Pirates: Invincible At The Beginning

Chapter 107 His Ambition Is Not To Stay Here, What A Shichibukai

"Hehe!! That's right! They are all useless opening remarks."

Robin chuckled, glanced at Dazzy Bowness, then turned around and walked towards the chair at the top of the long table that was always facing away from everyone.

She walked and said, "Before I get down to business, I have to introduce you to the boss of our company who you have never met before."


Everyone's eyes followed Robin, looking at the head of the long table.

They have joined Barlocke studio for a long time. Up to now, Robin has been directing their work. They all know that Robin should have a partner, and that partner is the real boss of their company.

For this person, they also want to know, who is it?

Robin stood next to the chair at the top of the long table, turned around, faced the direction of the long table, glanced at everyone, and said seriously: "Although the plan has not really started, our Bar Locke studio is facing It is a huge trouble, and this incident may lead to the collapse of our company, so this is why you are called here urgently."


Everyone was taken aback.

At the beginning of the first half of this Grand Line, is there any force comparable to their Bar Locke studio?



They shook their heads. Marine is so busy that he doesn't care about their small company. They haven't committed any heinous crimes. Everyone in the company uses code names, and they don't even know the other party's original name. Ghosts I know that person has been offered a reward!

Moreover, their company advertised as a bounty hunter organization, not pirates.

Marine can't manage them yet.

Robin looked at the astonishment in everyone's eyes, and continued: "In the past, I was the one who replaced the boss and directed your work, but now that this happened, there is no need to hide in the face of the enemy's attack. "


Said Robin turned his head to look behind the chair, "Boss!"

"Well! It's unnecessary."


The old wooden swivel chair made a piercing squeaking sound and swiveled from right to left, revealing the figure who had been sitting in the first chair with his back to them.


Everyone stared at the tall figure on the chair, all showing expressions of surprise.

They are very familiar with this figure. Although they had already guessed it when they came here, after all, the entire Alabasta knew that the casino "Rain Banquet" was the site of this big man, but when everyone really confirmed their guesses, they still felt very incomparable. Shock.

After all, this one is a real, world-class big shot!

"K Locke Dahl."

Daz Bowness, staring at Ke Locke Dar, who has always been calm, couldn't help but widen his eyes when he faced Ke Locke Dar, a world-class pirate, with tiny beads of sweat protruding from his forehead.

Robin turned his head, looked at everyone's reaction, folded his hands on both sides of his body, and said, "It seems that I don't need to introduce more! You should all know his identity to the outside world."

"Do you know what you don't know!"

Zala stretched out his hand, put the cigarette in his hand into the ashtray on the long table in front of him, then sat up straight, turned to stare at Ke Lockedar and said, "Why is the pirate from Shichibukai our boss!"

"Hahahahahaha!! There really is a big shot!"

Mikita opened her mouth and laughed.

Mr.5 tucked his nose, looked at Ke Lockedar and said, "So we have always been subordinates of pirates! This is really interesting!"

Daz Bowness also asked, "So you are our boss!"

Although they were prepared when they came here, they called Locke Studios, after all, they declared that they were a bounty hunter organization.

Although they kill and set fire, and sell information...

Although they just want to make money, they do everything.

But most of them didn't offer a reward at all!

At this time, seeing the company's boss, who turned out to be a pirate, it's not hard to understand why they were so surprised.

Pirates are one thing.

For a big man like Shichibukai, that's even more of a problem.

Locke Dahl took out the cigar from his pocket, put it in his mouth, then took out the lighter to light the cigarette, watching the reaction of everyone quietly through the shreds of tobacco floating from the corner of his mouth.

He had expected everyone's reaction, so he was not surprised.

After all, he is a pirate licensed by the World government and has legal plundering qualifications.

It seems completely useless for someone like him to deliberately set up a criminal group company.

But what they don't know is that he established this company not for money or status, but for military power.

Alabasta is the country of twenty kings who founded the World government. Although there are no strong men here, it is not a matter of trying to seize this country, the royal family of this country, and the historical text guarded by the Neferutari clan. simple thing.

Although he has power, he can't attack the Neferutali family without any scruples, because that will attract Marine and further the power of World government.

He doesn't want to lose his Shichibukai identity yet.

So he can only hide in the dark and plan slowly. When the country is really destroyed and the Neferutali family is no longer a royal family, then he can take action against the Neferutari family without any scruples.

That's why he founded the Bar Locke studio, supported the rebel army, used dancing powder in Albania, and drove the country into despair.

Because only if the civilians of Alabasta are completely disappointed with their king and completely desperate, can they follow his will and truly drive the Neferutali family down from the status of the royal family, and he can truly have no scruples. Go find the historical text.

Another reason is because the king of this country, "Nafirutali Cobra", is a good king who loves the people, but he is not a king who is afraid of death.

Using conventional methods, he definitely couldn't force Cobra to tell where the historical texts guarded by his family were.

Therefore, only some unconventional means can be used.

Who told Cobra to be a good king who loved his people?

If Cobra was really a king who was greedy for life and afraid of death, it would actually be much simpler for him, and he wouldn't have to plan secretly for so long, and even establish a special power.

Because when he really finds what he wants, he doesn't care about Shichibukai, Marine, or World government.

His ambition is not to stay here, what kind of Shichibukai!

His ambition has not changed from the beginning to the end.

That is to take the head of the strongest man in the world, "Whitebeard" Edward Newgate, and become Pirate King.

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