Pirates: Invincible At The Beginning

Chapter 46 Ding! Your Golden Lion Teacher Is Offline Forever

"Jie ha ha ha ha!!"

Golden Lion laughed loudly, then suddenly stopped, and said to Sorata with a smirk all over his face: "Little devil, we have to fight seriously next time, if you don't, don't blame me if you die!"

As he spoke, he suddenly rushed towards Sorata quickly.

Red light flashed in Sorata's eyes, narrowing the scope of knowledge and knowledge, trying to control it within the battle circle.

Sure enough, it was completely different from the completely dispersed state. He could feel that he was more comfortable when swinging the knife.

These advanced applications of Haki are not guided by top experts, but they are actually very difficult to find.

The color of knowledge and knowledge is a state of natural emission, which is difficult to control, and ordinary people can only achieve emission and recycling.

No one could have imagined that this thing can be controlled in a subtle way.


Sorata blocked the knife, quickly retracted the knife, and then Golden Lion quickly slashed over with the second knife.

Bang bang bang bang bang! ! !

Now the situation is reversed, and he is passively defending.

But he could feel that the old guy was deliberately guiding his sword skills and refining his Haki.

He glanced at Golden Lion with complicated eyes.

Sensing Sorata's gaze, Golden Lion laughed loudly, "Jie hahahaha! You kid are not sympathizing with me!"

Then he suddenly burst into a violent momentum, "Who do you think I am!"

"Laozi is the captain of the Flying Pirates - Admiral of the Golden Lion Pirate Fleet, Flying Pirates, Golden Lion, Shiki!"

Facing the suddenly violent Golden Lion, Sorata tried to defend as much as possible.

On the small island, the sound of clashing swords can be heard endlessly.

From time to time, a slash flew out to cut through the clouds in the sky.

The battle lasted for a day and two nights.

When the sun rose on the third day, the sound of collisions on the island gradually disappeared.

I saw that the small island with high mountains was basically moved to the ground now.

In the center of the island, in a huge, sinking pit, Golden Lion and Sorata were both panting and looking at each other.

Unlike Sorata's aura which is fairly steady, Golden Lion's aura is a bit intermittent now.

He is so tired.

The fire of his life is about to be extinguished.

To be able to fight with Sorata until now, it is his amazing perseverance that supports him.

Sorata looked at Golden Lion, complex emotions flashed in his eyes, and he had to admit that this old guy really became his master in the end.

Even if you don't have the name of master and apprentice, you already have the reality of master and apprentice.

I don't know what happened to these top powerhouses in the sea? I like to be someone else's teacher.

He's not King Luffy either!

Could it be that the Golden Lion saw the identity of his protagonist.

"Jie ha ha ha ha!!"

A sudden loud laugh interrupted Sorata's thoughts, staring at the laughing Golden Lion, he laughed too.

"The master is the master!"

The other party dares to teach everything, so why doesn't he dare to learn?

Golden Lion stared at Sorata with satisfaction, he was still very satisfied with the student he met on his deathbed.

In this short period of one day and two nights, Sorata basically learned his sword skills and Haki's skills.

He stopped laughing, stared at Sorata and smiled, "Boy, one last trick for you, your use of Conqueror's is too rough."

"I don't know how you can do 'Conqueror's winding'"

"But there is still a gap between your entanglement and the real Conqueror's entanglement."

Then a powerful Conqueror's Haki erupted from him, and he dropped the knife in his left hand and held it in both hands.

I saw a thick purple-black Haki rushing out of his body, spreading towards the surroundings.

Around his body, countless red-purple lightnings appeared out of thin air.

With veins popping out of Golden Lion's forehead, he used all his strength to wrap this strand of Haki around the knife.

For him now, this last blow was a bit reluctant.

Sorata looked at Golden Lion quietly and didn't bother.

His Conqueror's entanglement was forcibly entangled on the knife by using the space domain and his omnipotent mental power in the domain.

In this way, it is indeed stronger than the armed color, but it is also limited, and it cannot be the key blow that determines the outcome.

The Golden Lion looked up at Sorata and continued.

"Conqueror's Haki, to put it bluntly, is a person's courage. This cannot be grown by cultivation. It can only be grown and controlled by colliding with the real strong with top Conqueror's through Conqueror's."

"When you have full control over your Conqueror's Haki, the same way you control the Armament Haki, then you can do things like entanglement naturally."

As he said that, he slashed at Sorata vigorously, cutting out the last knife in his life.

I saw a huge crescent-shaped purple-black slash, which instantly crossed the distance between them, as if it really cut through the space, causing a large number of cracks like spider webs to appear around the slash.

Cracks even spread across the entire island.

"Little ghost, if you really can't take it, then you and Laozi will die together!"

"Because the sea doesn't need the weak."

"Jie ha ha ha ha..."

Sorata stood on the spot, staring solemnly at the huge oncoming slash, his silver hair kept flying back, his eyes flashed rapidly, and he wanted to draw his sword several times to meet him, but finally gave up.

He could feel that it was impossible for him to use a knife to carry out Golden Lion's life-burning last strike.

With the unparalleled sharpness of this slash, he felt that even the world's number one swordsman "Hawkeye" might not be able to slash such a slash.

Unless Hawkeye can also Conqueror's Haki, he can also do entanglement.

There was no way, he looked at the chop that was about to stick in front of him.

He found helplessly that only Domain could truly receive this slash.

Sorata looked up, looked at Golden Lion quietly, and shouted loudly: "Old guy, I will show you my strongest strength at last, and I will let you understand."

Golden Lion stopped laughing when he heard the voice, and he tried his best to open his eyes wide to dispel the illusion in his eyes.

He was actually exhausted at this time, and if it wasn't for his tenacious will to support him, he might have collapsed directly to the ground.

He raised his head and saw that his slash hit Sorata, with a "bang", as if hitting a transparent wall, the space around Sorata shattered like a mirror.

Just when he thought his slash would continue.

The broken space around Sorata suddenly recovered like a broken mirror.

After a stalemate for a while, his slash suddenly broke in two, the first half continued to move towards the sky, while the second half stopped in front of Sorata.

As time passed, the lower half of the slash gradually shrunk rapidly, and finally disappeared directly in front of Sorata.

"Is it the one in front that absorbed Kojima's ability?"

"It's really amazing!"

"Jie ha ha ha ha!!!..."

He grinned and laughed out loud, as if seeing his old enemy Roger again.

"It's the people from East Blue again... It's the people from East Blue who stopped him from reaching the top of the world!"


Golden Lion gave a final roar, completely out of breath.

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