Pirates: Invincible At The Beginning

Chapter 280: The Bar On Island 13

Sabaody Archipelago.

The entire island is made up of many big trees, the ground is the roots, and bubbles will emerge from the ground.

Therefore, it is also called "Soap Bubble Islands".

This is the island directly ruled by the Celestial Dragons and the closest island to the Holy Land Mariejois.

There are often Celestial Dragons coming down from Mariejois to play and buy slaves.

So here is the world's largest slave auction house with the most sound service.

Human traffickers from all over the world gather here, so that Celestial Dragons can buy slaves of most races in the world here.

Of course, it also includes the mermaid on The fish men island in the deep sea 10,000 meters below.

At this time, on the edge of Island 13, the Liberty was gradually approaching.

Since the island is directly ruled by Celestial Dragons, there is a Marine Base on the island. Although there are not too powerful generals, there are still a lot of troops.

Moreover, it is very close to Naval Headquarters, and Marine support is always available at any time.

Therefore, although there are many pirates here, they generally do not dock in real ports.

Only pirates who are going to New World will drive the boat into the location designated by the coater after going to the island to find the coater.

As the boat gradually stopped.

Everyone looked at the island with bubbles constantly rising from the ground in the distance, and their eyes were full of excitement.

"Let's go!"

Sorata stood at the bow of the boat, glanced at everyone, then took a step forward, jumped off the bow, and set foot on the land beside the island.

"Hmm! It's a bit soft, completely different from normal land."

Sorata looked down at the lawn under her feet, stepped on it hard, and enlightenment flashed in her eyes.

It is not so much the earth, the lawn, but the moss.

Raising his head, looking at the giant tree in the distance, whose canopy covered the entire area, a trace of curiosity flashed in Sorata's eyes.

As far as he knows, the entire Sabaody Archipelago is actually the root of a tree.

The tree in front of me grew from the roots of that tree.

There are 79 such trees on the Sabaody Archipelago.

There is a number on each tree, and people call the group of 79 islands the "Sabaody Archipelago".

"The world's largest mangrove 'Alcium mangrove'."

Although I haven't seen the real appearance of the world's largest mangrove tree, the huge Sabaody Archipelago can be formed from the rhizome alone, so you can know how big the tree is.

I don't know if this tree grows on the Red Line, or where?

It is said to be near Naval Headquarters.

Hmm...you can check it out when you're bored.

In a magical world, such a big tree might have become fine.

"Ha ha!"

Shaking his head, shaking off the daydreaming in his mind, he turned around and saw that his companions had all landed on the island. Sorata stretched out her hand, her palm facing the Liberty, and the nebula turned rapidly in her blue pupils.

I saw the extremely huge Liberty in front of everyone, as if being sucked into the space-time channel, amidst the buzzing sound, it rapidly became smaller and smaller with the distorted space.

In the end, it turned into a small toy, floating above Sorata's palm.

Except for Kuina, everyone including the three of Ahua stared at Sorata's hand in shock, staring at the small Liberty in his hand.

"Is this the Liberty?"


"Sorata, what kind of ability is this!"

"Yo ho ho ho ho ~ it's really amazing!"


Turning his head, he looked at the small number of Liberty in his hand, and looked at the crowd quickly.

The corners of Sorata's mouth raised, and he said with a faint smile: "This is the same as the 'Battlefield of the Gods'. I just put the Liberty into my domain and narrowed down the space."


Ahua and the others who knew about the Battlefield of the Gods looked enlightened, while Brook, who didn't know, was full of doubts.

As if sensing Brook's doubts, Sorata turned to Brook and explained, "Don't think too much, you just need to know that this is one of my abilities, and you will know what it is in the future."

"Yohohoho~ Got it, Mr. Sorata."

Brook put away the doubt in his eyes and smiled at Sorata. Although he was only a skeleton, he was still very emotional.

Looking back, Sorata's five fingers contracted, and the Liberty in his hand gradually became smaller as his fingers contracted, until it finally became a small glass ball as if it was sealed in Amber.

Sorata closed her hand, threw the glass ball containing Liberty into the dimensional bag, turned around and looked into the distance and said with a smile, "Let's go! Take a good look around this beautiful island."

"Then I'll go ahead."

"You first, or me first, haha!!"

As soon as Sorata finished speaking, the three of Ahua couldn't wait to move forward.

Looking at the backs of the three of Ahua, Sorata shook his head and followed.

Then there's Kuina and Robin, and then there's Indigo and Brook.


"Sorata, there is 13 written on this tree. Is this island divided into many pieces by this tree?"

Ahua looked at the huge figures on the trunk of the giant tree, pushed the frame, and turned to look at Sorata.


Sorata nodded, "Sabaody Archipelago is an archipelago bounded by such trees."



Looking at the numbers on the giant tree, Sorata's eyes flashed a trace of doubt, as if he had seen it before, and then looked around, when he saw the grass in the distance, and which house built on the high ground far away from the grass .

As if thinking of something, the doubts in his eyes disappeared, and there was a hint of understanding on his face.

"So it's here!"


Everyone looked at Sorata, a series of question marks appeared in their minds.

"Sorata, do you know this place?"


Sorata nodded, then shook her head again, "I'm not sure either, let's go!"

"Go and have a look, and you'll know."

After finishing speaking, he walked towards the remote house not far away behind the tree.

Everyone glanced at the numbers on the tree, looked away, and hurriedly followed.

At this time, it was in the house built on the high ground.

A few burly men who didn't look good at first glance were drinking.

Looking at the layout of the room, one can tell at a glance that this is a bar!

The one who was sitting at the bar and smoking a cigarette looked very young, but there were probably women over 60 years old, (well...the age of the woman is a mystery...), and slowly stopped smoking.

The woman has short black hair in a mushroom shape, her bangs cover her eyebrows, her sides are turned up, she wears a string of golden necklaces around her neck, she wears a red t-shirt with a spider pattern on her body, and she wears a Shapewear vest.

The whole person looks very fashionable.

She took a deep breath of the cigarette, with the cigarette in her right hand hanging gracefully on the right, her left hand hugged her chest, and the palm of her hand supported the arm of her right hand. An inexplicable smile.

Then, as if he hadn't noticed anything, he continued to smoke gracefully.


At this moment, the door of the bar was pushed open forcefully.

A handsome guy stood at the gate of the bar with his friends.

The handsome man raised his head, with pale blue pupils, he met the eyes of the woman whose age was unknown at the bar, and smiled faintly.

"It really is here."

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