Pirates: Invincible At The Beginning

Chapter 24 Heroes Are Not So Easy To Be

Under the eaves on both sides of the village road.

The villagers stared blankly at the stumped limbs all over the ground.

They first took a step back subconsciously, and then seemed to understand something.

Their already numb pupils, like a mirror that has wiped off the mist, shone with a ray of hope.

They stared excitedly at Kuina passing by the dead body, not daring to make a sound.

They are afraid.

They are afraid that everything in front of them is just a dream.

The scene in front of them had appeared in their dreams countless times, and every time they woke up excitedly, they were disappointed to find that everything was fake.

This time, they knew clearly that this was not a dream, but they still didn't dare to easily break the silence around them.

Seeing Kuina approaching, Ah Jian was subconsciously forced to retreat by the murderous aura remaining on Kuina.

Then he instantly understood that the opposite was not a murloc but a benefactor, so he didn't have to be afraid.

He shook his head, staring excitedly at Kuina.

Seeing Kuina approaching, Sorata's eyes flashed with tenderness, and she stretched out her right hand to wipe off a drop of blood that she accidentally splashed on her face just now.

"Kuina, now you are a real hero!"

Only then did Kuina put away the indifferent expression on her face, revealing a smile like thousands of flowers blooming.

This smile not only illuminated Ajian's desperate heart, but also illuminated the hearts of the surrounding villagers. Only then did they wake up like a dream.

A full six years! ...

Although it is only six years, it is not very long.

But life feels like years!

During these six years, it is unknown how many families and people died at the hands of these brutal murlocs.

And now, they finally waited for a person, a heroic person.

She killed murlocs as easily as if she was really a fish on the chopping board.

They waited for this moment for too long.

Jian stared at Kuina, trembling all over, and an unimaginable excitement surged in his heart.

"You... who are you?"


Sorata took Kuina's hand and looked up to the excited eyes of the surrounding villagers.

"You can call us, partners of justice."


"Is it justice?"

They didn't feel justice from Marine, but from two strangers.

When they came to their senses, Sorata and Kuina had already walked out of the village.

They looked at the backs of Sorata and Kuina from a distance, their eyes were full of hope, and they shouted loudly in unison.

"Please, we must defeat the Dragon Pirates!"

"A partner of justice..."

Their excitement can be felt from afar.

It was an emotion and impulse that had been suppressed for a long time, and then suddenly erupted like a volcano.

Let Sorata and Kuina, who are in it, feel an unprecedented joy on the spiritual level.

Kuina squinted her eyes enjoying it quite a bit. This feeling of being expected by so many people is very fascinating, otherwise there would not be so many people wanting to be a hero.

Then she opened her eyes, turned around, and said solemnly to the villagers who were looking forward and hoping.

"Don't worry! Bet on our lives, we will definitely slaughter the Dragon Pirates."

The voice was not loud, but it rang clearly in the ears of every villager.

The villagers stood there for a long time as they looked at the two figures heading towards the dragon's territory in the distance.

They deeply remembered these two teenagers and girls.

Especially girls.

Her beauty, the indifference and indifference on her expression when killing the murlocs, and the last smile that shone into their hearts.

They prayed, prayed that the girl would succeed in slaying the dragon, and also prayed that she would not be injured.

Even if they didn't succeed in slaying the dragon in the end.

They also don't want to be oppressed by the Dragon Pirates anymore.

Because the murloc corpses all over the ground were clearly telling them that the murlocs were not so invincible.

This made the anger in their hearts, and the shackles have been completely opened.


On the way to Arlong's Paradise, Kuina kept her head down, looking preoccupied.

Sorata looked at Kuina with concern and asked, "What's wrong? Kuina."

"It's nothing, it's just that there are some things I can't figure out."

"What's the matter! Let me hear it."

"When I first walked into the village, I could clearly feel the fear and numbness of the villagers."

"That kind of numbness can't be formed overnight, it must be oppressed for a long time."

Kuina looked up at Sorata and asked in doubt.

"But I can't figure it out."

"East Blue says it's big, but it's actually very small. How can a pirate group keep humans in captivity like animals for six years in human territory."

She frowned slightly, with a flash of excitement in her eyes, and asked loudly.

"Where are those Marines? Where's the righteous Marine?"

Sorata raised his hand and rubbed her head, looked at the Arlong Paradise in the distance, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and said quietly.

"Don't think too much about the justice of the high-level Marines. Most of their justice is for the nobles, but for the common people, they don't care so much."

"Often the ones who care the most about civilians are the lowest and most marine soldiers."

"But they have no right, nor the strength to manage these powerful pirates."

"Is that so!"

Kuina nodded, showing an expression of enlightenment.

"What about Garp, the marine hero! We grew up listening to his legends. Why didn't he come when there was such a bad pirate in our hometown?"

Kuina then asked rather angrily.

There are not many people in East Blue who don't admire Garp, after all, he is a member of his own family, and he is also known as a hero.

He is indeed the pride of most civilians and Marines.

But heroes also have time to spare.

Heroes also obey the rules, the rules of Celestial Dragons and World government.

So don't look at Garp as a hero, in fact, this guy is not so free.

New World needs him, Naval Headquarters needs him, and will still need him when the powerful pirates show up.

This guy was so busy that his grandson was handed over to bandits, causing his two grandsons to become pirates in the end.

Of course, with the characters of Ace and Luffy, even if Garp leads them himself, he might become a pirate.

So it's not easy to be a hero.

If it weren't for Garp's refusal to be promoted to Admiral, I'm afraid he wouldn't even have the time to go home to see his grandson on his annual vacation.

But Sorata didn't explain this to Kuina, he just said it lightly.

"Maybe just don't know! After all, he's not, and he goes back to East Blue often, doesn't he?"



"And I also heard that the Dragon Pirates and Colonel Marine "Rat" of the nearby Marine 16 branch are colluding with each other."

"In this way, in the other Marine Bases of East Blue, those Marines who really have justice in their hearts will not get the news here, so they will not be able to come to fight against the Dragon Pirates."

Hearing this, Kuina's eyes were filled with coldness, she gritted her teeth and said angrily.

"Damn that Colonel Mouse."

Sometimes the enemies on the surface are not so scary, what is scary is the kind that help the enemy, commonly known as Erwuzi.

Such people are often more cruel and hateful than the enemy.

They are all a group of soft bones who bully the weak and fear the tough, flattering their superiors and arrogant and domineering towards their subordinates.


"Don't worry! None of them can escape."

There was a red light in Sorata's eyes, and he had already sensed that there were two parties in Arlong Paradise.

And from the analysis of breath, it doesn't look like an enemy.

Then they can only be allies.

So the mouse guy, should be in Arlong's Land right now.


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