"Let's go!"

After speaking, Cattros stepped forward and headed towards the middle of the island.

He hasn't come out for a long, long time, and has been staying in the holy land of Mariejois. He didn't expect such a strong monster to appear on the sea before his death.

"Interesting, interesting."

Looking at the high mountains in the middle of the island, Carteres, a trace of madness flashed in his old pupils.

It's the last time, so have fun!

After cp0 and Kuzan followed Carteres into the island.

A layer of thick fog rising out of nowhere suddenly enveloped the entire uninhabited island.

The space around the uninhabited island is constantly distorted.

If you look at the uninhabited island from a distance or from the sky, it seems that the island at this time is no longer in this world, but in a different time and space.

After a while, when the smoke around the entire island dissipated, the space around the island returned to normal.

Look at the island again...

The small island has changed drastically. It is full of buildings, and the streets between the buildings are full of people.

These people, like ordinary civilians, include old people, children, women, and men.

Shouting, crying, playing, beating and cursing...

Countless voices converged, making the whole island suddenly full of the atmosphere of the city.

In an ordinary tavern in the middle of the island.

Carteris has completely changed his appearance.

He was sitting behind the counter of the bar, his eyes had returned to their normal color, and the previous arrogance on his body had long since disappeared.

If you say that he is Celestial Dragons now, I am afraid that if you kill someone, no one will believe it!

In his current appearance, he is just an ordinary owner of an ordinary tavern.

At this time, the tavern was not open, and there were only five people from cp0 in the room, and Kuzan was there.

They stared at Cartelles, who had conjured up a town from nothing, and were all shocked by Cartelles' ability.

The red light in Kuzan's eyes disappeared, he looked away, turned around and sat on the chair beside him, twisting his buttocks.

Squeak! !

The chair whined unbearably.

"It's all true."

He raised his head and looked at the lamp above his head, emitting a faint light, his eyes were full of surprise.

He just felt the breath of the island with his knowledge and knowledge, and he actually felt that those people were real.

If he hadn't seen it himself, Carteres used some ability to conjure this town and these people from the void, he must not have known that these people and these buildings are actually illusory.

"It's amazing!"

The only thing he could think of was the awakening of fruit ability.

Only when the fruit ability is awakened can it affect the surrounding space and surrounding terrain.

He lowered his head and looked at Carteres, with a gleam in his eyes.

"It's not really transformed, but it uses the fruit ability to affect the surrounding space, affect their real perception, and even affect the spirit."

Such a wide-ranging impact is really pervert.

It is indeed the secret weapon of the world government.

He thinks that his Observation Haki has reached the top of the world. Although he doesn't have any special abilities, if he wants to say that his Observation Haki is more powerful, there must be ones, but not many.

Even he can't sense it. He believes that in this world, few people can sense it.


Can silver hair sense it?

In his heart, the answer is yes, and he must not be able to sense it.

Although he has never fought against Yinfa, but Yinfa is so young, he would not believe that Observation Haki surpassed him.


To be honest, he still admires the style of the Silver Hair Pirates, and he doesn't dislike this kind of pirates who aim at adventure.

With Carteres's super-wide-range illusion that can affect the mind and space, plus him and cp0, if Silver Hair doesn't have other cards, then this time, I'm afraid that guy will really be buried here.

He shook his head, withdrew his thoughts, and asked Carteres: "His Royal Highness Carteres, what about us?"


Carteres raised his head and stared at Kuzan, his pupils instantly turning orange.

His eyes calmly swept over Kuzan and the five cp0s.

The space around them was distorted for a while, and their appearance seemed to be covered with a layer of silhouette, and they suddenly turned into ordinary people.


Kuzan glanced down, and Vivi was taken aback by the clerk's attire that had changed greatly.

From his perspective, he has indeed become another person, even his height has changed.

But the inner strength is still there.

He can't even sense the changes in himself, let alone outsiders, as long as he doesn't show the slightest momentum, he believes that no one will recognize him.

"All right."

Carteres' eyes returned to black and white, and he leaned back, leaning against the back of the chair behind him with great ease.

Then, from nowhere, he took out a pipe, put it in his mouth, and started smoking.

And the five members of cp0 also entered the kitchen.

They are the cooks and buddies of this store at this time.

And Kuzan walked to the door and opened it.

The moment the door opened, the noise from outside suddenly poured in, making Kuzan who was standing at the door stunned for a while.

At this moment, a strong young man, leading several younger brothers, walked past Kuzan arrogantly.

They walked into the bar, walked straight to the bar, and yelled loudly as they walked: "Old guy, why did the door open so late today, and we stood outside for a long time."


After finishing speaking, he walked to the bar, clapped his hands on the bar, then leaned forward, staring fiercely at Carteres, "Old man, tell me what to do about this matter! There is still! The protection fee for this month, You should pay it too!"

Carteres put down his pipe, slowly took out a stack of Berry from under the bar, threw it to the strong man, then picked up the pipe, took a puff, and said slowly: "It's counted, this is the protection fee for this month, as for today Sorry for keeping you waiting for a long time since the store opened late!"

Carters paused for a moment, and then said: "Then I will waive your drink money for today!"

"Ha ha!!"

The strong man took the money, turned it upside down in his hand, and didn't count it.

Hearing what Carteres said, he laughed, put the money in his arms, then turned around with his younger brother, sat on the round table outside the bar, and then turned his head and yelled loudly at Kuzan who was still standing at the door.

"Are you new here, guy? Serve the wine soon."


Kuzan came back to his senses, his eyes swept over these people, his face was full of seriousness.

"These guys must not be hallucinations, this is the soul, the real soul."

He didn't believe that hallucinations could achieve this level. He had to know that there were thousands of people in the town at this time!

If all of them are as vivid as the group in front of them, then how strong is this old guy's ability and spirit.

So he doesn't believe that these people are hallucinations. If they are not hallucinations, they can only be souls.

"Then this town..."

Kuzan looked up, meeting Carteres' icy gaze.

He already knew the answer.

"World government..."

He quickly withdrew his gaze, turned around, and walked to the back kitchen to let those cp0s serve the food and wine.

I hope he thinks too much!

To keep so many souls, how many people would have to be killed!

You must know that the soul also has strength. Although he does not understand this knowledge, he knows that it is impossible for ordinary people to leave their souls when they die. Only those people with resentment and firm will can make people With the power of fruit, leave the soul.

Carteres looked at Kuzan's back, the coldness in his eyes quickly disappeared, he smoked a cigarette, and returned to the appearance of the harmless tavern owner.

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