Pirates: Invincible At The Beginning

Chapter 118 What An Enviable Brat


"Dangerous, extremely dangerous."

Ke Locke Dahl stared at Kuina who suddenly appeared in front of him, at this moment, he felt his neck, chest, and lower limbs all at the same time, like a needle prick.

"Although this brat's armed color can kill him, it shouldn't be able to cause fatal damage to him!"

He looked at the three spatula lights cut by Kuina, the smile on his face disappeared instantly, and before he had time to retreat, he quickly elementalized the part of the body in front of the sword lights.

But he underestimated Yan Hui's speed, and before he had time to fully elementalize, the three spatulas slashed at his neck, chest and legs.

Puff puff! ! !

The light of the knife cut through Locke's body in an instant, bringing out three streaks of blood.

"Small injury."

Locke Dahl breathed a sigh of relief when the three spatula lights disappeared.

But at this moment, he suddenly felt the breath of death.

Yes, it is the breath of death, this breath of being swallowed by death, he only felt it when fighting Whitebeard.

"No, it's the back."

He didn't even have time to react, and the returned three spatulas slashed firmly on his back.


This time it wasn't the front, this time it was when Klocke Dahl was completely off guard.

Although Kuina's current Haki has just entered the advanced level, although her Haki is still not comparable to Ke Locke's fruit development.

But... this is when Locke Dahl was completely unprepared, and he really slashed at the guy's body.

Although Lockedar's fruit ability and Logia's passivity blocked most of the damage for him, but this is the slash of the great swordsman! Even with most of the blocks blocked, Klocke Dahl suffered serious physical injuries.

Looking from behind, he could only see three huge wounds that penetrated deep into the internal organs on his back, bleeding out continuously.


Locke Dahl seemed to be drained of all his strength, his legs staggered, his body swayed, and he stepped back.

He stretched out his left hand to cover his mouth to prevent the blood from gushing out of his throat, and stretched his right hand behind him. He felt that there were three leaks in his back.

Tick, tick, tick.

The blood kept pouring out from Klockedar's back, staining his clothes and coat red in a short while, and then dripping down the corner of the coat to the dry sand .

"Now you know what I'm going to fight with you!"

Kuina stood up straight, staring at Ke Locke Dahl, with a look of sarcasm on his face, then let go of the word Wadao with his left hand, turned the blade with his right hand, raised it upwards, and swung it diagonally to the right.


Bloodline on the knife, leaving a piercing "one" in the sand to Kuina's right.

"K... Locke, Darl, now you know!"

Kuina asked again.

The tone of this sentence is completely different from the previous sentence, and this sentence is full of sarcasm.

These Logia guys are always so self-righteous, the smoker in Rogge Town is like this, and this Shichibukai is also like this, do you really think Logia is invincible?

"Cough! Cough cough!!"

Ke Locke Dahl covered his mouth and kept coughing, he knew that he was careless.

If he hadn't been so arrogant and prepared for elementalization in advance, even if he was injured, he wouldn't have been injured so badly.

Now there are three holes in his back, others don't know the fatal flaw of his fruit, how could he not know.

With this level of scars, he couldn't even stop.

But although it can't be stopped, it can slow down the bleeding.

He put down his hand, let the blood gushing out from the corner of his mouth, and then his back became elemental, trying to use sand to block the wound.

There was no way to do this, if he didn't do this, he might not last long, and he would fall to the ground due to excessive bleeding.

"Little devil, I admit that I was careless, but next, I won't be so lucky."

Locke Dahl stared at Kuina, first the legs, then the hands, and then the whole body, and the whole body became elemental.

The wind blows.

The sand completely disappeared in place with the wind.

Of course, Klocke Dar also disappeared in place.

Kuina touched the handle of the knife with her right hand, and watched her surroundings vigilantly, with a red light in her eyes.

Whoooo! !

rustle! ! !

The wind kept blowing, and there was no movement around, as if that guy Ke Locke had never been there.

At this moment, Kuina turned around suddenly, and with a "squeaky" sound, she drew her knife and slashed behind her.



Kuina stared at the pillar of sand protruding from the ground in front of him, with a red light in his eyes, and turned his head to the right.

I saw a golden hook weapon, from behind her, rubbed against Kuina's neck, shot forward, landed on the sand, and disappeared.


Kuina stared at the place where the hook disappeared, lowered her head, stared at the ground, her eyes were more solemn than ever.

This guy has completely merged with this desert, and her Observation Haki can't sense any breath.

Kuina raised her head and taunted her surroundings: "Are you still a Shichibukai, only hiding your head and showing your tail?"

"Little devil, don't be so self-righteous."

Ke Locke Dahl's voice sounded from all directions.


At this moment, Kuina suddenly looked down at her feet, without any hesitation, she stepped on the ground with both feet.

With a sound of "whoosh", it disappeared in place.

I saw where she was standing before.

With a "bang", a golden hook rushed out from the sand.

"Any of your attacks is useless in front of me. What else can you do except hide and attack."

"Don't be so self-righteous! Brat."

"Desert Great Sword!"

Behind Kuina, a sand knife made of condensed sand quickly cut towards Kuina's back from the sand.

"Isn't it all said, is it useless?"

Holding the saber in both hands, Kuina turned around, took a step ahead of the desert sword, swung the saber quickly, and cut off the sand saber with a "poof".

"Desert Vajra Saber!"

Just when Kuina cut off the great desert sword in front of her, behind her, a figure condensed with sand opened her hands, which turned into two big knives, and then quickly cut towards Kuina like a pair of scissors.


While the red light was flashing, he said a word, easily cut off Sha Ying's hands, and cut off Sha Ying.

Kuina kicked her feet on the ground and jumped into the air, she stared at the place where the sand shadow was just below.

I saw that the ground below was in a circle, and the sand was constantly flowing towards a hole in the middle.

Kuina stepped on the Moonwalk, stood in the air, stared at the sand below, and taunted loudly.

"Klockedar, is that all you have? If that's all you have, then I won't play with you!"

She wants this guy to come out and fight her, otherwise, this guy is hiding underground, and she has nothing to do with him.

Locke Dar, who was deep in the desert, stared at Kuina parked in Sorata with murderous intent in his eyes.

"Observation Haki."

"What kind of monsters are these guys!"

He turned his head and glanced at Arlo who had been sitting on the camel with his gun raised, and then looked at Sorata.

One of the pirates who went out to sea with a full budget, only five months old, actually has three people who know how to observe Haki.

This quality, in New World, can only be possessed by a very small number of pirates.

Observation Haki is not as common as Armament Haki.

This thing not only needs to go through a lot of training, but most importantly, it also needs to be talented before it can be awakened.

Although he didn't deliberately train his body and Armament Haki, he never forgot to train his dodging ability and neural response ability in the past few decades!

Armament Haki doesn't matter, but Observation Haki, he wants it desperately.

As long as Observation Haki is awakened, he can further develop the fruit ability and reach the level of Admiral.

"What an enviable brat! And so young."

Ke Lockedar stared in the direction of Sorata, his eyes flickering non-stop, and at this moment he had the idea of ​​retreating.

He doesn't want to die.

He still has a lot to do.

He also has to go to New World to challenge Whitebeard!

If he dies here, all his ambitions and ambitions will be completely buried.


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