Pirates: Invincible At The Beginning

Chapter 259 Zombies And Ghosts

"Mr. Sorata, the Moria you called just now, could it be the guy who cut off my shadow?"

As soon as he landed on the mossy rocks, Brook couldn't wait to ask.


Sorata nodded, turned her head to look at the countless deserted graves on the left and right, and smiled faintly when she heard the clicking sound coming from inside.

"This guy is a shadow fruit capable user."

"Able to cut off a person's shadow for his own use."

Just as Sorata finished speaking, there was suddenly the sound of heavy objects hitting the coffin from the Wushuang desolate tomb on the left and right, and there were countless low-pitched roars from the tomb bag.

Timid people who come here for the first time will be scared by this weird sound and dare not move forward.

Except for Brook, who didn't know why, looking at the grave bag with fear, Sorata and the others didn't change their expressions, and even showed interest.

"come on!"

Looking at a tomb that was about to burst, Sorata turned to Brook and said, "Look closely, you can see where your shadow has gone?"

As he spoke, he took the lead and headed towards the grave.

As it approached, with a "bang", a corpse with a rotting upper body and wrapped in bandages emerged from the grave bag.

"Zombie, zombie, zombie..."


When Brook saw the corpse, he took a step back subconsciously, and roared loudly with a trembling tone.

If it wasn't for his already pale face, he would definitely be pale at this moment!


At this moment, Ah Hua slapped Brook's shoulder with his big fat hand, pulling him forward.

"Haha, I said you bastard, aren't you a skeleton yourself? You're still afraid of this stuff."


After hearing this, Brook stopped screaming for an instant, and then showed a look of sudden realization, "Yes! Am I not a skeleton? Why am I afraid of zombies!"

At this moment, Sorata had already fixed the zombie in front of her, and turned her head to motion for Brook to come forward.

Ahua pulled Brook and quickly stepped forward, surrounded the zombie with everyone, his eyes lit up, and he started to appreciate it.

People who don't know, think they have seen something amazing?

At this moment, more ground-breaking sounds sounded around, but no one paid attention to the surrounding sounds, and all looked at the zombies held by Sorata, waiting for Sorata's explanation.

Without saying much, Sorata reached out and took out a packet of salt from the dimension bag.

In a moment of thought, the salt bag opened automatically, and then a white ribbon composed of salt grains flew out of it, and quickly flew into the Zombie's Zhang Zhang's mouth.


As soon as the salt flew into the zombie's mouth, Sorata gave up the restriction on the zombie. The zombie opened its mouth and roared, then raised its head, and a black shadow emerged from his throat.

Sorata reached out her hand, covered with the black Armament Haki, and grabbed the black shadow.


After losing its shadow, the zombie instantly collapsed to the ground as if it had lost all its power, splashing faint dust.


Turning to Brook, Sorata held out her hand.

Everyone looked surprised at the black shadow constantly twisting in Sorata's hand.

"This is the shadow, it's amazing."

Ahua pushed his glasses, looked at the shadow, then glanced at the limp corpse on the ground, and said, "So that fellow Moria took the shadow to create these zombies?"

"But what's the use of these zombies!"

"It's just a little better than ordinary people, and some rotten corpses are not as good as ordinary people."

What he was talking about was the zombies surrounding everyone at the moment.


Turning around and kicking a zombie walking behind him, Ah Hua continued: "This thing moves slowly, why don't they recruit the crew after making it, this guy is completely putting the cart before the horse!"

Let go of your hand, let the shadow in your hand fly out of the island, and fly out of the island.

Sorata doesn't know who this shadow is, and he can't distinguish between good and evil. After all, this thing is not a soul, so let it go!

Raising his head, looking at the increasing number of zombies around him, Sorata chuckled, "Actually, I can't say that. If this thing finds more corpses and shadows of strong people, it will still be very powerful."


Speaking of this, he himself couldn't help laughing, "Haha!! Among ordinary people, he is still very powerful. After all, he is not afraid of pain or death, isn't he?"

As soon as the words fell, Sorata's eyes narrowed, and an outward thrust centered on the group of them, and went outward rapidly.

With the sound of bang bang bang, the surrounding zombies were directly rushed out.

"Come on! That Moria guy is coming, and Brook, your shadow is coming too."

"Oh...my shadow?"

When Brook heard Sorata's words, he turned his head suddenly, following Sorata's gaze, looking at the castle in the distance.

Eyes look forward.

At this time, everyone could already hear the sound of heavy objects hitting the ground, and the sound of footsteps must be Moria!

Just when everyone was about to act, they saw a large number of white ghosts suddenly appearing from their left.

As the ghost flew, it let out a strange laugh.

Instantly attracted everyone's attention.

"Ghost, ghost, ghost, ghost..."

Sorata and the others didn't move, but Brook was obviously afraid of this thing, and his reaction was stronger than when he saw the zombie just now.

He sat down on the ground and kept backing away, obviously terrified.

Sorata glanced at Brook, and a trace of helplessness flashed in his eyes. This guy is lonely and afraid, and always wants to find a sense of presence. He can sense that if Brook wants to say how scared he is, it’s not always true. There must be fear, but he definitely doesn’t. Such an exaggeration.

No one on their boat can accompany this guy crazy, don't know if he will still be on his boat.

After all, the strength of their group is completely different from that of Wang Luffy and his group. Everyone's knowledge and the confidence to face anyone with the courage to go to sea are not found in other pirate groups.

They are a group, as long as he does not show fear himself, his partners will not show fear.

Because they believe that as long as there is Sorata, everything is trivial.

And Sorata's performance along the way did not disappoint his partners. Pushing horizontally all the way gave them an infinite sense of security.

He didn't know if it was right to do so.

But he couldn't put his partners in danger, so he could only try to improve everyone's strength.

When strength and self-confidence can match everyone's ambitions, all difficulties in this world will no longer exist in front of everyone.

So if Brook does get on their boat, he'll have to get used to it.


Ah Hua couldn't help laughing out loud when he saw Brook's embarrassed look, "I said! Brook, have you really stayed here for 50 years?"

"Aren't they just artificial ghosts?"

"Are you so afraid?"

As he said that, he turned around, straightened his waist, and took a step forward, facing these ghosts alone, "Look at me."

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