Pirates: Invincible At The Beginning

Chapter 198: The End Of The Cloud·Farewell

"Everyone, I saw it."

On the left side of the Liberty, there are two seats for one, with a bull's head hanging on the dragon's head, a spider flag in the middle of the ship, and a Weiba with a big horn, which is under the control of a thin old man with a big beard and a yellow shirt in the front seat, moving forward steadily.

On the back seat, sat a girl wearing a pink dress, with white wings on her back, and a ball-shaped light yellow double braid at the end of her hair.

These two are Conis and his father.

Conis was holding a white cloud fox in his arms at this time, turned his head to the Liberty on the right, and shouted loudly.

"Look ahead, the end of the cloud is here."


Maybe it was because of the owner's shout, Yunhu thought he was calling it, so he raised his head and answered loudly.

Coincidentally, this cloud fox is called "Xu", also known as "Sisi".

Just like Pierre's call is "pi".

The sound of 咻 is "咻".

It's really apt.

Hearing Conis' shout, everyone walked to the side of the boat except A Tao in the cab.

Then, following the direction of Conis' finger, he saw a huge dreamy arch with a huge rainbow on top of it, far ahead.

"I didn't expect it to arrive so soon!"

Ah Hua came out from the kitchen with a tray, first brought it to Kuina and Robin who were standing beside the boat, and waited for them to get the juice.

Only then did he look forward, and then, facing Sorata who was sitting on the railing at the bow, he shouted, "Sorata."


A trace of helplessness flashed in Sorata's eyes, Ahua was getting lazy, and he didn't deliver the juice to the bow.

Sorata withdrew his gaze, and in a thought, a glass of fruit juice flew towards the bow of the boat and landed in his hand on Ahua's tray, and a glass of juice flew towards the left of the boat and landed in Conis' hand.

As for the others, if you want to drink, get it yourself, he won't spoil them.


Sorata floated down the guardrail, walked to the left side of the bow, looked down at Conis below, drank juice, and asked, "Are there many ships going down here every year?"

Conis took a sip of the fruit juice, looked up at Sorata, with indelible respect and gratitude in her eyes, she smiled and said: "Before Enel came, our Kingdom of Gods still had a few ships from Qinghai every year, although among them There are not many people who come here with a friendly attitude, but there are still one or two ships that leave here every year."


Sorata nodded, took a sip of the juice, leaned on the guardrail, and asked, "So after Enel came, there have been no boats going down here for a long time?"


Conis lowered his head, looked ahead, and there was a flash of memory in his eyes, "Since Enel came, the ships that arrived in the Kingdom of God every year were either stopped by the more hostile Sandians, or lured to Apayado. , never came out again, so here, these few years, you are the only ship that has arrived here!"

Having said that, Conis took a sip of the juice in the glass, then raised his head, his eyes swept over the people on the boat, and his eyes became more grateful.

She knew that without Sorata and his gang, Angel Island, the residents of Angel Island would not know how long they would be oppressed by Enel.

This hopeless day is full of depression and despair.

It was Sorata and the others who tore away the haze that shrouded the Kingdom of Gods, allowing them to once again bathe Angel Island in the light of true hope.

It was also the arrival of their group that ended the 400-year war between Angel Island and the Sandia.

So they, the residents of the Kingdom of God, can't be too grateful no matter how grateful they are.

Arlo stepped out of the elevator on the mast, walked to Ahua, reached out and took a glass of juice from the tray in his hand, looked ahead while drinking, and said.

"Not to mention, I'm leaving soon, I'm really sad!"

Regarding A Luo's words, A Hua rarely contradicted him. He pushed the frame of the mirror and looked at the white clouds on the left, with a flash of reluctance in his eyes.

Sky Island is the most legendary place they have been to so far.

Everything here is so dreamy, as if it is really a place in a dream, full of magic.

All kinds of empty fish, clouds, pumpkins, people, dirt, shellfish, history...

Although it's only two days, but...

Everything is so nostalgic.

At this moment, when I really have to leave, I realize that the reluctance in my heart is so strong.

But no matter how reluctant they are, they have to leave. This is only part of their journey, just like Bass Island and Alabasta, they are also full of reluctance. If they hadn’t left, how could they have encountered such a beautiful Sky Island?


Their journey will not stop for a certain beauty, because their journey is the whole world!

He believes that in front of the sea of ​​clouds, below the sea of ​​clouds, on the boundless sea, there will be more, more magical, and more dreamy beauty waiting.

waiting for their arrival.

Ah Hua picked up the juice on the tray, put the tray on the coffee table in the middle of the deck, turned his head and went to the bow, stood beside Sorata, looking forward, his eyes were no longer reluctant, but full of the journey ahead vision.

Like they just got the news of Sky Island.

After a while.

The Weiba of the Conis family, driven by his father, took the lead and rushed into the cloud road in front of the giant arched gate.

Liberty followed suit.

However, Conis' Viba did not enter the gate, but stopped in front of the gate. They jumped off the Viba, ran, and shouted at the Sorata group standing on the bow of the Liberty.

"Everyone, then, we will send you here."


Sorata nodded, looked at Conis and his father, and said with a smile, "Thank you for leading the way."

"We are the ones who really want to thank you! We will never forget you."

Conis looked at Sorata with gratitude in his eyes, "Thank you!"

Conis' father was also grateful, and said loudly, "Thank you!"

"call out!"

Even the whoosh who was at Conis' feet yelled loudly.

"Ha ha!!"

Sorata laughed, stretched out her hand and waved it, "You have been thanked for two days, and I don't see you getting bored."

"Okay, take care, let's say goodbye here!"


Conis and his father replied, and seeing that the passage was about to enter, he hurriedly said loudly: "Then please furl the sails immediately, and hold on to the hull of the ship."


A Luo smiled, kicked his legs on the deck, jumped onto the mast with a "whoosh", and then quickly furled the sail under A Tao's control.

After the sails were furled, they walked to the bow together and waved goodbye to Conis and his father who were standing on the shore.

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