Pirates: Invincible At The Beginning

Chapter 211 A Town Eroded By Time, There Are Still People

Out the door is a corridor.

There are doors of various shapes scattered on both sides of the corridor.

There are swords, books, wine barrels, and cat's claws.

At the end of the corridor, there is a spiral staircase. Going up the staircase is the restaurant of the Liberty.

Hearing the sound, I knew who was coming up from the sound of footsteps. Ah Hua, who got up early, turned to Sorata while frying eggs and said, "Sorata, everyone hasn't woken up yet. If you have nothing to do , just call everyone for me! The meal is ready, and we are waiting for cooking."


Sorata, who had just stepped up the last step, hovered in the air, looked at A Hua, nodded, then turned and walked down.

Go wake everyone up.

The people here are mainly Arlo, Atao and Indigo.

Kuina wakes up earlier than Sorata every day, and I'm afraid she has already finished her morning exercise and is taking a shower!

As for Robin, she has stayed in the dark world for a long time, and she has long been used to the habit of getting up at dawn. Even if it is extremely safe to stay on the Liberty now, it cannot change the habit she has developed in the past 20 years.

After a while, Sorata came down the spiral stairs, and pulled the three yawning Aruo up, and sat on the bar on the left, waiting for the breakfast prepared by Ah Hua in the transparent kitchen inside the bar.

The kitchen is very big, just like a bar, with sofas, a bar counter, and of course a special place for watching TV.

That is, the large video phone bug that Morgans sent.


The wooden door of the kitchen screamed and was pushed open from the outside.

Robin was wearing a purple dress with white patterns, holding a book in his arms, and walked in from the door. At the age of 26 and almost 27, he left the dry desert kingdom, and his face was gradually recovering luster, exuding a The unique intellectual beauty of a scholar.

And the wine red high-heeled shoes that made a thud-thump sound when they stepped on the wooden deck gave her a touch of sexiness that she should have at her age.

Following behind Robin is a figure in a pink kimono.

Different from Robin's intellectual and sexy.

17-year-old Kuina has a cold face, a pair of clear eyes, like a sharp sword, shining blue light in the morning sun, and long dark blue hair, which is casually tied behind her back and tied into a ponytail. A heroic posture that is different from that shown by ordinary women.

And of course, there's beauty.

And it was such a woman, who was more heroic than most men, when she looked at the man with silver hair by the bar, she would reveal the tenderness and attachment that only men can truly feel.

Like water, like wind, like the dawn of dawn.

And the man seemed to be able to feel the tenderness from the woman, and when he turned his head, there was also a gentle smile in his blue eyes.

It's just that there is a little more tolerance and pampering in his gentleness.

After breakfast.

Under the watchful eyes of Uncle Rhombus and his younger brothers, the Liberty gradually disappeared from their sight in the early morning sea breeze.

No one knows whether this encounter between them will be the last.

It's like no one knows whether Uncle Rhombus will really reach the dreamland in his heart after riding the upwelling current.

But just like this hopeful Chuyang.


As long as the heart is strong enough, I believe that one day, the dream I pursue will be truly realized.


Grand Line.

uncharted waters.

There is an island shrouded in thick fog.

Although the island looks full of vitality on the outside, the town on the island is full of vitality.

The houses and streets here seem to have been washed many times by the years, full of the atmosphere after the passage of time.

And what I saw in my eyes were all white-haired old people, not a single young man.

Strange to say, on this street, you can even see many old people who are obviously husband and wife, and what they are holding in their hands is not immature children, but old children with wrinkled faces.

Old children, old children, the old children led by the old man are really just like ordinary children. From their eyes, they can see the innocence and fantasy that only children have.

strange, strange?

The whole town, from inside to outside, from top to bottom, reveals Ultimate's weirdness.

It's as if this place has been ransacked by time, and even the air seems to be filled with the decay of time.

In a house on the edge of the town, a thin old man with a wrinkled face was sitting on the desk in the room, staring blankly at the books on the desk, and muttering non-stop.

"She's back, she's back, she's back..."

His name is "Sada Kabri", and everyone in the town usually calls him Kabri.

I don't know when, the people in the town seem to have stepped into the acceleration mode. They look different day by day. In less than half a year, their lives have gone through more than half of their lives. Even children it's the same.

He was originally a teenager in his 20s, but he also became an old man in the past six months.

And all of this, everyone in the town seemed to have lost their souls collectively, taking such things for granted.

except him.

He didn't know why, why he was the only exception.

After reading a lot of books and consulting the historical documents of the island, he found the answer today.

It turns out that there has always been an unknown scandal on their island.

That was when he was very young, and he didn't remember anything at that time, if it wasn't for the historical documents he found in the library on the island, he would not be able to remember what happened at that time.

More than 20 years ago, the patriarch's son got engaged to a woman from a family in the town, which was originally a very festive event.

But when the two families were discussing about holding a wedding, the bride suddenly disappeared for no reason.

This disappearance lasted half a year.

Originally thought that this matter would just be left as it is. Since the girl disappeared, she definitely didn't want to marry. Although the man's family is the mayor of the town, he didn't bully others.


He remembered that it was dusk, when he was playing with his friends on the beach outside the town under the setting sun, he saw a woman, a very beautiful woman with a big belly, slowly climbed onto the beach. island.

And this woman, he only knew now, was the woman who was engaged to Zhenzi's son.

It's fine if she doesn't come back, and it's fine if she doesn't come back pregnant, but not only did she come back, she also came back with a big belly.

This is a very terrible thing.

Because, according to the rules of their island, such a woman who is engaged to someone else but conceives someone else's child will be punished by burning fire!

That night, he was locked at home by his father, completely unaware of what was going on outside.

All he knew was that in the sound of the wind, there seemed to be a woman's hysterical roaring, crying and cursing.

Now that I think about it, that voice is probably the last curse of a woman!

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