the kettle, took a sip, and turned to look at A Luo, wanting to see what name A Luo could have.

Arlo straightened up, raised the gun with his left hand, put the gun on his right shoulder, grasped the handle of the gun with his right hand, hooked the trigger with his index finger, and said firmly, "Since Sorata gave such a precious gun to Me, then I must be worthy of this gun, so..."

He tilted his head, his eyes met the scope that was added to the back of the gun last night, his eyes blinked red, his weapon color was wrapped around the bullet in the barrel, and his index finger was hard.


There was no flame or smoke. A translucent bullet glowing with black light rushed out of the barrel, as if piercing through space, and disappeared from everyone's sight in an instant.


At this moment, there was a very shrill scream from the direction where Arlo just shot the bullet.



The flames flourished.

In the depths of the desert on the front left, a huge scorpion with only half of its body left was blown out of the desert by the sudden explosion. Following the scorpion came a shock wave with sand in it.

Everyone stretched out their hands to cover their foreheads, looked at the huge pit in the distance, and the half-burning scorpion beside the huge pit, and swallowed.

They knew that this thing was very strong, but they didn't expect that after adding Armament Haki, it could be so strong.

"Is this thing a gun?"

Where is the bullet that shot out!

This is simply like a cannonball, and it is still a cannonball with extremely strong penetrating power and speed.

"Really nb!"

What this thing looks like in a naval battle has already emerged in their minds.

This translucent bullet, as long as there is no color of knowledge, it can't be found.

one shot.

a boat.

Arlo ignored everyone's surprise. He put down his gun, raised his head and laughed loudly, "I'll call you 'Dark Hound' from now on! Dark Hound who comes from the underworld and harvests life."


"Hahahahaha!! You must be very happy too! Then it's settled."


Arlo heard the voice from Dark Hound, held up Dark Hound, and kept laughing.

"Dark Hound?"

In front of the camel team, Sorata was drinking, with the corners of his mouth raised and a smile on his face.

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