"What are these guys doing??"

On a huge sphere on a tree trunk, sat a sphere-like person.

He is the Shadley that Gan Fall said, also known as Dawu, and these balls are the traps he set.

He already felt the breath of Qinghai people and was ready to fight.

But these guys, who don't know what happened, actually stopped at the edge of the trial, and they didn't know what they were talking about for so long.

Just when he was about to meet these guys in person, he suddenly found that these guys started to move again.

When Sorata and his gang walked into his trap, he controlled the ball under him and floated in the direction of Sorata and others.

Far away, everyone heard this guy's voice.

"Hahaha, haha!!"

On top of a ball, a fat ball wearing orange glasses, holding a red white cane in his hand, was spinning on the ball, floating towards this side.

Everyone stopped and looked up at the fat man, with a string of question marks floating above their heads.

"What is this guy so happy for?"

Without waiting for everyone to think, Shadley stopped spinning, pointed the crutch in his right hand at a ball, then laughed and swung towards Sorata and the others.

I saw the ball he was pointing at, like the guy's extended hand, and with the swing of the crutch, it immediately flew towards Sorata and the others quickly.

This guy didn't stop, his crutch became a baton in his hand, and the countless white balls around him became weapons in this guy's hand. When he pointed his crutch to that one, that white ball was aimed at Sorata and the others. fly away.

For a moment, the white ball blocked everyone's eyes, making them completely unable to see Shadley in front of them.

All I could hear was the excited laughter from this guy.

And what came from the laughter was not joy, but banter.

Looking at the many white balls in the sky, there was no fluctuation in the eyes of everyone.

Needless to say, Sorata, A Luo took a step forward, pulled out the Dark Hound, put it on his shoulder, stared at the front, a murderous intent flashed in his pupils, and then pulled the trigger with his right index finger without hesitation.


The sound of the bullet being fired was so small that it was completely inaudible, and it was heard quietly in the sparks of the bullet's butt.

Then everyone saw a flash of white light, and the ball in front of the bullet exploded immediately.


Before the ball exploded completely, just as it collided, the translucent bullet appeared directly in front of Shadley's head as if teleported.

The moment Arlo pointed his gun at him, Shadley felt the danger, his pupils constricted, and his head turned to the right.

Although his reactions and movements were already fast, he never expected that Arlo's bullets could be so fast.

So although he dodged, the ear on the left side of his head was pierced by Ah Hua's bullet.

boom--! !

Then there was a shocking explosion behind him.

The shock wave came in an instant, so he didn't care about whether his ears were still there. He lay on the ball and flew behind a tree, avoiding the fire and shock wave coming from behind.

After the shock wave outside dissipated, he controlled the ball and carefully floated out.


When he saw a tree behind where he was standing just now, his throat seemed to be choked by something, and he could no longer make a sound, and his expression could no longer remain calm, and he had always kept a smiling face. There was no longer a hint of a smile on his face, the pupils behind the glasses closed into a dot, and the expression on his face was terrified.

"What is this! It's so powerful?"

I saw a tree behind him, as if it had been bitten by something, one side was completely destroyed, and the other side was only left with a trace of bark, still supporting the giant tree.

But a gust of wind blew by, and the giant tree fell to one side in an instant.

You must know that these trees are all ancient giant trees, and any one of them is several times larger than his entire body, not to mention the giant tree behind him, even on this island, it can be regarded as a big tree.

It's just such a giant tree, under the small bullet just now, one hit...

After only one use, it was blown through and broken.

Thinking that the bullet just passed by his head, he couldn't help shaking, and the sweat on his forehead couldn't stop pouring out.

Um! As for the ears, I don't feel any pain now.


Due to the explosion of the white ball, Shadley could not be seen by everyone, but this obstacle could not stop Arlo.

Red light flashed in A Luo's eyes, and a look of surprise appeared on his face, "Did you hide??"

This is the first player to dodge his bullet after he got Dark Hound.

The Cavendish in front doesn't count, this guy is hard-wired, so he doesn't count as hiding.


"I'll see how you hide!"

Arlo turned his head towards the Dark Hound, his eyes were aligned with the scope, and a red light appeared in his eyes, and then a black breath with metallic luster, like flowing water, poured into the barrel of the Dark Hound from his fingers, entangled On a bullet in the barrel.

For the front shot, he didn't use Armament Haki.

As for why it is so powerful, I think it is the special geography of Sky Island, which has changed the trees here, getting bigger, and of course the density has also become lower!

Arlo looked through the scope through his eyes, as if looking through the fireball in front, saw Shadley behind the fireball, and pulled the trigger for the second time without hesitation with his right index finger.


The black light pierced the space, broke through the sea of ​​flames, and appeared in front of Shadley for the second time in an instant.

Although Shadley sensed it at the first time and made an evasive movement, his body was not tempered after all. The body of countless people who fought, plus the bullets shot by Arlo Dark Hound, was not ordinary. The bullet, and it was wrapped around Armament Haki's bullet.

Such bullets are not only more powerful than the first shot, but their speed has also increased by nearly half.

Not to mention half done, even if it is 10% more, Shadley can't hide.

Looking at the bullet that was about to be shot between his eyebrows, Shadley felt that the time around him seemed to have stopped. This feeling of seeing himself about to die made his heart seem to be swallowed by fear. The whole person, just Together with the mind, it seemed to be sucked in by the bullet in front of him, and he was constantly heading towards the unknown darkness.


Like everyone who faced Arlo's bullet, this guy had no means of dodging. The bullet entered his forehead effortlessly, and then his head inflated like a balloon, and then cracked.

It's as if fiery red magma is flowing in the cracks, which is shocking.


boom--! !

A second, louder explosion sounded, bringing even greater flames and shock waves.

The surrounding balls lost Shadley's control, stopped in the air, and then flew towards the surroundings under the effect of the wind brought by the shock wave.

When everyone opened their eyes again, apart from the messy ground, the white balls floating around, and the broken giant tree in the distance, there was no Shadley figure!

To say what is left of this guy.

Except one place Kurozumi.

Then there are only two pairs of orange gloves with shock shells!

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