Pirates: Invincible At The Beginning

Chapter 269 Leave It To Them To Have A Headache

Naval Headquarters "Maryford".

"Gran, if you can't get in touch, forget it!"

In the marshal's office, Sengoku sat on the desk at the top, crossed his hands on the desk, put his chin on the back of his hand, looked at a woman standing beside the sofa, constantly flicking the dial button of the phone bug, Marine said calmly.

The female Marine, that is, Gran, wears the epaulettes of Major Marine on her shoulders and the Marine Justice Cape. She has long black hair and a low ponytail behind her. On her beautiful cheeks, she wears a pair of black round myopia glasses. Let the heroic she have a touch of female intellectual beauty.

She put down the microphone of the phone bug, stood up straight, stretched out her hand and pushed the mirror frame in front of her face, then turned to Sengoku and said, "Mr. Sengoku, I'm afraid, just as you guessed, Moria should have suffered an accident."


Sengoku nodded, put his hands down, and sat up straight, "We should know when the silver-haired gang enters the Devil's Triangle."

"I just didn't expect this guy to act so fast, and Moria was killed by this guy before he could tell Moria to escape."

"And from Silver Hair's attitude towards pirates, it can be concluded that Moria's gang should all be dead!"

Gran looked at Sengoku, thinking of the strength of the silver-haired gang, and said with a serious face: "Then Mr. Sengoku, what should we do next?"

"Report it to the World Government! Although it hasn't been confirmed yet, it's almost confirmed. As for the silver-haired group, didn't the World Government make any orders?"

Having said that, Sengoku's eyes showed a gleam, "Leave it to them to have a headache!"

"Yes, Mr. Sengoku."

Gran gave Sengoku a military salute loudly, then bent down and picked up the phone bug who had just called Moria on the coffee table, turned around and left the Marshal's office.

She's a member of the Marine Intelligence Section, and she's the one who contacts the World government, and Shichibukai.

As for Shichibukai's disappearance, since Sengoku has come to a conclusion, and she really can't get through the phone, it can only be reported to the World government.

As members of the intelligence department, apart from the Marshal and Admiral, there are probably only a small number of people in their department in Marine, who know the horror of the silver-haired gang best!

Take the naval battle outside the capital of seven waters. Before the news of the pirate "Cheers" who escaped from death came out, Marine actually knew the specific news of that battle.

There are monitoring of various seabirds, and after the incident, the nearby Marines received news, and the pirates who went to clean up the mess and rescued got the news from them.

After all, the Pirate Alliance waited for Sorata and others for a few days outside the capital of seven waters.

Such a huge force, of course Marine knew about it.

It's just that Sorata and others are in the capital of seven waters, and Marine dare not go there.

Afraid that Sorata will catch them all together with the pirates.

"Thunder Fruit."

Since Kuzan came back, he only told Sengoku about Kuina's information, so in Marine, the current information about Sorata's gang is still in Alabasta.

You must know that there was no Thunder Fruit in Kuina at that time.

And the strength that Kuina showed in this battle, even if they just heard about it, they can imagine how devastating it is, after all, it is an alliance composed of nearly 20 pirate groups.

There are more than a hundred criminals offering bounties alone, and the bounties add up to more than 6 billion.

You must know that the pirate who can sail to the capital of seven waters is no longer a novice who just entered the Grand Line. To get here, he has some skills. After all, he arrived alive from the pursuit of thousands of pirates and Marine. Here!

However, such a force, a Pirate Alliance with more than a thousand people and a bounty of more than 6 billion, in Kuina's hands, is like a toy, and it didn't take long to end the battle.

When Marine rushed to the scene, the tragedy was like a tsunami and a hurricane. There were not many pirates left, and the sea was full of charred corpses. It was scary to watch.

Even if they didn’t report it afterwards, the intelligence department also raised the level of danger for Kuina a lot. No wonder some time ago, Kuina was inexplicably added so many bounties. The World government should have known that Kuina got the Thunder Fruit.

After returning to intelligence, Gran reported Moria's death to the World government, and then ignored it.

After all, Shichibukai is directly under the jurisdiction of the World government.

It has nothing to do with them Marine.

Marshal's office.

After Gran led the order to go out, Sengoku had been leaning on the chair in a daze.

Last time it was Ke Lockedar, this time it was Moria, it seems that except for the Hawkeye guy, the silver hair killed all the Shichibukai he met.

"Batholomew Big Bear" is doing research on a special island in the World Government, and it's hard for outsiders to find, so don't worry about it.

The "Nine Snakes Island" where "Empress Boya Hancock" is located is located in a windless area, and she rarely shows up at ordinary times, so there should be no danger.

Then there is "Strait · Jinbei" by The fish men island, followed by "Heavenly Yaksha · Donquixote · Doflamingo" by New World de Reiss Rosa.

With Jinbei's character, and the character that the silver-haired gang has always shown, as long as Jinbei doesn't provoke them, there shouldn't be much danger.

But Doflamingo is probably in danger.

"Should I remind him?"

Sengoku leaned forward, put his hands on the table again, resting his head on the back of his hands, thinking.

To be honest, although Shichibukai has played a role in stabilizing the sea, Marine actually hates this system from top to bottom.

Because this system is denying Marine's achievements, and also reminding the world of Marine's incompetence, actually relying on pirates to check and balance pirates.

However, this is a decision made by the World Government after careful consideration. Even if he is a marshal, he cannot object, let alone he was an Admiral more than ten years ago, so he cannot object.

In fact, he didn't have much opinion on the appearance of Shichibukai. After all, Shichibukai really helped the World government and Marine, stabilized the sea under certain conditions, and gave the World government time.

Some things, he did not know until he became a marshal.

Yes, it is delaying time. The World government needs to find a new force to calm the sea if it wants to balance the sea.

After all, Roger's bastard's words before his death completely ignited the sea, causing the already balanced sea to run wild and lose its balance.

Due to the substantial strengthening of the pirate side, Marine is gradually unable to take care of it. The four seas are okay to say, but as more and more pirates enter the Grand Line, the pressure on Marine is also increasing. This is why Shichibukai came into being. Appear.

On the one hand, it is to balance the sea, and on the other hand, of course, it also wants these guys to be used by the World government.

But these guys are a group of free, lawless, and free people, how could they be used by the World government?

They joined Shichibukai, each with their own goals.

For example, that bastard Ke Locke Dahl almost succeeded in stealing the country by using the name of Shichibukai.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but think of the World Summit that ended not long ago, the king of Alabasta, Neferutali Cobra, and after Cobra received news from Alabasta during the meeting, in the subsequent meeting, Furious about the Shichibukai system.

And he also heard that Cobra proposed to discuss "abolishing the Shichibukai system" in the next session.

"After four years, the World government should not use Shichibukai!"

Thinking of the power of World Government's secret research, he couldn't help looking forward to it.

Although I don't know what it is, but as a weapon to replace Shichibukai and balance the power of the sea, it is impossible to be weaker than the current Shichibukai!

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