Pirates: Invincible At The Beginning

Chapter 380 Toy Garbage Mountain

Wait for the dust in front of you to disperse.

Sorata stepped on the iron door and walked into the room.

It went dark, then lit up.

It was a dark, circular hollow room.

There is a circle of aisles around the room, and the periphery of the aisle is surrounded by guardrails.

Outside the guardrail, there is a dark and deep hole.

"this is?"

The people who followed Sorata lay on the guardrail, their heads looking down into the deep hole.

"Sorata, what's down here?"

Kuina lay prone on the guardrail, a flash of lightning flashed in his eyes, and he sensed that there were many people below.

"Is it here?"

A cold light flashed in Sorata's eyes, he lowered his head to stare at the void, and said in a deep voice, "This is where the arena disposes of waste."


Everyone was surprised, the waste in the arena should be those pirates who lost arms and legs after defeat and could no longer please the audience!

"Although it is waste, waste also has value."

Sorata withdrew her gaze, turned around, leaned her back on the guardrail, and looked at the three King Liku who came from outside the door.

The corners of his mouth raised, and he smiled lightly, "I thought you guys were going to talk for a long time, but I didn't expect you to come here so soon."

King Riku looked at Sorata's young face, and a bright light appeared in his old eyes.

It was a light of hope and a light of gratitude.

At this time, he didn't feel sentimental with Cyrus and Rebecca, and soon learned everything from the father and daughter, and then brought the father and daughter here directly.

"Mr. Sorata, can you tell us about your purpose now?"

Cyrus stepped forward, looked at Sorata, and asked in a serious tone.

"Ha ha!!"

Sorata laughed, "Actually, you don't have to be so serious."

He looked at the serious three, and then stated his purpose.

"I came to you three because a big battle will break out here later. You can stop the civilians in De Reiss Rosa and evacuate here."

"Battle, evacuate?"

Surprised expressions appeared on the faces of the three of them.

"Mr. Sorata, can you tell us about the war?"

"And, in our current capacity, the civilians of De Reiss Rosa will not listen to us."

Speaking of this, King Liku's straight waist seemed to be bent a little, and his spirit was much lowered.

The commoners of De Reiss Rosa used to trust him, but now, let alone organize the evacuation of the civilians, as long as he goes out and shows his true colors, the commoners who trusted him in the past can subdue him in an instant and go to their new king Doflamingo to receive him. reward.

"The big battle, two Four Emperors will come here later, come here to fight with me."

"Four Emperors?"

If it was surprise before, it is panic now.

None of the three are ignorant people, of course they know what Four Emperors means.

I also know what it means for a strong like the Four Emperors to fight in their De Reiss Rosa.

"Four Emperors, Four Emperors, that Sorata who can fight the Four Emperors."

Thinking of this, the three looked up at Sorata with shock in their eyes.

So young to fight the Four Emperors.

As if knowing what the three of them were thinking, Sorata continued, "As for whether I can fight the Four Emperors, you don't have to worry."

"There is also the issue of your identities. After I solve the person who turned the people of De Reiss Rosa into toys, you will have memories and countless civilians who have turned into human bodies again. You will be able to get De Reiss Rosa again. Reiss Rosa civilian trust."

"This, this, this..."

Sorata talked a lot, and the three of them were a little confused.

It was King Liku who came back to his senses first. He took a step forward, grabbed Sorata's shoulders, and said excitedly, "Say, say, say, you can solve the person who turned the people into toys."


Sorata didn't care about King Liku's hand holding his shoulder because of excitement, he could feel how nervous the old man was at the moment.

He stared into the old man's eyes, nodded affirmatively, and then said with a chuckle: "Don't talk about the guy who turned people into dolls, even Doflamingo will be solved together later."

"All right."

Sorata reached out to push away the old man's hand, turned around and looked at the hollow below, and said, "I know you may not believe it now, but it doesn't matter, I'm just here to inform you."

"There may be chaos here later, I hope you can stand up and let the chaos below subside, and then take the people below and the people on the island to evacuate to the nearby Greenbit."

After finishing speaking, Sorata ignored the three people behind him and took a step forward.

As he stepped forward, the guardrail in front of him twisted automatically, and then disconnected, allowing a passage.

He continued to move forward, and just like that, under the shocked eyes of the three of King Liku, he stood in the sky above the hollow.

"Let's go! Below is Doflamingo's weapons factory. From here, you can go directly to the underground of the palace."

He stepped on the void step by step, just like stepping on a real ladder.

Following his footsteps, layers of ripples appeared in the void, and the ripples spread out, turning into transparent but still visible stairs to the void.

This is for Sorata's convenience to make the Void appear.

Otherwise, they would not dare to step into the void at all.


Morgans stepped on the void stairs, looked down at the feet, the transparent and twisted space stairs like glass, his face was amazed.

The three of King Liku looked at each other, even though they had a lot of doubts in their hearts.

But now the appearance of Sorata is also their greatest hope.

Regardless of whether what Sorata said is true or not, they must hold on to this hope, even if it costs their lives.

Nodding firmly, the three raised their feet, followed the crowd, stepped on the void stairs, and gradually disappeared into the dim room.

As the crowd descended, they stepped onto the bottom of the black hole in a short while.

It's completely dark here now, only the garbage Yamanaka in front of me, and the shining blue light that emerges from time to time, so that everyone can see the surrounding scene clearly.

"This is a toy factory, a dump for broken toys."

Without waiting for everyone to ask questions, Sorata answered.

The partners are also used to it, and Sorata seems to know everything.

Although Morgans and Firebird are both journalists, they don't know much about Sorata. They thought they got the map here before coming here, so they were not surprised that Sorata was familiar with this place.

As for Li Kuwang and the other three, they just met, so of course they don't know why Sorata is so familiar with this place.

Looking at the rubbish mountain in front of them, the eyes of King Liku and the other three flashed heavy sadness.

Now they already know what a toy is.

In their eyes, the broken toys on this rubbish mountain are not toys, but real people.

It's just that these people are now turned into toys, and the toys are completely broken and turned into garbage.

Looking at the mountain of garbage, to be honest, even Sorata was a little surprised. He didn't expect that even if the toy was broken, the ability of Tongqu Fruit could not be released.

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