Pirates: Invincible At The Beginning

Chapter 130 Now That I Have Money, Won't I Be Allowed To Live More Comfortably?

The laughter stopped, and Sorata smiled at Vivi: "Yes, yes, Vivi-chan, you are indeed the princess. Although it is a pity, I still appreciate your decision."

As he said that, he turned around and looked up at the windmill flag that was hoisted again on the top of the mast, then lowered his head, looked at the sea in the distance, and waved to Vivi under the boat.

"Since you have made a decision, then implement it well. I think you will become a great princess."

As he said that, he walked towards the bow of the ship and said without looking back: "Then let's say goodbye here! Vivi sauce, Mr. Icarem, and of course, Karu."


Vivi looked at Sorata's back, nodded, and then shouted loudly to Sorata: "Thank you, Sorata-san."

Icarem also yelled loudly after Vivi. "thanks."

Although they have said it many times these days, they cannot thank the silver-haired gang for saving Alabasta enough.


Karoo next to Vivi also yelled loudly at the Liberty.

For Vivi's thanks, Sorata didn't look back, he took the teacup and walked onto the bow.


Bending down to put the teacup on the coffee table on the deck of the bow, and then turning to look at the mast that has lowered the sail, in a thought, the anchor at the bow was automatically retracted with a rushing sound, and hung on the side of the bow.

Then the Liberty, under Sorata's control, slowly backed out of port.

Then turned the direction, the sails fluttered, and sailed towards the boundless sea.

Taking advantage of Sorata's control of the boat, he took Robin to Kuina in his own room, changed into dry clothes with Robin, and came out to say goodbye to Vivi and the others.

Of course, the three of Ahua and Indigo are also indispensable.

Everyone stood by the boat and kept waving at Vivi.

After five days of getting along, everyone has long become good friends. If there is any reluctance, there must be some, but after boarding the boat, it is more about the longing for future adventures.

After all, Vivi is the princess of Alabasta, so they don't need to worry about it.

Looking at the Liberty receding away.

Vivi Karoo and Icarem stood on the pier for a long time, until the Liberty disappeared completely, and then they looked away.

Vivi turned around, stepped on Kalu's back, raised her head, and looked beyond the rapeseed flowers into the depths of the desert.

Alabasta at this time has just experienced a disaster, and countless dry oases are waiting for her, the person with the highest authority in Alabasta at this time, to lead the rebuilding of the homeland!

"Let's go! Icarem, let's go to Ailuma first, and then to Yuba, which is the base of the rebel army. Although it's raining, I still want to appease the emotions of the people."


Icarem turned his head and looked at Vivi with a flash of relief in his eyes.

After this incident, Vivi became more mature and stable. Even though she was still a girl, she was only fifteen years old, but she was the most powerful person in Alabasta at this time, the princess of Alabasta, and she was practicing what she should do. Do, the obligations and responsibilities that should be fulfilled.


Karu raised his head and yelled, opened his legs, and walked towards the street in the distance.

This loud cry interrupted Ikalem's thoughts, she looked at Vivi's back, the corners of her mouth turned up, and a smile appeared on her face.

Then he turned his head, facing the sea in the distance, and said in his heart again, "Thank you."

Then he turned, onto the back of a horse that had been standing quietly beside him.

Yes, it’s horses. Don’t think that Alabasta is a desert and there are no horses.

There are horses here, but very few. After Sorata and the others saw the horse in the palace, they asked curiously where the horse came from.

It turns out that at the end of the Alabasta River of Life, the Santa Dora River, there is a large grassland, where there is an Alabasta horse farm.

Because the birthplace of the Saint Dora River is there, in order not to pollute the water source here, even if the climate here is very suitable for human habitation, the Neferutali family did not build a city here, so on weekdays, except for a few It can be said that there is no human habitation except for the staff who take care of the horse farm.

Alabasta is finally over. Everyone has their own mission. Believe in what you want, Vivi and Sorata will meet again one day.

Just like in life, there are always a few friends who have not been together for a long time but are very good friends. Even if they are separated by thousands of miles, true friends will silently bless Fang Mo in their hearts.

The bow of the Liberty.

Sorata reclined back on his exclusive recliner.

Originally, there could have been three chairs on the bow, two of which belonged to Sorata and Kuina. After Indigo came, he often took out deck chairs to the bow.

Now that Robin is here, Indigo can only stay on the middle deck. Who says Robin is a girl!

It is impossible for him to ask Sorata and Kuina to make room for him.

But these are trivial matters. Indigo spends most of his time in his small medical room, studying various medicines.

Sorata used a straw to take a sip of the iced watermelon juice that Ahua just brought over.

Gudoo -!

The ice water quickly slid down his throat and into his stomach, refreshing his body for a while.

He put down his teacup, glanced across the entire boat, then stroked his chin with his right hand, thinking for a while.

"What's wrong?"

Kuina put down the newspaper in her hand.

Turning to Sorata, he asked, "Are you thinking about where to change ships?"


Sorata put her hands down and leaned her head back against the back of the recliner.

He looked up at the clear sky, felt the comfortable weather without the feeling of stuffiness, and said: "After all, this boat is still too small, and the three of you, Hua, can't let go of your usual training at all. Yes, and now there is more Robin, anyway, I found a lot of money from Locke Dale, and I just went to exchange for a big ship."

"After all, if you have money, it will be more comfortable to live in a bigger boat."

He is not Wang Luffy, and they are not Straw Hat Crew. To be honest, with their strength, he has not felt any pressure on the weather on the Grand Line since he went to sea.

So there is no feeling of treating the ship as a partner.

Changing the ship was something he was thinking about when he first entered the Grand Line.

As he said, if you have money, can't you change to a big ship to make yourself more comfortable?

And his feeling for this ship, which can be said to be exactly the same as the Meri, is actually just a little special feeling in his heart.

And this little feeling can't affect his decision to change ships.

As for the ship elves...

That stuff is just a thought.

There is no one who loves boats like Usopp on his boat. It is impossible to give birth to a boat elf!

"Mr. Captain, do you want to change the ship?"

Next to Kuina, Robin, who was also lying on the recliner and reading the newspaper, listened to Sorata's words, slowly put down the teacup and newspaper in his hand, turned his head and said to Sorata.

"If you want to change to a better ship, in the first half of the Grand Line, there is only the 'Capital of Seven Waters', which has the largest and best shipyard in the world, but it is still far away from our current location. For a very long voyage, it is good to have a permanent pointer, but without a permanent pointer, it may take a long time to get to the capital of the seven waters."

She paused for a moment, with a flash of thought in her eyes, and then said: "Of course, if the captain is in a hurry to change the ship, it is not far from here, and the shipyard Carter Island on the No. 3 route is only two or three days away. It can satisfy the captain’s wish to change the ship.”


Sorata became interested. He sat up straight, turned to Robin and asked, "Cat Island, how is the shipbuilding standard there?"

"The level of shipbuilding is definitely not as good as the capital of seven waters, but it is not weak. If you only use ordinary materials to build ships, they are actually the same."

"Oh, to cross the flight line, you are so familiar, I guess you have a permanent pointer there!"


Robin nodded and said with a smile: "Blocke studio used to go there to order ships, of course I am familiar with it."

"Okay, let's go to Carter Island and have a look. If there is no good shipbuilding wood there, then go to the capital of seven waters and change the ship! After all, we are going to various adventure places, and New World, it's better to build a better ship."

Saying so, Sorata turned to Robin and said, "Then I will trouble you, Robin."

"Hehe! It's all right, Mr. Captain."

Robin chuckled, put the newspaper on the coffee table, then stood up and walked towards the cabin.

She brought a lot of things out of the rainy area, some of which are permanent pointers to various islands that Barlocke Studio has been to and collected in the first half of the Grand Line.

Sorata may have forgotten about these things, and she was used to running away, so naturally she would not forget these things that might be of great use at some point.

Thinking of getting along with Sorata and others these days, the corners of her mouth can't help but smile even more, and the whole person reveals a relaxed and happy mood.

"very nice!"

She couldn't remember how long it had been since she was so relaxed.

Sorata's invincible strength, and the people on board, gave her a sense of security and the warmth of her companions, which she could not feel anywhere else.

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