Pirates: Invincible At The Beginning

Chapter 370 Hey! Looks Like We're Moving Again

"All memories."

After hearing what Morgans said, everyone looked at the dolls on the street again, their eyes were completely different.

"That's not all."

Just then, Sorata spoke.

"not only that?"

"It's all like this, what else can it do?"

Sorata withdrew her gaze from the central highland, lowered her head to the ground, her gaze seemed to have penetrated the deep rock formations on the ground, and landed on the countless weapon production factories that used toys as labor.

"Although these dolls have been turned into dolls, they will not lose their language ability and independent thinking."

"But because they have disappeared from historical time, even if they appear in front of relatives or friends, they will be regarded as crazy toys."

Having said that, he paused slightly, raised his head again, looked at the patrol dolls on the street, and said in a deep voice: "The moment they turned into toys, their bodies have been controlled by the ability user of Tongqu Fruit, and set Signed the contract."

"First, don't hurt humans. Second, work for the Donquixote Family or fight to the death. No matter how unwilling they are, even if their relatives die, no matter how much they resist in their hearts, they cannot violate these two points."


After hearing Sorata's words, everyone fell silent.

"Is this the secret of De Reiss Rosa, Shichibukai · Doflamingo?"

"It's really, really, scary!"

Morgans didn't think much, he had seen a lot of darkness in his life, and it was not that he had never seen anything darker than this.

So after a short period of contemplation, his gaze also turned to the ground.

He saw Sorata's actions just now.

With a strong person like Sorata, he will not look at the ground for no reason.

Thinking of Doflamingo's weapons factory that has never surfaced, a hint of understanding appeared in his eyes.

It turned out to be underground!

And since there are Tongqu fruits, the laborers who come to produce weapons should be the people who were turned into dolls by Tongqu fruits.

These people who are turned into toys will not feel pain even if their limbs are torn off by external force, and they can tirelessly produce weapons indefinitely.

It is simply a capitalist, the favorite laborer.

Thinking of this, he already knew what Sorata asked them to come here for.

Exposing this place will destroy the majesty of the World government.

With the strength shown by Sorata and others, it will not take too much trouble to defeat the Donquixote family, but it really only needs their World Economic News Agency to spread the things here.

"Hey! Looks like we're going to move again."

He sighed in his heart, but Morgans' face was full of excitement.

Nothing can compare to big news that shocks the world, even if it offends the World government.

He doesn't have a good reputation with the World government anyway.

As for moving.

Isn't that already a habit?


Just when Sorata and the others first landed in De Reiss Rosa.

Center Heights.

In the original palace castle.

"Any news about Monet?"

In front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, Doflamingo, who was wearing a white shirt, patterned cropped pants, pointed leather shoes, and a pink feather coat with his chest open and his eight-pack abs, was leaning on the sofa with a gloomy face.

In front of him, a pirate kneeling on the ground trembled after hearing what Doflamingo said.

The pirate didn't dare to look up at Doflamingo, he bent down even lower, almost lying on the ground, and replied, "No news yet."

Don't look at Doflamingo's opponents calling them family members, just think that he will be very good to his opponents.

Doflamingo is indeed good at his opponents, but that is only limited to the cadres in the family, and the minions under the cadres, in Doflamingo's heart, are nothing but cannon fodder that can be discarded at any time.

And although he is also a member of the family, he does not get the treatment of a cadre.

It's quite clear that Doflamingo's cruelty.

"Okay, let's go!"

At this moment, on the sofa on the right, wearing a pair of small sunglasses, with a half nose hanging, bangs on the top, glue-like hanging hair on the bottom, bare feet, shackles on the feet, unshaven upper lip, and sparse teeth. The uncle said calmly.

"Yes, Lord Torrebol."

The pirate kneeling on the ground kowtowed his head on the ground, slowly moved back a few steps, then stood up, and quickly walked out of the room.

Every time he came here with good news, he was in a happy mood.

However, if the news is bad...

He has only been in office for a few months.

Anyway, his predecessor, his predecessor's predecessor, ...

He heard that they all came here and never went back.

But this time, the news he brought must be bad news, that's why he was so scared.

The pirate went out and closed the door behind him.

In the room at this time, there was an instant silence.

Except, besides sitting on the sofa on the left, wearing a Madara dotted dress, wearing a unilateral glasses on the left eye, and having a small cut, he kept inserting purple grapes from the basket in his arms and feeding them into his mouth. Girl chewing.

I didn't care about the little girl.

Torrebol tapped the ground with the palm of the plum blossom symbol in his hand, turned his head to look at Doflamingo in the middle, and said, "Dover, why don't you call Virgo and ask, he happens to be in that sea area. "

Monet has been away for four days, and it stands to reason that he should have called back two days ago.

And in the past two days, no matter whether it is Monet or Guy, there is no news at all.

This gave Doflamingo a bad feeling in his heart.

But with the strength of Monet and Guy, even if something happens, it's impossible for no news to come out!

And Guy's character is clear to him, if it really comes to a life-and-death crisis, he can't hide it, and he has already told who is behind him.

At New World, he doesn't believe anyone can ignore him as a Shichibukai and Four Emperors.

If there is, it can only be Marine.

And if it was Marine who acted, it was impossible for Virgo not to inform him.

But now two days have passed, Monet and Guy seem to have disappeared, and there is no news at all.

Thinking of this, Doflamingo straightened up, took the phone bug on the coffee table in front of him, dialed a number, and called.

After a while, the phone went through.

But the voice on the phone made the atmosphere in the room drop to freezing point in an instant.


Hearing the voice, he knew it was not Virgo, and only Virgo knew about this call.


No need to think about it, Virgo has been exposed. As for who is on the other end of the phone?

Don't even think about it!

Click -!

Doflamingo didn't speak, just hung up the phone.

Then he stood up with a gloomy face.

"Dover, what are you doing?"

Of course Torrebol knew what Doflamingo was up to, but he couldn't resist standing up.

No one knows better than him how important Guy is to Doflamingo.

That was the link between their family and the Four Emperors business.

If Guy throws a problem, then they won't be able to get what Kaido wants...

Thinking of this, his face was already covered with profuse sweat.

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