Pirates: Invincible At The Beginning

Chapter 228: Illusionary Space

have nothing to say.

Although I don't know who the Jesus in Sorata's mouth is, the mocking and arrogant tone will not be false.

Obviously Sorata was not joking with him, so all his previous plans fell through.

His eyes were bloodshot, and Carteres stared at Sorata firmly, with murderous intent coming out of his body.

Then, like a phantom, the figure swayed and appeared directly in front of Sorata. The phantoms of the powerhouses around them also came to life immediately, and quickly rushed towards Sorata with their best fighting methods.

Looking at it from a distance, Sorata's figure at this time is like a flat boat in the sea, instantly submerged in the attack of the crowd.



The purple-black knife light flashed, and the surrounding phantoms immediately stopped in place. As the knife light disappeared, the phantoms also disappeared, and Sorata appeared inside, standing on the void and holding the knife in his right hand, drinking with his head up.

"Is this the strength?"

Putting down the wine gourd, red light flashed in his eyes, Sorata tilted his head and looked at the void not far to the left, and laughed: "Stop doing these useless little tricks, although these illusions are very strong, but for people of our level, You won't be so stupid as to think how much energy these things can consume me!"

"Don't be so arrogant, brat."

At this moment, a deep and cold voice sounded, and as the sound appeared, it was a circular space.

The space expanded instantly, enveloping Sorata in an instant.



As if traveling through time, Sorata found that he appeared in a town he didn't know at all, and suddenly there were countless auras around him.

These people, and this town, seemed to exist, and even the sun appeared on that day.

You must know that the sky is full of sunset outside now!

"This level of illusion, plus..."

Turning his head and looking around, there are countless people who look like normal people. If you only see it with the naked eye, or if you just perceive it with ordinary knowledge, these people are all real.

But all of this, under his special knowledge and spiritual perception, there is nothing to hide.

These people are all souls.

And his body, looking at the ground under his feet, a trace of shock flashed in his eyes, he could feel that he had indeed come into an illusory world, not an illusion, but a real body entered.

This guy's awakened hallucination ability affected reality, affected his vision, hearing, and nerves, which made him come to this illusory world.

It can actually visualize a space, a town, and an island.

"It's terrible!"

But it's useless to him. The strength of the space here is less interesting than his domain. He can go out anytime he wants.

And with the variety of abilities this guy has shown since meeting him, if he hadn't met him and went to New World, he might have been able to destroy one of the Four Emperors.

From this point of view, his level of danger in the World government was actually higher than that of the Four Emperors.

Is it because of his teleportation ability?

And when we first met, this guy not only seemed to know at a glance that he is not a Devil Fruit ability, but after knowing that he is not a fruit ability user, he was very surprised and his face was ugly. Even Kuzan and cp0 seemed to be surprised.

Can this guy also copy the abilities of other Demon fruit powers?

Only with this explanation can the World government send him.

Otherwise, no matter who is here, he has teleportation, and he is invincible innately. If he comes to trouble him, isn't he asking for trouble?

"Phantom beast?"

"It's amazing!"

If I had known earlier, I wouldn’t have allowed Ahua and others to eat Devil Fruit so early. Ahua and Aluo are fine, their fruits have strong special abilities, but the illusion created by Atao’s fruit is far worse than this guy in front of me. Ability, that is simply a world of difference.

And this guy's fruit also seems to be of the cat family, it looks like it should be a tiger, and A Tao's is just a cat.

It fits so well!

I just don't know if his space domain has expanded again, can he forcibly extract the power of Devil Fruit from a person's body, if he can, then directly replace A Tao with this guy's fruit.

Before completely defeating Carteres, Sorata was already thinking about the spoils after defeating this guy.

Except for Indigo and him, all of them have Demon fruit power on board.

Indigo has long said that he won't eat Devil Fruit, not even Logia.

He didn't say why at this point, and Sorata didn't ask.

Of course, if it's Op-Op Fruit, that's another story.

No doctor can resist the temptation of Op-Op Fruit.

He respects the choices of his partners, and it’s okay not to eat Devil Fruit, after all, it’s impossible for everyone on the boat to eat Devil Fruit, and then they all turn into landlubbers!

He is the captain, not the nanny, so it is impossible for him to keep an eye on his companions all the time.

It would be nice to have one more person who can swim.

"Brother, do you want to see my kelp, which is unique to Dongdong Island?"

At this moment, an old man with a kind face and old eyes came out from a nearby stall.

The old man was wearing a simple T-shirt, holding a cattail fan in his hand, and was fanning it slowly. His thinning hair was fluttering in the wind.

Looking at the old man, Sorata's eyes were bright red, and his eyes were fixed on the old man's eyes.

Then the color of knowledge and knowledge took him as the center, radiated to the surroundings, and expanded to this town in an instant.

He felt the same sadness and resentment as the woman in white in the depths of the old man's eyes.

And he felt all the souls in this town, the emotion deep in their hearts.

It's just not as strong as the nun in white.

"This guy, really damn it!"

She lowered her head, dodging the hand that the old man came to him and quickly reached out.

Sorata took a step forward and looked towards the back of the town. While his eyes were indifferent, he showed a murderous intent.

He thought, he knew why these souls showed sadness, and the hatred for Carteres.

These souls should all be extracted by this guy after they died in excruciating pain using some unknown method.

Just like the residents of Lantern Island, like Caribou, they died under the erosion of the years, and they should have never forgotten anything. , is really cruel enough.

As for why the woman also showed sadness and resentment.

Maybe this woman was saved by Carteres in the first place, and even the child in her belly might belong to this guy.

"What a beast!"

At this moment, the sun in the sky emitting warm light suddenly changed its appearance, turning blood red, and the light emitted was no longer warm, but cold as if it wanted to freeze the soul.

With the whining cold air, the whole town suddenly turned into a ghost.

I saw countless souls around, all put down what they were doing, turned their heads to stare at Sorata's direction, and their clear eyes were instantly replaced by blood red.

And then I don't know who started it, they followed one after another, rushing forward and back, all madly, rushing towards Sorata.

The overwhelming black shadow instantly blocked the red light, making the place where Sorata was plunged into the ultimate darkness.


As if time had stopped, the black shadows that were rushing towards Sorata stopped in the air as if they had been immobilized.

And Sorata stepped forward, step by step, at a seemingly slow but extremely fast speed, leaving countless black shadows on the spot, and after his phantom, he appeared in front of an ordinary tavern in a few steps.


Without hesitation, he pushed open the door, ignoring the surrounding souls that continued to rush towards him, ignoring the darkness of the tavern, raised his leg, and walked in.

The moment he walked into the tavern, the black shadows around him seemed to have lost their target suddenly, and they froze in place in a daze, and then quickly dispersed, but the direction they retreated was not the original position, but the people around them. dark.

It seems that the darkness of Ultimate is their real home and the place they should really go.

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