Pirates: Invincible At The Beginning

Chapter 36 The Wise Old Man


In the silent alley, there was a piercing scream.

Sorata and Kuina stood outside the only tavern in this small town, gently pushed open the very old wooden door, and walked in.

There was no one in the dimly lit tavern, and it seemed very quiet.

All I could see was a wisp of smoke rising from behind the dark bar, and sparks behind the smoke.

When I got closer, it turned out that it was an old man with a big beard, lying on a recliner behind the bar, puffing away!

The old man heard the sound of the door opening and didn't move.

Having opened a tavern on Prussia Island all his life, he has already decided not to open it after this year.

After all, when one is old, the son does not inherit his tavern.

The old man squinted his eyes and smoked comfortably, just like the master of the landlord's house smoking opium while lying on the bed.

It wasn't until Sorata sat on the high stool outside the bar that his eyes opened slightly and he glanced lightly.



Boom boom boom! ! !


Sorata tapped her fingers rhythmically on the bar.

He lowered his head and looked at the old man inside the bar through the smoke.

The old man seemed to have a story at first glance, and he couldn't hide the breath of time that radiated from his whole body.

"Master, it's broad daylight, and there are no customers in the store, why don't you go outside to bask in the sun? Be careful if you sit in the dark for a long time, your body will get moldy!"

With a pipe in his mouth, the old man stood up unhurriedly, looking at the two of Sorata through the light of Madara coming in from the window.

After he saw Sorata's appearance clearly, he was suddenly taken aback.

Then, as if he hadn't found anything, he exhaled smoke rings and said, "I'm about to be buried in the earth, it doesn't matter if I stay in the sun or not, but you young people, it's amazing."

"Hmm! So, sir, you know us already!"

Kuina sensed the information in the old man's words, with doubts on his face, he looked at the old man and asked.

"do not know."

"I really don't know you?"

Kuina stared at the old man closely. What the old man said just now meant that he knew them both.

The old man did not answer Kuina.

He first exhaled a big mouthful of smoke, took down the pipe with his left hand, and knocked on the bar to knock out the ash in the pipe.

Then he continued to smoke the pipe, took out the shredded tobacco, stuffed it into the pipe, and lit the cigarette again.

Only then did he raise his head, watching Kuina speak slowly, "The Marine who came this morning seems to have chatted with you."


"No, look! This is what they left behind!"

The old man took out two arrest warrants out of nowhere and put them on the bar counter.

Kuina took it quickly and looked at it.

"Sorata, it's a reward for both of us!"


Sorata replied lightly.

Obviously he was not interested in the reward order, but he was more interested in the old man in front of him.

He stared at the old man, deliberately asked with a gloomy face, "Master, since you know us, aren't you afraid?"


The old man was smoking a cigarette, squinting his eyes, looking at Sorata in a daze.

"Do I know you?"

Sorata stared at him for a while, with a smile on his face, "Yes, you don't know us, how could you know us!"

"What a clever old man."

Obviously the old man is a master at pretending to be confused.

He clearly knew the two of Sorata, but pretended not to know each other, just not wanting to ask for trouble.

"Oh yes, sir."

"I don't know how far it is from 'Rogge Town'."

Sorata looked at the old man and asked.

Their main route is to go to the town of Rogge, and then go to the "Grand Line" through the artificial canal on the upside-down mountain.

If they hadn't gone to Cocosia Village, they should have been on the "Grand Line" by now.

"The town of Rogge?"

"There is still about a day's voyage!"

"A day's flight?"

There was excitement in Sorata's eyes.

"So they'll be going to the Grand Line soon."

East Blue was a bit too boring for them, no challenge at all.

Seeing Sorata's expression, the old man asked unhurriedly.

"So you're going to the Grand Line?"


"It's not so easy to go there."

A flash of memory flashed in the old man's eyes.

"Oh...it looks like you have been to the Grand Line, sir?"

Sorata knew from the very beginning that the old man had a story, no, the story came.

With a curious look on his face, he quickly asked, "Can you tell us about the Grand Line experience?"

The old man took down the pipe, shook the ash, then took a deep breath, and said slowly.

"Old man, I have never been to the Grand Line!"

"When I was young, I wanted to go to the Grand Line, but when I was in the reverse mountain, I couldn't take the artificial canal there, so the boat crashed and people died."

"If I hadn't been lucky in the end and was rescued by the lighthouse guards on Upside Down Mountain, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to come back."

Speaking of this, the old man's smoking hand trembled.

It seems that the experience at the beginning left him with lingering fears until now.

"Is it that scary?"

Hearing this, a trace of surprise flashed across Sorata's face.

"Hmm! Terrible."

The old man took a puff of cigarette, and then said: "There are countless ships going to the Grand Line every year, but only half of them can reach the Grand Line in the end!"

"The sea current that reverses the mountain is not something that ordinary ships can pass through, and the entrance of the artificial canal is very narrow. Without a good navigator, it is impossible to enter at all."


Sorata shrugged indifferently, and immediately lost interest in the old man's experience.

He's only interested in the Grand Line thing right now.

As for Upside Down Mountain.

For them, it's like going to an amusement park to ride a roller coaster.

Seeing Sorata's experience with him, the old man had an indifferent attitude to Upside Down Mountain, and he lost the desire to continue talking.

Upside Down Mountain is the road to hell for the common man.

For the big pirate who is offering a reward of 70 million, it might just be a small waterway!

He picked up the glass, wiped it, and poured Kuina a glass of juice and Sorata a glass of wine.

The old man has been running the tavern for so many years, and he can tell at a glance who can drink and who can't.

"Thank you, sir."

Kuina served the juice and thanked her.

He really doesn't like wine that much.

But Sorata is different.

He picked up the wine glass, took a sip, nodded first, then shook his head.

Seeing Sorata's movements, the old man asked curiously, "Boy, what's the matter?"

"Wine is good wine, but not strong enough."



"I don't like to drink wine with too low alcohol content, it feels tasteless."

"Oh! Is that so!"

The old man held a pipe in his left hand, squinted his eyes at Sorata and asked.

"Oh! By the way, you came to my dilapidated tavern to chat with an old man like me!"

"Of course not!"

Sorata took out his wine gourd, put it on the bar, pushed it in front of the old man and said with a smile.

"We're just here for a drink, please fill me up with the best and strongest wine you have here."

"Is it full?"

The old man took the wine gourd and weighed it in his hand.

"The best wine, it's not cheap to fill it up!"

"Don't worry, it's not short of money."

Sorata waved at him.

"That's right, how could you be short of money?"

The old man shook his head, first suddenly realized, and then returned to his confused expression.

I'm just an old man who's going to be buried in the ground, and I don't know anything.

He took the gourd and put it on the bar, and fumbled out a small jar from the cabinet under the wine cabinet behind.

It could be seen that the wine jar hadn't been touched for a long time, and the stopper and the upper part of the wine bottle were covered with a thin layer of dust.

While wiping the dust with the tablecloth, the old man introduced: "This wine! You can only brew this small jar every year."

"So you made it yourself!"

Sorata saw that there was no label on the wine jar, and asked.

"I used to be the brewer."


"Yes, it used to be. Now that I'm old, I can only look at the bar. As for the work of brewing wine, I have already handed it over to my son."

After the old man finished wiping, he gently uncorked the wine, and a strong aroma of wine came to his nostrils.

Smelling the aroma of wine, Sorata stopped talking, his eyes fixed on the wine jar in the old man's hand.

"It's no wonder that only such a small jar can be brewed in a year. Just by smelling the aroma of the wine, you know it must be good wine."

The old man put down his pipe, took out a funnel from behind, and inserted it into the mouth of the wine gourd.

Then he raised the wine jar high.

I saw a cyan, transparent like Amber wine, slanted down from the wine jar, and slowly flowed into the wine gourd.

Sorata looked at the liquor that seemed to be shining with blue light, and swallowed involuntarily.

He had never seen such a beautiful wine.

After pouring out the wine in the wine jar, the old man turned back and put the empty wine jar on the rear wine cabinet.

Then he turned around and took the stopper of the wine gourd, and pushed the gourd in front of Sorata.

"Guest, your wine."

Then the old man picked up the pipe again, leaned against the bar and smoked.

Sorata took the wine gourd in front of her and shook it.

Um! Just a gourd full.

He hung the wine gourd back around his waist, looked at the old man and said with a smile, "Since the wine has already been brewed, sir, why don't you say the price!"

The old man pondered for a while before he opened his mouth and said, "My drink money is..."

"Get out of here as soon as possible!"


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