Sorata looked at the strong man, the corners of her mouth raised.

He saw the shadow of a familiar figure on this guy.

That guy was like that with big clients too.

Sure enough, as long as you have money, you can be an uncle everywhere.

"Let's go!"

Sorata took the first step and walked through the iron gate.

The moment he entered the door, there was a sudden noise.

The sound of shouting, the sound of machines, the sound of cutting wood, the sound of sliding chains...


I could only faintly hear it outside the door, but I didn't expect that there was only one door separated, as if there were two worlds.

Countless brawny men with bare upper body and covered in sweat are busy on the boats behind several open docks.

There are shipyards for repairing ships and shipyards for building ships.

Obviously, these open docks are docks for repairing ships.

Rumble! !

At this moment, a huge steel machine drove past Sorata and the others.

Sorata looked at the lifting fork in front of the machine, and at the giant wooden board on the fork, with a flash of surprise in his eyes.


He didn't expect to see such a large mechanical forklift here.

But thinking of the strange technology tree in the world of One Piece, there is nothing strange about it.

Not to mention forklifts, there are even robots in this world, and they can shoot lasers!


Seeing Sorata, they all entered the door, and then the strong man followed in, closed the iron gate, and put on the chain.

He walked up to Sorata, pointed in a direction and said, "Guest, please go this way!"


Sorata withdrew her gaze, glanced at the strong man, and walked in the direction of the strong man's fingers.

The strong man withdrew his hand, followed Sorata's pace, and introduced to Sorata as he walked: "Guest, you really came to the right place. You must know that our Carter Shipbuilding Company is the largest shipyard on the island. We have a large shipyard here. There are two shipbuilding docks, which can start building at least two large ships at the same time, and as for the medium-sized sailing ships you want to order, it is no problem."

Speaking of which, the brawny man pointed to the two high-roofed buildings that occupy a large area in the distance, and proudly said: "These two docks have a history longer than the name of this island!"

"Do you know how Cat Island came to be?"

Without waiting for Sorata to answer, the strong man asked himself and answered, "Of course it's named after our company!"

"Hmm! It does have a lot of history."

Seeing the proud look of the brawny man, Sorata raised the corners of his mouth and nodded.

The buildings here really have a long history, but I don’t know if their shipbuilding technology will become more and more powerful as time goes by, just like their history?

This will not be known until after meeting the boss of their company.

Walking through the square, the strong man brought them to a two-story living room, which was clearly a reception room for outsiders.

After the strong man served them tea, he left the room and went to find their boss.

living room.

Sorata sat on the sofa, picked up the tea in front of her, brought it to her mouth, and took a sip.

Then he raised his head and glanced across the room.

This room is also an ordinary living room, but the wall to the right of the sofa and the many photos on the wall make this place no longer ordinary.


Sorata put down the teacup, stood up, walked to the right wall, looked up at the picture on the wall, lost in thought for a while.

On this wall are photos of all medium-sized and above ships built by the Carter Shipbuilding Company over the past few decades. If you count them carefully, there may be no less than a few hundred ships.

He even saw the shadows of large and super-large ships inside.

As expected of a shipyard with a long history, all kinds of ships can be built. Small and ordinary ships cannot enter this room.


At this moment, the wooden door of the room was pushed open from the outside.

A tall, middle-aged man in a white shirt walked in.

Judging from the sweat stains on the white shirt and the sawdust on the man's head, it was obvious that the man should have been working.

"Boss, the guests are inside, I'll go back first!"

The strong man who brought Sorata and the others here did not enter the house, but stood outside the door, said something to the middle-aged man, then turned and left.

He has his own business, he is only responsible for bringing Sorata and his gang here, as for business negotiations...

This is the job of the boss and has nothing to do with him as the gatekeeper on duty.


The middle-aged man turned around and nodded to the strong man, then turned around, his eyes swept around the room, and finally stopped on Sorata.

He first gently closed the door of the room, then walked to Sorata's side, raised his head, and accompanied him to look at the pictures on the wall.

This is the history of Carter Company, the pride of his family, and the pride of the entire Carter Island.

Sorata withdrew her gaze, turned to look at the middle-aged man, stretched out her hand and said, "Hello! My name is Sorata."

"Oh hello!"

The middle-aged man turned around and faced Sorata.


Only then did he see what Sorata looked like.

Seeing the middle-aged man's reaction, Sorata knew that he recognized him, the corners of his mouth raised, a kind smile appeared on his face, and he said another sentence.

"Hello! My name is Sorata."

"Oh oh oh!!"

The middle-aged man quickly reached out and held Sorata's hand together, "Hello! Hello! My name is 'Carter Doto', and I am the fourth boss of this shipbuilding company. You can call me Carter, of course, You can also call me Doron."

"Haha!! You are so humorous."

Sorata let go and smiled at Duo Lun: "Fourth, so this shipyard is still a family inheritance!"


Doron nodded, glanced at Sorata nervously, and quickly regained his composure.

With a smile on the corner of his mouth, he said to Sorata: "This shipyard was founded by my grandfather. It has a history of almost 100 years, and I happen to be the fourth generation inheritor."

He turned his head, glanced at the photos on the wall, his eyes were full of pride, and then turned his head to Sorata and said, "I never thought that a big man like you would come here and come to our company."

"Ha ha!!"

Sorata laughed, shook his head, and said, "I'm not a big shot! I'm just a little famous. Your company has a history of almost 100 years. I'm afraid you have received a lot of big shots! Don't make fun of me." gone."


Seeing that Sorata's tone was relaxed, and he didn't have the tyrannical aura of ordinary pirates, Duo Lun slowly let go of the tension in his heart.

On the Grand Line, again where ships are built and repaired.

Their company receives all kinds of pirates every day.

And when the pirates came here, they actually obeyed the rules.

After all, not every pirate group has reliable ship repairers on board. Most pirates have to find islands in the sea and shipyards on the islands to repair their ships.

Therefore, most pirates will not do anything excessive to the shipyard.

And will pay for repairs.

Of course, there are also unruly little pirates.

However, the sea is fair, and often these unruly little pirates will basically be swallowed by the sea.

I don't know if it's the ghost of the repair shop or the god of cultivation.

There is no way of knowing.

Anyway, there is an unspoken tacit understanding between the pirates and the shipyard, and there are very few conflicts.

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