Pirates: Invincible At The Beginning

Chapter 377 The Legendary Swordsman In The Arena

He stretched out his hand, grabbed a silk thread, and squeezed lightly.

Click -!

Only he could hear the sound of the thread snapping.

In the eyes of outsiders, it was Sorata who stretched out his hand and raised it in the void. With a "bang", the arm of the doll turned into a human arm.

The arm was so big that Cyrus instantly lost his balance and fell to the ground.

Before he could figure out what was going on, Sorata stretched out his hand, grabbed all the silk threads, and pinched them hard.

Click -!

This time, the louder sound seemed to resound through the soul, and everyone here could hear it.

However, no one cared about the source of the sound at the moment.

Everyone stared at the one-legged man who had completely turned into a human on the ground in front of him.

And the appearance of the one-legged man, if you look carefully, is actually very similar to the statue behind Rebecca.

It's just that the statue is very young, but the man has a touch of vicissitudes after being baptized by the years.

"Father, father, father..."

The moment Cyrus recovered, Rebecca's memory was suddenly connected as if it had been fragmented, allowing her to recover all of Cyrus' memories in an instant.

This time there was no numbness on her face, but real sadness appeared on her face. She stared at Cyrus, opened her mouth and said loudly: "Father."

Then, regardless of the people around him, he took a step up and threw himself into the arms of Cyrus who had stood up. He hugged Cyrus' waist tightly with both hands, as if he was afraid of the person in his arms. , disappeared in her memory again.

She had no scruples, tears wet Cyrus' chest in an instant, bit her lips tightly, and let out a low moan.

Saw Cyrus recovered.

Sorata waved.

The space domain disappeared instantly, and they reappeared in the outside world.

Among them, Cyrus and Rebecca did not appear.

"Let them, father and daughter, have a good get-together!"

Sorata raised the wine gourd and took a swig.

"I didn't expect it to be him."

Only then did Morgons remember who Cyrus was.

He looked at the statue of Cyrus with a look of amazement, his eyes full of exclamation.

"President, do you know who he is?"


Morgans nodded, "Others may not know who Cyrus is, but I happen to know."

He went on to recount: "Many years ago, De Reiss Rosa came up with a very powerful fencing technique."

As he said that, he raised his head and glanced at the arena, and then said: "This swordsman is in this arena, with an unparalleled 3,000 victories, he became the hero of De Reiss Rosa."

"Could it be the middle-aged man just now!"

Everyone glanced at the statue, and a flash of understanding flashed in their eyes.

"Well! That's him."

Morgas nodded, "He is Cyrus."

"Later, because of his strength, he was invited by De Reiss Rosa's former king 'Liku Dolde III' to become the royal guard."

"And in a subsequent incident of saving the princess, the eldest daughter of King Liku at that time, 'Princess Scarlet' fell in love with him."

"In order to hide the truth from the people, King Riku Deldo III announced that Scarlett died of illness, and asked Scarlett and Cyrus to leave the palace to start a family together."

What he said above is what most people in De Reiss Rosa know.

And what follows is a secret.

As for Rebecca, he didn't know that.

He didn't expect that he would forget it too.

"It's amazing!"

After finishing speaking, Morgas raised his eyes and glanced at Sorata's back.

Such a powerful fruit ability can be easily cracked by Sorata.

After hearing Morgans' answer, everyone's faces showed exclamation.

Kuina took a step forward, walked to the left of Sorata, reached out and grabbed Sorata's hand, then put his arm in her arms, looked at Sorata and asked, "Sorata, do you want Cyrus or Rebecca to be the leader?" , Take the civilians on the island and evacuate here!"


Sorata nodded and said with a smile: "We will fight the Four Emperors later, it is not something these ordinary people can resist."

"Before that, it's better to evacuate the civilians on the island."

"Later we will go to Doflamingo's palace to completely resolve the toy matter, and these toys were suddenly released from control, and the people on the island also suddenly regained their memories. There will definitely be chaos, and someone will have to come out and take them to evacuate. "

Having said that, he stopped and looked at the gate of the arena. His eyes seemed to penetrate the thick iron gate, the thick orange wall, and landed on one of the rooms in the arena, holding a A steel helmet, bare upper body, and a white-haired old man wearing a blue cloak.

"King Riku Dold III."

As long as the commoners regain their memories and the countless underground toys that have changed back to their original state, King Liku can change his impression among the commoners in an instant and regain the trust he once had.

With him, Cyrus, and Rebecca, the chaos can be calmed down in an instant, and then the civilians can be evacuated here.

You can't go to the sea, but you can go to the north of De Reiss Rosa, to Greenbit, which is only connected to De Reiss Rosa by a steel suspension bridge.

Although 200 years ago, for unknown reasons, a group of ferocious fighting fish came there, and it was completely abandoned.

But Cyrus knows the little people, as long as he restores his memory and rescues the little human princess and 500 little people in the man-made Devil Fruit factory in Doflamingo, he can let the little people take them through the castle surrounded by fighting fish. , the suspension bridge connecting De Reiss Rosa to Grinbit.

Don't think that the little people are small, just think they are weak.

On the contrary, they are actually very powerful individually.

At least better than ordinary humans.

There are many special races in this world. Except for those who have been exterminated, each race is inherently stronger than humans.

It's just that the human base is too large, occupying most of the world, so there will be countless strong people, and among these strong people, there will be monsters, real monsters that surpass the top of the world.

I don't know if it's God's fairness.

Although the special race is powerful in the sky, the upper limit of the day after tomorrow is not as good as that of the ordinary human race.

The human race may be very ordinary innately, but they can truly reach the top of the world through continuous efforts.

In general, each has its advantages!

Withdrawing her gaze, Sorata turned her gaze to where Cyrus and Rebecca were standing just now.

As his thoughts moved slightly, a layer of ripples appeared in the space, and two black shadows gradually appeared in the originally empty space.

Then the ripples disappeared, and Cyrus appeared in front of everyone holding Rebecca.

The moment the two came out, they turned to look at Sorata.

Looking at the young man who always had a gentle smile on his face, he took a step forward and bent over together.


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