Pirates: Invincible At The Beginning

Chapter 167 The Last Level

After a while, Ah Hua brought out from the kitchen, a plate of delicious food.

After everyone ate, they all stared at the clouds above their heads with bright eyes.

They all hope to have a fish again, so that they can satisfy their appetite.

This fish weighs only four to five catties, and everyone eats a piece of it, and it's gone before they've had their fill.

Seeing everyone's appearance, Sorata couldn't help smiling, "Haha!! Are you still worried that you won't be able to eat more fish when you arrive at Sky Island?"

"At that time, such fish will make you vomit, and Sky Island is not only fish! There are also all kinds of other delicacies. You can eat whatever you want at that time. If you don't have enough, you can take it away. Row."


After hearing Sorata's words, everyone quickly lowered their heads, and their expressions returned to normal.

"Hmm... it's a bit embarrassing!"

But after thinking about the delicacies that Sorata said, everyone couldn't help swallowing and licking their lips.

After all, the ingredients that are fresh, delicious, and encountered for the first time are always unforgettable.

After eating too much, naturally I won't think about it too much.

Just like when they first entered the Grand Line, they always ate all kinds of sea fish in the Grand Line at the beginning, but after eating too much, it was like chewing wax, so when sailing at sea, most of their meals were actually some fruit, and the usual beef or pork sold on the island.

Although I have eaten these meats for half my life, I have already gotten used to eating them. If I don't eat them for a long time, I miss them so much.

Otherwise, even if they caught some special fish and eaten fish, they would let them go.

This is a common problem of human beings!

Often sometimes very in love, but like the new and dislike the old.

I always want better, but forget that these fish are also particularly amazing.


At this moment, Ahua looked ahead and stood up suddenly.

Everyone heard the sound and quickly turned their heads to look forward.

Far ahead, a beam of golden light was shooting into the passage through a white dot.

In fact, as they got closer to the exit, the surrounding clouds were also telling them that they were approaching.

Because there is more light in the clouds and it is brighter.

After a while.

The sailboat in front rushed out of the tunnel first.

Not long afterward, the Liberty was also against the light, and under the closed eyes of everyone at the bow, rushed out of this last but safest way to heaven.

The people who had just rushed out of the tunnel were blinded for a moment, and then the sky brightened, the sky above their heads was blue and clear, and the sea of ​​clouds around them was like a real sea surface, surging with the wind, forming a wave Waves.

Standing on this empty, endless sky, people can't help but feel a sense of pride, because they really came to the sky above 10,000 meters, the legendary sky, even though they haven't seen the real Sky Island , but this mood of conquering nature still made everyone cheer loudly the moment the boat rushed up.

The ship is still sailing.

Sorata turned her head, took out the phone bug in her trouser pocket, turned on the switch, and said to the phone bug, "A Tao, turn and follow the sailboat ahead, we are not out of danger yet!"

"To understanding!"

Sorata put the phone bug in his trouser pocket, turned around and walked towards the bow. As early as the moment he came up, he put away the field, so everyone felt the wind and the breath of nature again, which is why they were so excited.

At this time, they are sure that they are not out of danger, and they can only be safe if they leave this heavenly road.

As early as when they were still on the sea, they saw a waterfall falling from the clouds.

The waterfall that I want to come to is this sky road, so there must be a waterway that goes straight down in front to let the water on this sky road fall.

Under A Tao's control, the Liberty turned around immediately, and then, under the power of the propeller behind it, it rushed out of the current of the sky.

It landed safely on the sea of ​​clouds next to it.

The Liberty, which had just landed on the sea of ​​clouds, sank for a while, and didn't stop sinking until the draft was more than twice that of the sea.

It seems that although the sea of ​​clouds is also a sea, there is still a gap between the buoyancy of this sea and the real sea surface.

If a fully loaded freighter came up, it might sink directly.

But those are all metaphors. Without that warrior, he would challenge the heavenly road with a full load of goods. That's not stupid, it's courting death.

Ha ha! !

Far away.

Sorata walked to the bow, leaned her upper body forward, put her hands on the guardrail, and raised her head to look at the sailboat in front.

These guys even broke the mast in the middle, and they don't know how they rushed out of the water on the sky road?

No matter how they get out, they cannot escape the fact that they will go to the real heaven.

I saw that the sailboat in front was moving slowly under the influence of the wind.

Without the power of the rising current and only one sail left, how could they possibly outrun the Liberty!

Just when the two ships were chasing and fleeing, they quickly drew closer.

The sea of ​​clouds suddenly, violently rolled over, and black shadows were quickly passing under the sea of ​​clouds, making the sea of ​​clouds tremble like a boiled lake, and even the waves were covered by black shadows. messed up.

Bang bang bang! ! !

Regardless of whether it was the sailboat in front or the Liberty, huge water pockets emerged from the sea of ​​clouds around the ship, and then the water pockets shattered, dots of water splashed in the sun, shining with colorful rays of light.

However, this originally very beautiful picture was destroyed by a few huge and various empty fishes rushing out of the water bag.

These empty fish are not like the one they met in the tunnel, but are much larger, one can be compared to the size of their boat, and one of them is an octopus-like empty fish with waving tentacles that is really a shadow. The sky blocks out the sun.


Sorata raised his head and looked at the many skyfishes that completely blocked the sun in the sky, jokingly said: "This is the last level to go to Sky Island! Haha!! It's really special!"

As he spoke he licked his lips.

Gudoo! !

Everyone on the bow swallowed their saliva.

No, I was still talking about not enough food in the tunnel before, but I didn't expect these empty fish to come to my door automatically as soon as I came up.

At this moment, with a "bang", Arlo jumped off the mast and stood on the deck of the bow. He raised his head and looked at the empty fish around him. A cold light flashed in his eyes. He pulled out the Dark Hound and raised his gun. To an empty fish like an eel.

"Don't shoot!"

Just when he was about to shoot, Ahua stepped forward to stop him.

These are delicious foods!

Don't be ruined by a fool like A Luo.

They all knew the power of the Dark Hound. With this shot, the empty fish would lose a large piece.

You must know that empty fish is different from fish on the sea!

These empty fish will leak air if killed, which makes these guys look huge, but they don't actually have much meat.

For big eaters like them, these empty fish around them really don't know if they can fill their stomachs?

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