Pirates: Invincible At The Beginning

Chapter 172 Sky Knight, Gan Fall

"Old man!"

"Aren't you coming down for a chat?"

Sorata withdrew her gaze, raised her head, looked at a cloud shaped like a chicken leg in the sky, and shouted softly with a smile on the corner of her mouth.

The voice was not loud, but it reached the ears of an old man wearing armor, a black cloak, and a long white beard behind the chicken leg cloud in the sky.

The old man held a huge spear in his hand, and stepped on the back of a pink-skinned bird with black Madara spots.

The old man looked at the direction of the fire from below, his eyes were full of thoughts.

The strongest warrior of this Sandian generation, War Ghost Webber, is he dead?

Die so easily.

Since Enel snatched his god position 4 years ago, he has been hiding on a small island cloud outside the sky, working as a professional mercenary.

It is to help the people from Qinghai, to help them stop the attack of Sandiya or empty fish.

In the past few years, he and Weber have also played against each other many times. Although Weber will be repulsed by him every time, it does not mean that Weber is weak.

On the contrary, this guy is a descendant of the great warrior "Carl Guerra", and he is described by his fellow clansmen as a ghost-like terrifying person, but he is actually a very powerful guy.

However, it was such a powerful guy who was killed with a single shot when he faced the ship below.

Didn't even hide...

Do not……

It should be impossible to hide at all, so he died.


"Old man, do you want me to ask you to come down?"

At this moment, Sorata's chuckle sounded again in the old man's ears.

It was this light laughter that interrupted the old man's thoughts. He looked back, his face was serious, he hesitated for a moment, and he still lowered his head and said to the bird below him: "Pierre, since people have found us, let's go down See you!"


Pierre yelled, flapped his wings, and swooped down.

Breaking through the clouds, the strong wind hit, and the sound of the wind kept humming in my ears.

And the old man on Pierre's back stood firmly on Pierre's back as if his feet had taken root.

Without the cover of the clouds, his eyes fell on the Liberty for the first time.

His gaze first glanced at Arlo, who was closing his gun in the middle of the deck, and then quickly looked away.

"That one is the shooter who killed Weber!"

Even he felt a fatal threat from the opponent.

He then looked towards the bow of the ship.


His eyes froze.

"Another one!"

A blue-haired little girl who was more dangerous than the gunman gave him just now was lying on the deck chair at the bow, sucking juice and reading a newspaper.

On a knife rack next to her recliner, there were two long knives, one black and one white.

But the black-haired woman on the reclining chair on the other side of the little blue-haired girl didn't give him any sense of danger.

But the handsome man with a fishing rod sitting on the guardrail in front of the girls gave him a very strange feeling.

The man didn't have any aura. Apart from his outstanding appearance, he didn't feel any danger from the man.

But it was this man who was not in any danger, but the old man's already dignified expression was full of tension.

He had seen such a man in his life.

And only once.

Although the handsome man below is completely different from the man he used to be, but the special temperament that can't feel the momentum at all, but is very eye-catching, is actually the same.

And the man who used to be was the most powerful person he had ever met in his life.

Including the current god Enel.

The strongest in every sense.

Therefore, as long as the handsome man below is not an ordinary person, he should also be an unpredictable and powerful person.

And how could a man with this temperament be an ordinary person?

For such a strong man, he did not dare to neglect in the slightest.

Because such a strong man already has the ability to destroy the entire Angel Island.

Not even Enel can stop it.

Even if Enel eats the Thunder Fruit, which is known as the power of God, it is useless.

So when he landed on the Liberty, he didn't dare to step on the guardrail like he landed on the Merry, but landed on the deck of the Liberty's bow.


Pierre folded his wings, let out a loud cry, and stood proudly beside the old man.

The old man stood upright on the deck, with a huge gun in his hand, the tip of the gun on the deck, and his hands on the top of the gun barrel. Looking at Sorata, he said in a serious tone: "I don't know why this gentleman asked me to come down?"

"Why don't you introduce yourself first?"

Sorata said without looking back, then held the fishing rod in her right hand and pulled it upwards.

Immediately, the sea of ​​clouds on the left front of the Liberty seemed to be about to rush out, and the surface of the sea bulged upwards, and then a huge empty fish with a flat body was pulled up by Sorata.

"It's the dustpan fish again!"

Hearing the movement, Ah Hua, who was sitting cross-legged on the middle deck wiping the kitchen knife, immediately stood up, rushed to the bow, and stood beside Sorata.

He looked at the flat and empty fish on the Sorata fish ditch, with a look of disappointment on his face.

They are almost tired of eating this kind of flat fish these days. Because they catch a lot of fish, they even named this kind of fish, which is "dustpan fish".

Just like what Sorata thought at the beginning, no matter how delicious fish is, if you eat it every day, you will always get tired of it.

No, it was only 3 days before and after.

This guy Ahua despises this kind of empty fish that they just met and whose eyes shine.

"Don't you want to eat?"

"No, it's just a bit tired of eating, and I want to change the taste."

"Haha!! You bastard!"

Sorata pulled the empty fish closer, and quickly inserted the fishing rod towards the empty fish. The fishing rod in his hand seemed to be a sword instead of a fishing rod.


A streak of silver-gray sword energy quickly shot towards Kongyu from the tip of the fishing rod.

No matter how Kong Yu struggled, it was useless.

The sword energy shot through Kongyu easily, and disappeared into the sea of ​​clouds behind Kongyu.

But Kong Yu's struggling body immediately froze in place, and then quickly shriveled like a punctured balloon. Regardless of the size of this guy, only about 20 to 30 catties were left in the end.

Sorata pulled the fish up, took off the hook, and threw both the fish and the fishing rod to Ah Hua.

"Didn't you see any guests? Hurry up and cook."


Ahua took the fish and fishing rod, turned around, and stopped his eyes on the old man for a while, then quickly walked down the bow and headed for the kitchen behind.

When Ahua appeared, the old man had no chance to speak. After Ahua left, he looked up at Sorata and spoke calmly.

“It’s really impolite to ask people questions right from the start.”

As he spoke, he let go of both hands and raised the gun, and changed to holding the gun with his right hand, then took a step forward, put his left hand on his lower abdomen, and bent slightly towards Sorata.

"You can call this old man 'Gan Fall'. I am a sky knight and a professional mercenary. I don't know what to call my husband? What advice do you have?"

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