Looking away, Sorata looked at Garp again.

He didn't continue, trusting Garp to understand.

In fact, after fighting for so long, he has already known Garp's Armament Haki. In fact, he has not broken through the world's understanding of Haki, but it has only been condensed to the extreme.

However, it is this condensed Ultimate Armament Haki that makes Sorata's blade not a threat to Garp at all, and it can't even leave a scar on him.

You must know that his Haki at the moment is not to say that he is on par with the peak, but compared to most people in this world, he is definitely better than him.

However, this is the case, and Garp can't get a little bit of cheap in the hands of Garp.

The old man's Haki has been completely integrated with his body and combat experience, and he can take any of his slashes with the least amount of Haki and physical strength.

And that pair of iron fists can concentrate the whole body at one point, making it truly invincible.

No wonder it's called "Garp the Fist".

With only a pair of fists, the old man moves across the world, making countless pirates in this world terrified.

In his life, he drove Roger around the world, beat Whitebeard, captured Golden Lion, and destroyed the legendary pirate group Rocks Pirates.

Counting forward, he has fought countless pirates and captured countless pirates that have disappeared in history.

Up to now, although he is old, his combat skills, which are close to the Tao, have been condensed to the extreme just like his Haki.

The ordinary yet extraordinary fist is his greatest weapon.

Although he is relaxed now, in fact, after condensing the space blade, he can no longer fight Garp in real body.

After all, his physical strength has dropped a bit seriously.

After this time, even if there is space pressure, if the old man disregards Zhan Kong and Qiu Shui and wants to fight his real body, he really has no choice but to stand still and fight him.

Wouldn't this be a sandbag?

Forget it anyway.

It's good to just drink a little wine and watch a play like this.

What should be tempered has also been tempered. Fighting for a day and a night is enough, isn't it?

"Old man, do you still want to fight?"

At this point in the battle, apart from watching the old man show off his almost Taoist fighting skills, there is actually no need to continue fighting.


With his hands crossed, Garp's body sank, and he raised his head amidst the rumbling sound, looking at the young man who was sitting in the void like a true god.


I sighed in my heart.

When he came this time, he did see what power Sorata used to kill Carteres.

That thing gave him a feeling that surpassed the most dangerous thing he had ever seen in his life.

He didn't know what that thing was, and the feeling it gave him was definitely beyond his comprehension, so he didn't even dare to go to Sorata's side even to fight.

He fears……

He was afraid that if he touched that thing, the entire Sabaody Archipelago would be destroyed.

Although this was just his feeling, he didn't dare to risk his life to try the power of this thing with Sabaody Archipelago.

Although he knew what power killed Carteres, more doubts followed.

What is this space realm?

This is still him, if Vice Admiral enters this field, don't say anything, I'm afraid he will be held in place by the pressure in an instant.

He knows that Sorata is not Demon fruit power, and he also knows that there are special races in this world with special abilities.

But he has never seen or heard of these heaven-defying abilities of this kid, and I believe that it is impossible to find them after searching through ancient history.

There is also a special layer of space on the surface of the imp's body.

What is that?

After fighting for a day and a night, and it was still a high-intensity close combat, how could he fail to discover the special space covering the surface of the kid's body!

You must know that after fighting for a day and a night, even for him, his clothes were all torn, but the kid seemed to be unscathed as if nothing had happened, which is a bit unbelievable.

"Is it also a space like this domain?"

"Or is this kid's space domain an extension of the space that covers the surface of his body?"

he does not know.

Not to mention, as expected of Garp, after fighting for so long, he guessed Sorata's ability to a great extent, and let him guess correctly.

But he guessed it, and there was nothing he could do about it.

He will never know how many domains Sorata has, and he will never know how huge the space on the surface of his body is.

It is so huge that even if the world is destroyed, nothing will happen to him.

He would never have imagined that the field that made him feel so stressed at the moment would be raised to a level where even Admiral would not be able to escape in the near future.

In fact, Sorata has always relied on his space. When he first went to sea, the space field was not strong enough, and swordsmanship was his main means of fighting enemies, especially strong ones.

But as his control over the domain gradually strengthened, gradually, his swordsmanship was actually a bit inferior to the domain.

Although it is cool to fight with swordsmanship, close combat with the peak powerhouse can make his blood boil even more, but with the further strengthening of the field, in a short time, swordsmanship has actually become something that can be discarded for him.

But swordsmanship is something he has practiced for more than ten years. If he doesn't like it, it's impossible. If he doesn't like it, how can he practice swordsmanship to such a level!

And he also promised Zoro to wait for him on the throne of the world's strongest swordsman.

Therefore, he still has to practice swordsmanship.

Haki also needs to practice. With his endless body, maybe one day, he can make swordsmanship and Haki break through the pinnacle of this world and go to another destination that no one can reach.

After that, swordsmanship and Haki may be able to keep up with the space and become another force for him to smash the real god of this world.

Whizzing! !

Zhan Kong and Qiu Shui left Garp's arm, turned the tip of the knife, and slashed across the sky, returning to Sorata, hovering on his left.

With a release of the arms, the pressure covering Garp's body also disappeared with the departure of the blade.

Standing up, Garp put down his hands, raised his head to look at the boy, and opened his mouth with complicated eyes: "I lost."

Then turned around and walked out of the space domain.

He knew what Sorata meant by asking this question, just wanted to hear him say that he lost.

He wondered if the black long sword could really keep him?

But since he could kill Carteres instantly, thinking about it, even if he couldn't kill him instantly, he could still be injured, or even lose his combat power directly.

But the kid didn't make a move, but asked him if he still wanted to fight? Obviously the kid didn't want to keep him.

Although with his physical strength, it is no problem to fight for a few more days, but since the kid doesn't want to fight, then let's not fight!

He is not a stubborn person, and he does not necessarily want to arrest Yinfa. He thinks that he has figured out Yinfa's strength after this trip.

"That's it! It's good."

And the space domain is also in Garp's sentence "I lost", gradually fading until it disappears.

Sorata didn't say anything, looked at Garp as if he had aged instantly, and concentrated on the tall and straight back in the next moment, with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

As expected of Garp, he lost so neatly, let alone being hit by a young guy like him.

He didn't want Garp to go silent now.

After all, although the old man is old, his body seems to be still in his prime, and he can still fight evil for many years!

With a wave of his right hand to the right, the space of the space blade shrank rapidly, and finally turned into a glass ball, and the space blade inside seemed to be frozen in the space, motionless.

This thing is created, if it is not released, even he has no way to make it disappear.

So it can only be frozen in the space, and it will be useful in the future, and there is no need to be too tired to fight Garp in close quarters like now.

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