Pirates: Invincible At The Beginning

Chapter 27 Are You Ready To Fall Into The Boundless Hell?

Kuina took a step forward and slowly raised the knife towards the mouse.

Her movements were a little slow this time, as slow as that of an elderly person.

She wanted the mouse to have a good taste of the imminence of death.

As Kuina raised the knife, the rat's body shook even more.

His eyes fixed on Kuina's blade, the cold light shining on the blade, reflecting his embarrassed and terrified appearance at this moment.

Kuina's rising right hand, like a black hole, firmly grasped his mind and made his abdomen squirm.

At this moment, he suddenly felt an unbearable urge to urinate.

Then, between the mouse's legs, a piece of water gradually appeared. As time went by, the water gradually grew larger, and finally burst out like a flood, converging under his buttocks, like a stream Usually flow out.

Apparently the mouse was scared to pee by Kuina.

Kuina looked at the bear-like appearance of the mouse, with disgust in his eyes. With a flash of the knife, she raised her right hand and pointed the mouse's neck with a sharp knife.

The trembling body of the mouse stopped immediately.

He squinted, staring ahead in horror, his eyes full of longing for life.

He tried hard to move his body, but it didn't help, because his nerve center had been disconnected from his body.

He could already feel that the boundless darkness had come, pulling his soul into the abyss of hell bit by bit.

He has never felt that time is so long, and the thing that has lasted to this moment seems to him to be as long as a century.

His eyelids became heavier and heavier, until his soul was swallowed up by the boundless darkness, and the last gleam of light in his eyes dissipated.

This guy didn't know who he was facing until he died, so why did he have to kill him, even if he was wanted.

Standing where he was, Kuina backhanded the knife, throwing the Bloodline on the knife at the mouse.

It was this bloodline that broke the stillness of the mouse's body.

I saw the mouse's head suddenly scratched to the back, and fell to the ground with a "Boom!"

And his headless body, like a Domino card, lost its support and collapsed to the ground in an instant.

The blood mixed with his urine, like a stream, flowed into the nearby pool.

Kuina quietly looked at the blood stream flowing by her feet, the disgust in her eyes dissipated a little.

This is the true portrayal of the filthy life of the mouse!

There are dirty stains in this guy's blood.

Kuina glanced at the mouse's corpse indifferently, and then looked at the two Marines behind him who had fainted from fright.

"How do these two people deal with it?"


She thought about it and shook her head.

"Forget it, let Sorata handle it!"

Then she looked at the remaining murlocs.

The murlocs felt the familiar, Shinigami-like indifferent eyes, and stared at them again.

They knew that the female devil was coming to deal with them.

At this time, the instinct to survive temporarily broke the fear in their hearts, allowing them to generate strength out of thin air.


They roared, dragged their heavy bodies with tired spirits, and rushed towards the swimming pool with difficulty.

There is their only way of life.

Ever since they saw Sorata's slash, they no longer believed that their boss, Arlong, was alive to save them.

Looking at the swimming pool, they felt blue veins all over their bodies, and they used strength that they had never used in their entire lives.

As long as they rush to the pool and jump into the sea, they can use their identity as murlocs to escape.

Seeing that the murloc on the opposite side wanted to run, Kuina quickly kicked her feet on the ground, and rushed over quickly with a "whoosh".

They were about to rush to the pool, but to the desperation of the murlocs, Kuina was already standing at the end of their only life path.

In the end, all they could see was a flash of a knife, and all their murlocs fell down on the way to the pool.

Obviously this is not their way of life, but the way to hell.

In the stone pile of the collapsed wall on the right.

Arlong was lying there, motionless.

Because his head was hit by a huge boulder, he couldn't stand up immediately.

That is to say, during the tens of seconds he was in a daze, the entire Arlong domain had been bloodied, and his compatriots had all fallen to the ground and died.

He shook his head, and drilled out of the pile of rubble in bursts of "boom".

He raised his head, opened his misty eyes, looked at the scene outside, his dilated pupils contracted rapidly, and his brain instantly woke up.

Seeing the murloc corpses all over the floor, especially Xiao Ba who was divided into two in the pool, he was furious to the extreme.

He just regards human beings as a lowly race, and he is relatively friendly to the same kind.

Especially these murlocs, all followed him from The fish men island.

Originally, they came together to enjoy the blessings and dominate the world.

I don't know they are all dead now.

Even Xiao Hachi, who was a member of the original Sun Pirates, died, and it was such a miserable way of death.

Arlong's eyeballs were bloodshot, all dyed red, emitting an extremely bloodthirsty light.

The pupils in his eyes had shrunk to the point that they were no longer visible, which showed his anger at this moment.

He looked at Xiao Ba, suddenly thought of something, turned his head to look at Kuina, suppressed the anger in his heart, and asked loudly.

"Crooby and Chiu, were you killed too?"

According to the time, Croobi and the others should have returned by now, but they are nowhere to be seen.

According to the trajectory of their actions, their last stop was Cocosia Village, and the direction these two humans came from was from Cocosia Village.

Although it was basically certain that Crooby and the others were dead, he still couldn't help asking.

"You're talking about those stinky murlocs who go to collect head fees!"

Kuina stared at Arlong indifferently, and a cold voice came out of her mouth.

"They are now. They should have been dried like fish!"

She didn't put away the knife, and rushed towards Arlong with the knife in hand.

"Think so much, you should think about yourself!"

Seeing Kuina rushing towards him, the blood on Arlong's body accelerated, and his whole body turned red.

The pulsating blood vessels were like pythons wrapping around his body.

Let his already tall body swell again, looking from a distance like a walking blood-red monster.

He pulled out the big saw knife from the pile of rocks, held the handle of the knife with both hands, quickly raised it above his head, and slashed fiercely at Kuina who had come close.

"Go to hell! You human being of a lowly race."

He believed that Kuina would never be able to catch his knife.

The power of his knife was nearly double that of the previous one, and this was his life-burning knife.

"Rage Shark Saw Blade!"

Looking at the big saw blade cutting through the air rapidly above his head, Kuina didn't try to harden it.

She's not stupid, she really can't handle the power of this knife, but it's very easy to dodge.

There was a flash of red light in her eyes, and her sense of knowledge was activated quietly. She leaned to the left and turned her body lightly, letting the blade of the big saw knife stick to the tip of her nose, slashed in front of her, and slashed to the ground.

boom--! !

The hard stone slab on the ground suddenly shattered into several pieces and shot around.

The big saw blade continued unabated, and ruthlessly blasted a big hole in the ground under the stone slab.

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