Pirates: Invincible At The Beginning

Chapter 339: The Hero Appears, The Situation Turns Instantly


Of course it is.

Just at this critical moment.

Click -!

Thunder suddenly sounded in the clear sky.

Amidst the rumbling sound, a cyan thunder that spread across the sky quickly crossed the battlefield, and landed directly in front of Charles under the horrified eyes of countless people.


When the thunder hit the ground, it exploded like a cannonball.

Amidst the barking sound, endless electric arcs, like countless snakes, avoided Charles, Donald and the others, and radiated in all directions.

The electric arc directly rushed into the bodies of the pirates, causing them to collectively scream, their bodies froze for a moment, their hair stood on end, and black smoke billowed.

And the long spear that shot at Charles was blocked by a finger wrapped in a blue arc protruding from the thunder.


"Brother Mark's spear was blocked with one finger."

"I'm afraid this is a dream!"

The pirates looked at the fingers that emerged from the lightning, and instantly abandoned their opponents, and quickly approached the ghost's hand.

They are not fools, the figure that came out of the lightning, they knew it was Logia Devil Fruit at a glance.

Logia Devil Fruit!

If you eat one of these things, even in the New World where there are so many strong people, you will be strong.

After all, although they know about Haki, but the real awakened ones, the total number of their three pirate groups is less than ten out of thousands.

Donald pushed down the pirate who was stunned by the electric arc in front of him, walked quickly to Charles, stretched out his hand to support Charles, and asked with concern: "Father, are you okay!"

"I'm fine."

Charles nodded to Donald, stood up straight, looked at the back in front of him, who was a little thinner compared to them, but extremely tall in their eyes, and thanked him, "Thank you, thank you for saving my life."


And Donald, together with the gathered generals, bowed down to Kuina to thank him loudly.

Just now, just now.

They all thought that Charles must die.

The arc disappears, revealing Kuina in full.

She turned around, smiled lightly at Charles and said, "Hehe!! Uncle, don't do this, Sophie and I are friends."


Charles looked at Kuina's face with a puzzled look on his face.

Sophie has grown up and never left the island, so he knows and has seen all the friends she has made, but there is no one in front of her.

Hmm... seems to think of something.

Charles raised his head abruptly, his slightly pale face instantly turned rosy because he had just walked around the gate of hell.

He stared at Kuina and asked excitedly, "Sophie, Sophie, alive?"

"Yeah!" Kuina nodded, "It's right behind, coming right away."

As she spoke, she turned around and pointed to the sky, "Here! It's right there."

Charles looked up quickly.

On the other side of the day, a medium-sized sailboat floating in the air was flying towards this side quickly.

At this moment, the pirates also found the spaceship in the sky, and they all raised their heads, their faces full of horror.

When have they ever seen a flying ship!

"That is?"

The pupils of Ghost Hand, Hunter and Mark shrank suddenly at the same time.

Of course they knew about the windmill at the bow.

Just a few days ago, they also saw the newspaper with the windmill banner.

"How could this guy come here?"

Looking at the white figure standing on the head of the windmill, the hearts of the three fell to the bottom of the valley in an instant.

This is the guy who can tie Garp!

They said that Kuina's figure looked familiar just now, and it turned out that she was the blue-haired Kuina who had fought against Admiral for a day without losing ground.

The owner of the strongest Logia·Thunder Fruit, is also a great swordsman.

Kuina alone can wipe them out, plus Sorata, just thinking about them makes the heart shudder.

They are not novices, they have been taught by their predecessors long ago, of course they know the gap between themselves and the peak pirates in the sea.

And they know the horror of Marine Admiral and Marine hero Garp.

Especially Garp.

Garp spends most of his time in New World, and has captured countless pirates, among them there are many that they dare not provoke.

And now, a man on par with Garp, came here.

This made their heartbeats slow down a few beats, and as the Liberty approached, the mental oppression of facing an unrivaled person became more intense.


The three of them looked at each other and saw the fear in each other's eyes.

In the face of such a strong man, it is not shameful to run away.

So... as if they had a tacit understanding, the three of them turned around at the same time, and quickly ran towards the beach.

If you run fast, you might be able to escape, maybe Yinfa is just passing by, maybe Yinfa will treat them as a fart and let them go!

They are not without such fantasies.

Seeing that the boss had run away, the rest of the pirates quickly turned around to keep up with the boss.

The three bosses all know this ship, and of course they also know who the owner of the ship is. Although they don't know how scary the people on this ship are based on their knowledge, they can connect the three bosses. I don't want anything, just turn around and run away.

Obviously, they are no match for the Silver Hair Pirates at all.

The bosses all ran away, and they stayed, didn't they want to die?

But... can they really escape?

The weak are in front of the strong, it also depends on whether they really want to let them go?

On the Liberty, the three of Ahua looked at the fleeing pirates below, with sarcasm in their eyes.

"If you want to run, it's not so easy."

The three of them stepped over the guardrail at the same time and fell down.

The height here is only about 10 meters from the ground. For them, it is just a small hurdle.

As they fell, their bodies gradually swelled, and by the time they landed, the three of them had turned into three tall figures of four meters high.

They stood in front of thousands of pirates, like three walls, no matter how high the momentum of the pirates was, they didn't move a bit.

"Yo ho ho ho! I'm going to do some activities too."

Brook laughed out loud, with his left hand behind his back and his right hand holding a sword, he made a circle in the air, then easily jumped over the guardrail and floated down.

Since boarding the Liberty, he hasn't touched his hands yet, and his hands have long been itchy.

When I met the pirates on the sea before, the long-range Arlo would take out the opponent with a few shots. He just wanted to do it, but he didn't have a chance.

It's different now, there are enough pirates below to be his enemies.

Although he is a musician, his strength is not weak.

Although his swordsmanship has regressed to the level of a swordsman since he became a skeleton, but coupled with the unique coldness of his Huangquan fruit, it can still have a strong lethality.

Don't look at his age, but his mentality is very young!

Sorata didn't care about the three of Ahua and Brook. Although the three guys below are very strong, they shouldn't be able to cause any harm to the three of Ahua who have carrots to replenish their physical strength.

After all, with them, psychological innate is an advantage.

And for those small fish, Brook should be perfectly fine.

He may be a little powerless against the siege of the cadres who have awakened Haki, but they are watching!

With them here, it is difficult for the three of Ahua and Brook to have an accident.

For Ke Kelu, this is a pirate force that has subjugated the country. In the hands of their group, they can only serve as sandbags for the three of Ahua and increase their experience against the enemy.

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