Sorata and the others were completely unaware of Sora's riot.

They have completely left the sea of ​​clouds at this time

After leaving there, the sea of ​​clouds seemed to be really safe.


The Liberty sailed quickly in this empty sea of ​​clouds, like a flat boat in the sea, small and lonely.

On the bow deck.

Everyone gathered around the coffee table, all looking at Sorata.

Gudoo -!

Adam's apple slipped, Sorata swallowed the wine in his mouth, put down the wine gourd, and looked up at everyone.

Then he took out a piece of old yellowed parchment from his pocket, and threw it on the coffee table.

"Haha!! If you want to see it, just watch it!"

Sorata left the reclining chair with her back, sat cross-legged on the reclining chair, stretched out her hand and pointed at the map.

"No! Let's go here for our purpose!"

"City of Gold?"

Everyone's eyes turned to where Sorata pointed.

In the upper right corner of the map, a circular island was drawn, but a piece of island was missing, and in the upper right corner of the island was a golden house with the words "City of Gold" written on it.

"Is there really a city of gold?"

A Tao put the cigarette between her fingers in her mouth, then bent down to pick up the treasure map, raised her hand, and looked through the sunlight.

"Don't be fake!"

"Whether he is fake or not!"

A Luo snatched the treasure map from A Tao's hand, and stared at the route marked on the map with excitement.

"With this map, we'll be able to actually get to Sky Island very soon."

As he spoke, he turned his head and looked towards the front of the ship, his eyes filled with anticipation, "I don't know if those Sky Island people are really all angels."

"I can't wait!"

Everyone looked at A Luo, and then looked at the front of the ship, with anticipation in their eyes.

They are interested in the treasure, the city of gold, but there are not many.

So what if there is more gold?

They are not short of money.

What they care about is the route on this treasure map, and they care that this treasure map can quickly lead them to find the real Sky Island.

Although they didn't care, there was a person on the boat who cared very much.

After seeing the map, Robin kept his head down, thinking.

It was Kuina who was careful, and after noticing Robin's strangeness, she hurriedly asked softly, "What's wrong? Miss Robin."


Robin came back to his senses, raised his head and smiled at Kuina, then reached out to Alo and said, "Alo, can you show me the map again."

"Ah... oh!"

A Luo turned around, glanced at Robin, and quickly put the map in Robin's hand, "Take it!"


Robin took the map, opened his hands, and looked at it seriously.

"Is there anything wrong?"

Kuina stood beside Robin, tilted her body, tilted her head forward, looked at the map and asked.

"It's nothing."

Robin put down the map, looked up at everyone, and said, "I once read a book, and that book recorded a golden city."


Robin's words immediately attracted everyone's attention. They turned their heads to look at Robin, their eyes flashed with searching light.

"Hehe!! Don't look at me like that."

Robin chuckled, paused for a moment and continued: "The book I read made the protagonist a big talker! So I don't know if it's true, but I just saw it on the map today. I just remembered the city of gold I mentioned."

"Also, according to the book, that golden city is on an island in the sea, not on Sky Island, so I think even if it's true, it won't be the same island or the same city."


Everyone sighed in disappointment, then quickly recovered, turned around, lay on the guardrail, and continued to stare excitedly ahead, as if there was something special in front of the ship, and they couldn't get enough of it.

"A big talker?"

Sorata looked at the map with an inexplicable gleam in his eyes.

Only he here knows that the map is real, the book Robin read, and the Golden City mentioned in the book are also real, they are in the same place, which is the place marked on the map.

He didn't know where the pirates found the treasure map.

It didn't appear in the original book, so it must have been buried directly in the previous empty fish lair!

After all, even without them, those pirates would not be able to escape.


Two days later.

Liberty came to a break in the sea of ​​clouds.

In the past two days, they passed through three Sky Islands, and saw various cultures on the islands different from "Qinghai (that is, what Sky Island people call the sea below)" and various shellfish.

Of course, I also tasted a lot of unique food.

But they didn't eat it in restaurants on the island, or at the residents' homes, but they found it in the woods beside the island's beach.

The residents here seem to be afraid of them.

As long as one sees their boat, the first reaction is to hide.

When they landed on the island, the streets of the island were basically empty.

They can also understand the rejection of these Sky Island aborigines.

After all, this can be said to be the first front line to Sky Island. As long as the pirates who come to Sky Island through the sky, no matter how good or bad, they will come here more or less.

If the pirates who come here are good pirates, it's okay to say that at most they are looking for some food and will not harm the residents here.

But if it's an evil pirate, don't even think about it, he can also know what happened here.

For those pirates who do all kinds of evil, discovering Sky Island is no less than discovering a new continent. It would be strange if they didn't vent their anger and rob.

However, it is a pity that in this world, there are pirate groups for the purpose of adventure, but they are indeed pitifully few, so most of the pirates who can come here are real pirates who do all kinds of evil.

They took such a big risk to come here, if they don't grab something to go back, how can they face those dead brothers, how can they face their wanton life!

This has also led to the fact that the aborigines here hate the new ship very much. Even if they don't know whether the ship is a pirate, they will hide immediately instead of confirming that it is really harmful. After that, he hid.

Because there are really too many lessons learned.

At the first sight of the empty street, Sorata's group knew what the residents thought, so they didn't stay on any Sky Island, and after walking around, they left straight away.

"Sorata, there seems to be no road ahead, what should I do?"

At the bow, Kuina stood on the right side of Sorata, turned her head to look at him, then turned her head, lying on the guardrail, looking at the sea of ​​clouds that kept falling down in front of her.

Sorata glanced down at the Yunhai Waterfall in front of her, then retracted her gaze and looked left and right.

There is really no way!

No wonder there are so few pirates who can reach Angel Island. It turns out that there is a huge fault on this route.

Ordinary pirates really can't get through here, of course, they can't get down either.

Because this cloud sea waterfall is vertical.

However, judging from the route on the map, it should have been possible to pass here more than 100 years ago. It seems that something should have happened here in the past 100 years to cause a fault to appear here.

He knew that there were other routes to Angel Island, and there should be safe passages for other routes to go directly to.

But that's no reason to stop them.

He didn't have the patience to find some safe passage.

Besides, their ships are not comparable to those ordinary pirate ships.


Sorata turned around and shouted to the rear wheelhouse: "A Tao, drive straight down, and leave the rest to me."

"To understanding!"

A Tao in the wheelhouse stretched out her hand, and made an "ok" gesture to Sorata through the glass, then put her hands on the steering wheel, raised her head and stared ahead, a trace of excitement flashed in her calm pupils.

He likes to be stimulated.

Without thinking too much, he pressed the button in the middle of the steering wheel, and the Liberty, which was slowly heading towards the huge waterfall ahead, was like a rabbit who had suddenly taken a stimulant, with red eyes and a bang, moving forward quickly shoot.

When we got to the edge of the waterfall, with a "whoosh", we rushed out from the huge fault in the sea of ​​clouds.

The feeling of weightlessness hits instantly.

The people on the boat hurriedly pulled the objects around them, their bodies floated in the air, followed the boat, and quickly fell down.

On the windmill at the bow, Sorata's feet seemed to be attached to the windmill. No matter how the boat accelerated, he didn't move a single bit.

3000 meters, 2000 meters, 1000 meters, 500 meters, 10 meters, 1 meter.

Suddenly, the Liberty, which was falling rapidly, seemed to have been immobilized by someone, from moving to still, and stopped in an instant 1 meter away from the sea of ​​clouds below.


However, the shock wave brought by the high-speed fall rushed from the bottom of the ship to the sea of ​​clouds below in an instant.

Amidst the loud noise, the sea of ​​clouds instantly dented a hole the size of a boat.

Then the shock wave spread, stirred up the clouds, and swirled waves, rushing towards the surroundings non-stop.

After waiting for a while, when the clouds under the ship recovered, Sorata put away the domain and gave up control of Liberty and her partners.



As soon as the field was put away, Arlo's excited voice came from the top of the mast.

Then came A Tao, A Hua, and everyone on board.

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