Pirates: Invincible At The Beginning

Chapter 359 The Blade Of Time

Half an hour later, Sorata slashed open the door of the laboratory and walked out of the dark laboratory.

Behind him, the fire instantly engulfed the entire laboratory.

Although the progress of human beings is to constantly explore the unknown.

But Sorata hates using humans for experiments. Even though there are many useful experimental records in the laboratory, these data will not promote human progress. They are all sad records, as well as various viruses and weapons. Record.

For the people at the bottom, this is not progress, but a password to open the cage of the devil in the human heart.

So Sorata did not hesitate to set fire to all of them after failing to find information about Vegapunk.

Standing outside the door, a red light appeared in Sorata's eyes, and Observation Haki swept across the entire research institute in an instant.

Then he turned his head and glanced behind him again, Guy Sa, who was lying in the sea of ​​flames, with a hint of sarcasm hanging from the corner of his mouth.

No matter how talented you are, no matter how great your background is, in the end, you will still be ashamed.

He's not some little bastard!

As if thinking of something, Sorata burst out laughing.

Shaking his head, the laughter stopped abruptly, and Sorata's figure disappeared without a trace along with the laughter.


The mountain behind the research institute.

Sorata's figure appeared silently on top of a boulder.

Looking at the tumbling pool of poisonous gas below, a trace of curiosity appeared in Sorata's eyes.

It stands to reason that Guysa is dead, and the monster slime he created with his own gas should also dissipate.

But now looking at the small pool of poisonous gas that is constantly tumbling, it is obvious that there should be a big guy in it.

A red light appeared in the eyes, and the mental power was attached to the color of knowledge and knowledge, and fell into the poisonous gas.

Sure enough, there was a living body similar to Alor Dark Hound inside.

"Have you eaten the fruit yet?"

Sorata frowned slightly, withdrew her mental power, and the red light in her eyes disappeared.

A look of disappointment appeared on his face.

It's a pity that he didn't find information about objects eating Devil Fruit in Guy's laboratory.

The necklace that was fused with the door fruit was the result of his forcible fusion using the space domain and his own mental power to feel the power in the Devil Fruit.

So the necklace is not a different kind of life, Sorata only feels the special ability given by Devil Fruit on the necklace.

To use the necklace to open the door, the user has to pay the physical strength to open the door, not like Dark Hound, the bullets fired are all made by Dark Hound itself.

It is also very simple to restore Dark Hound, usually just give Dark Hound a little dog food.

Comparing the two, there are advantages and disadvantages.

The advantage is that anyone can use the artifact he forcibly fused, but the disadvantage is that it takes a lot of energy to use, and it cannot be developed again.

It's not like Dark Hound.

In fact, Dark Hound, an item that eats Devil Fruit, is strictly speaking an alternative life form.

As long as it is a living body and stays with intelligent creatures like human beings for a long time, it will naturally give birth to the aura of wisdom. At that time, it will be able to develop the potential of its own fruit again.

Like Dark Hound now.

Compared with before, the bullets fired are obviously more powerful than when Arlo first got them.

This broke his previous assumption that if the item ate Devil Fruit, the fruit's ability would be fixed.

In fact, after he got the fruit of time, he has been thinking about whether to fuse this fruit with Zhankong.

At that time, he will control the real time and space with the time knife in one hand and the space blade in the other hand.

Not to mention Im, a monster that might be an alien, even if he really meets an alien, he is invincible.

Shaking his head, he put these wild thoughts behind him.

It’s useless to think too much. Although Devil Fruit is amazing, it has many bug abilities. In the last world, no one watched One Piece, and they didn’t dream that they would have one one day.

Although it has serious weaknesses, who wants to be an ordinary person if you can be a superman?

It's a pity that he has space power that surpasses any power in this world, and he still has power without any weaknesses.

Those, in the eyes of many people, belong to legends, and he still has many Devil Fruits on his body, which can easily create strong people, and they are not ordinary strong people. For him, it is a bit tasteless.

Tiger, time, and now there are two more Logia fruits, gas and snow.

Each one can drive countless people crazy.

But now he can only stay in his space bag and eat ashes.

Sighing for a moment, Sorata lowered her eyes and looked at the poisonous gas pool again.

According to his observation, this guy doesn't have any consciousness right now. Although it is a different kind of life, its mind is blank, like a newborn baby.

"Do you want to kill him directly?"

Sorata hugged her chest with her left hand, clasped her chin with her right thumb, and rubbed against her chin, the shallow stubble that kept popping up recently.

"Let's kill it!"

Putting down his hand, Sorata held Zhan Kong's hilt in his right hand.

Although this guy has just been born, he doesn't have any consciousness, and there are no people on the island.

But who knows what will become of this guy in the future?

After all, it was a monster made by poisonous gas. Although there was no one on this island, it didn't mean that there was no one in this sea area.

Put this guy here, sooner or later he will become a real devil.

And Wang Luffy wants to come here, with him, maybe without the Summit War, it will take a year and a half later, who knows how many people this guy will kill during this time.

Regardless of whether it was intentional or unintentional, as long as people come here, there are very few ordinary people who can resist the poisonous gas emanating from this guy.

Zheng -!

The cold knife light, with the sound of metal rubbing, cut across the poisonous gas pool below like an upside-down galaxy.

The light of the knife cut across, and Xiaotan stopped rolling in an instant.

Click -!

A crack stretched from the bottom of the boulder where Sorata stood, across the entire small pool, and spread to another big mountain in front of him, disappearing without a trace.

Googoooooooooooooooooooooo !

The death of the monsters under the small pool and the cracks caused the small pool to bulge up a lot of air bubbles in an instant.

After that, the poisonous gas and liquid in the small pool continued to flow deep into the ground along the cracks, and the entire small pool disappeared after a while.

And at the bottom of the pool, a huge purple-red monster that was divided into two halves was on both sides of the crack, and its body was melting like a candle under candlelight.

Most gasified into poisonous gas, floating in the pit, and a few melted into poisonous water, flowing to the cracks.

It disappeared completely in a short while.

Raising his head and looking at the mountains in the distance, an inexplicable brilliance flashed in Sorata's eyes.

Time to leave.

At this time, Punk Hazard is not three years later, has not been baptized by Admiral, there is no ice and fire, and there is no fire dragon.

There is no Luo, and there are no strange pirates.

The other two laboratories have collapsed long ago, and there is no record of Vegapunk in this intact laboratory, let alone the two destroyed laboratories.

Even if there is, it is impossible for him to go to the ruins to find it. If he has that time, he can go to the second half of New World to find Vegapunk himself.

Vegapunk's whereabouts may not be known to others, and neither is he himself.

When he came to this world, One Piece hadn't been serialized yet.

However, the World Economic News Agency, that guy Morgans must know.

Looking back, his figure disappeared from the spot.

If it weren't for the crack in the ground that split the entire basin, it would be as if he had never been here.

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