Pirates: Invincible At The Beginning

Chapter 127 Sometimes The Plan Just Can't Keep Up With The Changes

Holy Land Mary Jo.

World Summit is still ongoing.

Three days passed, and the kings still did not know what had happened to Alabasta.

However, Marine and World Government knew the news immediately.

After they knew the news, they didn't say anything. Instead, they blocked the news. After all, what Shichibukai, Ke Locke Dar, did was not something that could be seen.

The plan of the World government is to quietly send a Marine general to hunt down the remaining people in the Barlocke workshop, and then give the general the credit for destroying Klockedar.

Try to downplay the shadow of the silver-haired gang in this incident.

The impact of such a serious and vile event that Ke Locke Dar, one of the Shichibukai originally belonging to the World government, is going to steal a country should be downplayed.

Even if the impact cannot be completely eliminated, it must be minimized.

After all, it was Marine, not Pirates, who finally wiped out Klockedar and Barlocke Studios, right?

However, the idea is beautiful, but the reality is cruel.

Just like the Ore Island last time, when they were still arranging which Marine general to go to Alabasta, there was a piece of news about Alabasta, about Shichibukai Ke Lockedar, about the great pirate "Silver Hair" appearing on the sea again .

Starting from the headquarters of the World Economic News Service, it flies towards the whole world.

In less than a day, the detailed process of what happened in Alabasta was spread throughout most of the world.

Why do you say it in detail?

Because in this news, not only the silver-haired group reappeared, but also killed Ke Locke Dar.

There is also news that Ke Locke Dar is the head of Bar Locke studio.

And there's Bar Locke Studios, all the bad stuff that's been done in Alabasta.

Of course, I would like to thank Robin for knowing so much information.

After all, as the second-in-command of the former Bar Locke studio, she gave many orders. With her, there is no need to worry about not having news from the Bar Locke studio.

This news was like a gust of wind, blowing across the entire world in an instant, weakening the prestige of the World government to a certain extent.

Shichibukai, after all, is nominally under the direct jurisdiction of the World government.

The rights and interests of Shichibukai are also given by the World government.

Now there is a scandal of Shichibukai stealing the country, that is, during the World Summit, most of the kings of the countries that joined the World government cannot receive this news in the Holy Land.

But... There will always be a time when the World Summit is over, and when the time comes, thinking about coming to the World government will definitely cause a headache!

After all, it is not in the original book now.

Everything in the original book is hidden. Even if someone knows, they only know that it was Ke Locke Dar who was captured by Marine, and there is no such thing as pirates.

But now, in this Alabasta incident, there was no Marine from the beginning to the end. It was the pirates and the silver-haired gang who discovered Klockedar's conspiracy and foiled Klockedar's plan to steal the country. There was no World government and Anything Marine.

Then this matter completely turned into a scandal for the World government.

And it was a big scandal.

This kind of incompetence will greatly reduce the prestige of the World government in the hearts of the kings.

After all, the core of power actually comes from the bottom.

As long as there is a problem at the bottom, the flame of revolution will be like a flame burning on the grassland, and it will spread to the entire grassland in an instant, which will cause the skyscraper of power to collapse, and then be swept into history by the latecomers in the dust.


It was the same room, the same sofas, the same five old men on the sofa.

Five Elders, the highest power center of the World government.

The bald Five Elders with a figure eight beard slammed the newspaper on the coffee table in front of him.

"Damn Morgons, what does that fellow want, what is he doing!"

As he said that, he turned his head, stared at a cp0 kneeling on the ground in front of the coffee table and wearing a mask, and asked angrily, "How did that guy know about Alabasta?"

The cp0 who was kneeling on the ground didn't dare to lift his head. He lowered his head and said calmly: "According to the news from the photographer king, there should be a team of reporters from the World Economic News Agency beside the silver-haired group. It seems that this team of reporters came from Bath The island followed the silver-haired gang."

"So, does that fellow Morgans form an alliance with the silver-haired gang?"

"It's not."

cp0 paused, and then said: "They should be a cooperative relationship. You also know the character of that guy Morgans. That guy has always liked all kinds of big news, and the silver-haired gang has been making big news since they went to sea. , so their cooperation is also justifiable.”


At this moment, a bald Five Elders wearing a white Taoist robe and holding a long sword in his arms stared at cp0 next to the bald Five Elders with a mustache, murderous intent flashed in his eyes.

"This guy's circumstances are justifiable, so he can disregard the face of the World government and embarrass the World government?"

CP0 lying on the ground trembled all over, even with his identity and strength as the chief of CP0, he was sweating all over under the killing intent and momentum of the bald old man.

No one knew better than him how terrifying these old guys were.

The murderous intent of the bald Five Elders came and went even faster, and his face returned to calm after a while.

He stared at cp0 and said calmly: "Can you confirm the exact location of that guy?"

"Yes, yes, but..."

"Just say anything."


cp0 thought for a while, and said calmly: "Morgans is too vigilant, as long as there is any movement, he will immediately relocate the headquarters. It has not been long since the relocation, and the photo king can know where they have relocated, but this Once you make a move and fail to catch that guy, it will be very difficult to find him in the future, after all, it is too difficult to send a spy to that guy."

"And we never knew the real face of that guy."

"What about your suggestion?"

"My advice……"

"My suggestion is to wait a little longer. After all, both the Marine and the World Government need this guy now. When we are really ready, we will take down that guy in one fell swoop and let the World Economic News Agency completely become the World Government. "

The Five Elders looked at each other and nodded together.

cp0 is right, the world government and marine really need this guy's strength, and the timing is not yet ripe, it is impossible to take down that guy with the photo king alone.

And if you want to send more people there, with that guy's vigilant character and the countless newspaper delivery birds, before their people arrive, maybe this guy will know in advance, and then run away.

So it's really not a good idea to attack that guy in a hurry unless it's a last resort and well-prepared.

The bald man with the mustache turned his head and said to cp0: "Okay, let's deal with it like this! You go down!"

"To understanding!"

cp0 bent down and kowtowed on the ground, then stood up, turned around, raised his feet, and quickly walked towards the gate.

"Oh, right."

Just as he was about to walk out the door, a voice came from behind him.

When cp0 heard the sound, he quickly stopped, turned around and looked at Five Elders.

Five Elders with white curly hair sitting on the sofa on the right turned his head, stared at cp0 and ordered.

"Wait a minute, drop by Marine and get Sengoku ready. This time, at least one Admiral must be dispatched. I want the silver-haired gang to go to hell earlier."

"To understanding."

cp0 replied, turned and walked out of the room.

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