Pirates: Invincible At The Beginning

Chapter 142 KyōKa Suigetsu

Feeling Kuina's gaze, Sorata let go.

The western sword flew away automatically, and inserted into the scabbard hanging in the air beside it.

He stretched out his hand and put his palm on Kuina's head and rubbed it.

He didn't say anything, Kuina already knew these things, and she knew it in her heart.

In fact, his huge ultra-long-range slash, not to mention Kuina, even the future Liu Zoro can't do it.

As far as he knew, that was all he, Mihawk, and Golden Lion could do.

He can do it, the front is brought by the brute force of his space domain and his monster-like body, and the back is because of the "Slash Wave" slashing method taught by Golden Lion.

Mihawk can do it purely because his swordsmanship talent is too strong.

That guy's swordsmanship will not waste any extra strength, and he is truly the world's number one swordsmanship expert.

If he wants to surpass that guy in the field of swordsmanship, he still has a long way to go.

Sorata withdrew her hand and turned to look at the three of Arlo.

A Luo came to the bow of the boat early in the morning to watch the excitement, while A Hua and A Tao ran out when they heard the movement outside.

As for Indigo, that guy hasn't been out of his infirmary since he left Alabasta, and he doesn't know what he's researching. It should be that he discovered some interesting plants or viruses in Alabasta!

His eyes swept over the three of A Luo, and finally stopped on A Tao.

Arlo already has Dark Hound, and the future goal has become the world's number one shooter.

Hmm... Ambitious.

Ah Hua completely gave up using the sword and used his fists to fight the enemy.

His fruit ability endowed him with a strong defensive ability, and he was the cook on board, so under normal circumstances, he really wouldn't be needed to fight.

As for A Tao, this guy was the strongest of the three of them from the beginning.

Whether it is talent, swordsmanship, or strength, they are all the strongest.

If it weren't for his physical fitness, he would not be able to go back to inherit his family's ship business, but would stay in the dojo and learn swordsmanship from Koshiro.

So among the three of them, only A Tao can use this western sword.

Although it was different from the sword he had always used, this Western sword was the same style as the bamboo sword they used to train when they were young. They were familiar with it, and they could find the feeling of the past, and use this sword well.

Thinking of this, he smiled at A Tao: "A Tao, I'll give you this sword! It's better to have a weapon than bare hands, and your fruit ability gives you extremely strong dynamic vision. I believe you only need to Work hard, and your swordsmanship will definitely improve by leaps and bounds."

A Tao looked at the gorgeous western sword floating beside Sorata, and a trace of hesitation flashed in her eyes.

After he got the fruit in the past few months, he gave up his weapon and changed to practicing kung fu with fists and feet like Ah Hua.

Now that he was asked to pick up the sword again, he still hesitated a little.

"Why? Don't you want to continue practicing swordsmanship?"

Seeing A Tao hesitate, Sorata knew what this guy was thinking after thinking for a while.

This guy's fists are indeed better than swords these past few months, but he believes that as long as this guy re-practices swordsmanship and has the dynamic vision given by his eyes, his swordsmanship will be as good as that of an ordinary great swordsman, not to mention how strong it is. degree is still possible.

Because this guy's eyes are actually a weakened version of Mihawk's eagle eyes.

As long as his power reaction speed and sword skills are improved, even if he can't reach the level of Mihawk, he can't be too weak.

At least it is much more promising than him re-training his fists.

Besides, this guy's eyes have special abilities.

Using a sword is much more lethal than using a fist!

He stretched out his hand to pick up the western sword, smiled at A Tao: "If you don't want it, then I will sell it when I go to the next island. You know, this sword has the same characters as 'Zhankong' and 'Hedao' 'A sword of about the same strength!"

"Zhan Kong!"

"One word with Tao!"

A Tao suddenly raised her head and stared at Xiyang Jian, her eyes were shining. Even A Luo and Ahua stood up straight and looked at Xiyang Jian.

Growing up in a dojo, it is impossible to say that I don't like swords or famous swords.

Arlo was forced to become the ship's sniper, and he also likes guns, so needless to say.

Ah Hua was originally the weakest swordsman among them, if his father hadn't asked him to come to the sword gym, he might not have come.

But his boxing skills are the strongest among the three of them, as long as he doesn't have a weapon in his hand, he is the one who can fight the best among them.

Only A Tao liked the profession of swordsmanship the most.

If it is an ordinary sword, then for him, it is definitely not as strong as his fist, but if it is a sword like He Dao Yiwen and Zhan Kong, it is definitely not comparable to fists!

"Yes, why not!"

He stepped forward excitedly, took the western sword from Sorata's side, held it in his arms, his face was full of joy.

"You guy, didn't you still have hesitation just now?"

A Luo relaxed his body, leaned his back against the guardrail, and shrugged at A Tao.

"Now, when I heard that it was a sword at the level of a big sharp knife, I changed my face immediately."


A Tao ignored A Luo, but picked up the western sword, pulled out the blade, stretched out his hand to caress the gleaming blade, felt the biting cold above, and kept giggling.

Seeing A Tao's happy look, A Hua and A Luo smiled at the same time.

For the enhancement of the strength of their companions, they will only be happy, and will not have other emotions.

Although they are unforgiving, but just like their relationship, no one will hate each other when they like each other.

"All right."

Sorata tore off the wine gourd, turned around and looked at the white horse sailboat in front of it that had completely sunk into the sea, raised the gourd and raised his head to take a sip, and said with a smile, "Choose a name!"

As he said that, he turned around, leaned his back on the guardrail, and looked up at A Tao, "No matter what his original name was, now, this sword is yours, so, choose a name!"

"A name?"

A Luo hurriedly stood up straight, took a step forward, leaned forward, put his hand on A Tao's left shoulder, looked down at the sword in his hand, and said with a smile: "I'm good at this, Sorata's sword is called Zhan Kong, yours It's called 'Cracking the Sea', how about it? Haha!! Isn't it, it's very suitable."

"Ah! (ˉ▽ ̄~) Cut~~"

East Blue, an unknown sea, a small boat is in this sea, constantly spinning.

At this moment, there was a sudden sneeze from the boat.

Zoro was lying on his back in the boat, the oars thrown aside by his hands.

The assistant student looked unlovable, and I don't know how many days this guy has been wandering around here.

But his partner Saka was nowhere to be seen, and he didn't know whether the two guys had a quarrel or some accident happened, so they parted ways.

Zoro touched his nose, a strange flash in his eyes.

How could he sneeze in such good health?

Could it be that guy is thinking about him.


At this moment, his eyes suddenly lit up, and he saw a ship, a pirate ship, coming suddenly on the distant sea.

He quickly got down on the ground and covered his head with his clothes.

It would be bad if the other party found out his true appearance and ran away.

He still wants those guys to take him back to the island!


Grand Line, the bow of the Liberty.

A Tao pushed A Luo's hand away, grabbed the hilt of the Western sword, then turned her wrist, with the tip of the sword facing up, and raised the Western sword high.

Looking at the metallic white light reflected by the western sword under the sunlight, he laughed and said, "I'll call you 'Kyōka Suigetsu' from now on!"

"Kyōka Suigetsu?"

Sorata stopped drinking. He looked at A Tao with a strange expression.

Then he thought of something, and a flash of understanding flashed in his eyes.

Here only he and Kuina know the special ability of Atao's eyes.


He nodded and continued drinking.

"It's also nice to be called 'Kyōka Suigetsu'."

I hope A Tao can really do "Kyōka Suigetsu" in the future!

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