"This brat."

On the side of the island, on the raised mound, Garp stared at Sorata, his lazy expression became serious.

Based on his understanding of Sorata, the current Sorata is ready to kill.

Also get serious and show all your strength.

"Does this mean you don't want to fight Kaido?"

Just like fighting him a month ago, I just used him as a sharpening stone at first, until he couldn't improve himself, and then used that weird space ability.

But now it's different from the battle with him a month ago, when he didn't feel the killing intent from Sorata, the battle between the two was more like a sparring match.

It's obviously different now, the kid wants to keep Kaido here forever.

Thinking of his embarrassing situation in the Sorata space domain a month ago, even he could only fall into infinite passivity in the face of Sorata's weird domain, and he didn't think Kaido would be better than him.


Thinking of the pitch black, weird sword blade that could swallow even light, his eyes were full of fear.

"Will you use that weird ability?"

The old man Garp was looking forward to it, after all, it wasn't him facing it.

He can kill Carteres in an instant, but based on his understanding of Kaido, he can't hide and can only die.

Even Kaido is known as the strongest creature in the sea, land and air.

"Four Emperors."

It's not that Marine doesn't want to wipe out the Four Emperors, but it can't.

The world government needs balance.

Marine wants peace.

With Marine's military power, in the face of this magnificent era of great pirates, it is already dwarfed by the suppression of these countless pirates, let alone the Four Emperors.

Each Four Emperors group is an aggregation of countless pirates. There are Four Emperors who are not inferior to Marine Admiral, and even surpass Admiral. There are countless minions.

This is not a pirate group, but a warlord, a prince who occupies the sea as king.

Therefore, in order to eliminate the Four Emperors, Marine must draw most of Marine's strength and concentrate to eliminate one Four Emperors.

However, in this way, the Four Emperors are not fools, wouldn't they form an alliance?

So, gradually, even Marine, strictly speaking, is the largest military organization in the world, had to retreat back to the sea area at the entrance of New World, handing over most of the sea area of ​​New World to the Four Emperors.

And in this situation, there is now a spoiler, a powerhouse who surpasses the peak of the world, and even he has to avoid his edge and truly surpass the peak.

This strong man can kill the Four Emperors, can kill Admiral, and can break the weak balance established by Marine, Four Emperors, and Shichibukai in the past decade or so.

Well... not that it can be broken, but that he has already broken it.

Since Sorata went to sea, Shichibukai has killed two, and will soon be the third.

With his insight and strength, coupled with his understanding of Ahua Carrot, it can be seen at a glance that Doflamingo, who fought with the three of Ahua inseparably, has actually decided his defeat early on.

After all, there is a Kuina who holds the strongest Logia·Thunder Fruit at the top of the kingdom!

"what is this?"

Beside Kizaru, the tall Senmomomaru was holding the handle of the giant ax with both hands, looking at the huge empty palm in the sky with horror on his face.

He had seen the same move on another strong man.

However, different from Big Bear's moves, the huge palm in the sky at this time gave him the feeling that it was not compressed air, but compressed space, with unparalleled oppression.

From such a long distance, he could feel the sudden pressure.

No one could answer him.

Because people here, even Garp and Kizaru, saw Sorata use such a move for the first time.

Under the huge palm.

Unlike Marine who was far away, Kaido felt unparalleled pressure when Sorata's palm was slapped.

It's like the sky is falling.


Before the palm fell, the ground under him could not bear the pressure and cracked.

"Little devil, it's really amazing!"

Kaido raised his head, looked at Sorata, put down the mace in his hand, and then a ruthless look flashed in his eyes.


He raised his head, let out a loud roar, and then a large number of white clouds appeared around his body, and then his whole body turned into a huge green dragon.

Qinglong raised his head and let out a growl, rushing forward to meet the palm.


The dragon's head collided with the palm, and there was a shocking sound.

The huge dragon body sank downward, but fortunately, the palm stopped under the power of the dragon.

But Kaido didn't feel good either, the incomparable pressure was not only on the palm, but also came from the surrounding space, as if it was going to crush him into a ball.


On the palm, Sorata chuckled, he was not surprised that Kaido blocked his void handprint.

After all, at Kaido's level, it is still very easy to use all your strength to break his domain space.


"If you want to block it like this, you are too underestimating my void handprint obtained by compressing the space!"

Sorata lowered her head, her eyes flickering coldly.

Then the body sank down, and under his feet, a layer of ripples appeared in the void, and then the entire space, starting from his feet, was pressed downwards.

boom! boom! boom!

Under the palm, Kaido pressed against the palm tightly, but the pressure was getting stronger and stronger, so that his body had to be pressed down a little bit.

Circles of space ripples, with extremely strong shock waves, swept away towards the surroundings.

Even if they are far away, the Marines can know the pressure Kaido is under at this time from the oncoming shock wave.

"You brat, just because of this, you want to suppress me."

Kaido raised the dragon's head, opened his mouth, and flames rose from his mouth.

A fireball quickly condensed in his mouth, and when it condensed to a certain extent, he opened his mouth wide, and sprayed the fireball in his mouth towards the upper palm.


The flame sprayed under the palm and exploded directly.

Ka Ka Ka!

Numerous cracks spread outward from the place where the flames hit, and instantly spread to the entire palm.

Kaido saw that the flame impact worked, and he could obviously feel that the pressure in the surrounding space was much less, which made his eyes light up. Then his body retracted, and then the huge dragon tail, from bottom to top, slammed into the place where the cracks had already formed. palm.

Click -!

This time, it wasn't just the palm, but the space around him, like a mirror, with countless tiny cracks.

"It turned out to be the space domain."

Kaido stared at the cracks around him, a flash of understanding flashed in his eyes.

This brat, at some point, used this weird space to cover this area, which caused the pressure in all directions.

The formation of the crack made Kaido feel light all over.

He made persistent efforts, retracted the tail, and then pulled it upwards even harder.


Like a mirror, the surroundings, including the upper palm, were completely shattered under Kaido's twitch.

Under the sunlight, the broken space shone with colorful rays of light, like countless ice crystals, which quickly dissipated amidst the shining rays of light.

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