The Dragon Pirates have ruled the island for nearly six years.

As long as it is a village on this island, each villager must pay a head fee to the Dragon Pirates every month.

If you can't afford it, there is only one word, and that is death.

If anyone dares to resist, then facing them will be the destruction of the entire village.

So so far no one has dared to really resist.

In the beginning, they also had hope, hoping that Marine would come to attack this group of pirates.

But when the Dragon Pirates easily defeated the five warships that came to attack them, they were desperate.

Afterwards, no matter how many Marines came, when faced with this group of monsters, they were all as fragile as eggs that could be crushed with one hand.

This let them know that the power displayed by this group of monsters is completely unmatched by humans.

And what made them even more desperate was that a Marine general who looked like a mouse came later, not only did not go to crusade against the Dragon Pirates, but also used his Marine rights to block the news here.

If anyone went to Marine for help, the guy turned around and passed the message to Arlong.

In this way, not only the villager who asked for help will die miserably, but even the village where he lives will be implicated.

Just like that, their last glimmer of hope was completely ruined

So far, the residents of this island have survived silently for six years in such a dire and fiery environment.

And today happens to be the collection day once a month.

A group of murlocs, led by two cadres, walked into Cocosia Village, which is the village where Nami lives.

You can see a cartilaginous murloc walking in the front.

This guy was wearing a dark blue sleeveless karate suit, with two braids in his hair, two machete-like fins on his arms, and explosive muscles all over his body, exuding a daunting aura.

This dress looks like a cadre of the Dragon Pirates, a former member of the Sun Pirates, "Kroobi".

One step behind Crooby was a kissing murloc in a blue sleeveless shirt, black shorts, short blond hair, and protruding lips that looked like a gunfish.

This one should be the cadre of the Dragon Pirates, a former member of the Sun Pirates, "Jiu".

Led by two cadres, the murlocs came to the middle of the only street in the village.

Without their urging, the villagers spontaneously walked out of the room, took money one by one, lined up, and walked up to the murlocs.

Throw the money they earned through a month of hard work into an empty bag held by a murloc.

"Hurry up, what are you doing? Don't you have enough money?"

The murloc who collected the money stared at the villager who was a little slower to pay the money in front of him with fierce eyes.

He snatched the money from the villager, turned it upside down, and casually threw it into the pocket in front of him.

Then he stretched out his hand, grabbed the villager's hand vigorously, and threw him to the ground aside.

The villager who fell on the ground didn't dare to say anything, he just stood up silently, and limped towards the next house.

The other villagers watched all this blankly, they were all used to it.

He is used to the strength of the murlocs, the domineering murlocs, and the oppression of the murlocs.

After a while, the empty bag in front of the murloc collecting money was filled with money.

Crooby glanced indifferently, and the villagers standing on both sides of the street walked towards the orange orchard with the murlocs, holding Chiu with his hands in his pockets without saying a word.

There is the last person in this village, even if the other party is Nami's sister, they have to pay.

After collecting the last person's head money, their work for today is over.

Because Cocosia Village is the closest village to Arlong Paradise, they are usually the last to come here to collect money.

Crooby and Jiu who were walking in front suddenly stopped, causing the murlocs behind them to be in a commotion.

"What's wrong?"

They all raised their heads and looked forward, only to see a man and a woman walking towards them outside the entrance of the village.

These two are Sorata and Kuina who just came from the sea.

They parked the boat on the simple pier outside the village, and headed straight towards the village, just in time to run into a group of murlocs who were about to leave the village.

Staring at the two human imps walking across.

Croobi asked a murloc behind him, "Did I miss two, why haven't I seen these two before?"

This murloc was in charge of counting points, he raised the money bag on his handle, and said Kaidō in an affirmative tone.

"Except for the head fee of Nami's sister in the orange orchard, all other money has been collected."

Hearing the reply, Crooby turned his head and stared at Sorata and Kuina coldly.

"If the calculation is correct, then these two humans came from outside, so let's kill them!"

That's right, kill them, they won't let the news here leak out easily.

Watching the opposite murloc stop.

Sorata also stopped and handed it over to Kuina.

He took off the wine gourd around his waist, and stood there lazily, drinking the wine, staring playfully at the murloc opposite, waiting for Kuina's performance.

Kuina glanced indifferently at the murloc opposite, and finally stopped her gaze on Crooby and Chirp.

Obviously, among this group of murlocs, Kuina only pays attention to them. These two murlocs know who they are at a glance, and they are easy to recognize.

Kuina's footsteps did not stop, but accelerated towards the murloc.

The villagers standing under the eaves on both sides saw that Kuina not only didn't stop when he saw the murloc, but speeded up instead.

I couldn't help but my heart tightened, showing a worried expression.

At this moment, a middle-aged man in a uniform, with four scars across his face and a windmill on his hat, walked out of the next room quickly, and handed Kuina to him. stopped.

When Sorata saw the middle-aged uncle appearing, a smile flashed in his eyes. He recognized this uncle at a glance. He was the village's security officer, Ajian.

This guy is a pretty gentle character, and he's like a father figure to Nami and Nokigo.

Ah Jian saw that the girl didn't run away when she saw the murloc, but went straight to the murloc, so he couldn't help but rushed out of the room and stopped her.

These two outer islanders should be here for the first time. They don't know the ferocity of the murlocs, so they are so indifferent when facing the murlocs.

"These two must be driven out of the village before the murlocs come over."

Many thoughts flashed through Ah Jian's mind.

Immediately, he stared at Kuina, with a deliberately cold face, and said in a bad tone. "Little girl, outsiders are not welcome here, please leave."

Kuina looked at Ah Jian, a trace of tenderness flashed in her indifferent eyes.

Although the uncle's tone was not very nice, he couldn't hide the eagerness and concern in his eyes.

Seeing Kuina's gaze, Sorata shrugged and walked over, beckoning Kuina to continue.

He embraced Ah Jian's shoulder, pulled it aside, smiled and said to Ah Jian: "Thank you, uncle, we appreciate your kindness, we know what we are doing."

These words made Ah Jian stunned.

At this moment of stupefaction, Kuina had already walked more than ten meters away.

Seeing Kuina who was about to walk in front of the murloc, Ah Jian quickly shouted: "Don't go there, little girl."

Kuina, who was going forward, turned around at this moment and gave Ah Jian a smiling face.

"It's okay uncle, we came here specially to deal with Arlong."

"Fix Arlong?" Ah Jian had a shocked expression on his face.

"Yeah! Look!" Sorata pointed ahead.

Just when Kuina turned to look at Jian, Jiu made a move.

He doesn't care about sneak attack or not, as long as he can solve the enemy.

He puffed out his barrel-like mouth and squirted a water cannon at Kuina.

The water cannon shot towards the back of Kuina's head quickly like a bullet out of the chamber.

Chiu stared at Kuina excitedly, he was sure that he could kill Kuina with one blow.

However, the development of things is often not as simple as he imagined.

Seeing that Kuina tilted her head slightly like a prophet, she easily avoided the blister.

Blisters brushed past Kuina's ear and shot toward Sorata behind him.

Seeing the blisters rushing toward them, Ah Jian's pupils dilated instantly, and his body broke out in cold sweat.

He subconsciously wanted to pull Sorata to hide, but at this moment he suddenly found that the space around him seemed to freeze for some time, making him unable to move at all.

And the water bubble that shot at them also hovered in front of them, unable to move forward any further.

It may be a matter of a moment, Ah Jian suddenly felt that the surrounding space was flowing again.

I saw the blisters in front of me fall to the ground with a "snap".

Ah Jian stared, looking at the blisters on the ground in horror.

What kind of power is this?

If it is such a power, maybe it can really defeat Arlong!

A gleam of hope flashed in Ah Jian's eyes at first, and then quickly darkened.

No, it's impossible, how could those monsters be rivaled by humans.

He has experienced too much despair, and he no longer believes that any human can defeat Arlong.

He shook his head and looked up at Sorata.

Sorata noticed Ah Jian's gaze, raised the wine gourd and took a sip, then turned to look at him and smiled, "I said we are here to deal with Arlong."

He paused, and his tone became more serious.

"Well! We are very strong."

Then he turned his head to look at Kuina, motioning for Ah Jian to watch.

Perhaps only the established facts can make these desperate villagers believe that they can really destroy the evil dragon pirates!

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