Town of Rogge.

Known as "the town where it begins and ends", it is the closest town in East Blue to the entrance of the Grand Line.

It is also the town where the previous generation of One Piece "Gol D. Roger" was born and died.

At this time, the Marine Base in Rogge Town had just settled the bearded gang. As for the villagers of Puluo Xius Island, they were placed in the cathedral in the town, waiting for the arrangement of the World Government.

In the white building behind the base school grounds, in the base chief's office, white smoke was constantly coming out through the crack of the door.

People who don't know it will definitely think that there must be a fire inside.

But from the face of the patrolling Marine passing by, there was no sign of worry at all.

This shows that they have already become accustomed to Bai Yan.

At this moment, a female Marine was wearing a light orange shirt with pink flowers printed on it, dark blue jeans, short black hair, and a pair of thick black-rimmed myopia glasses on her face.

With some hasty footsteps, he pushed open the door of the base chief's office.

The female Marine stood in the smoky room, frowning, and complained to a hazy figure shrouded in the smog.

"Colonel Smoker, could I trouble you to open the window every time you smoke?"

After she finished speaking, she walked to the window and pushed it open.

A gust of wind came in along the window, instantly blowing away the smoke in the office, revealing a burly man sitting on the single sofa behind the desk.

The man was about 30 years old, with short silver hair, his upper body was bare, his legs were on the desk, and he was lying on the sofa with two cigars in his mouth, reading a newspaper.

I don't know how this guy can read the newspaper clearly in a room where he can't see his fingers.

Smoker looked at the female Marine standing by the desk, put the newspaper in his hand on the desk, lowered his legs, and spoke fiercely to her.

"Sergeant Tashigi, don't forget your identity, you don't have to worry about my affairs."

His fierce tone and look didn't help Tashigi though.

Tashigi raised the fax document in his hand and slapped it on the table.

Seriously, he said: "Colonel Smoker, the news just came from the headquarters that the silver-haired Sorata, who offered a reward of 70 million Berry, is coming to the town of Rogge."

"Hmm! 70 million? That's really high!"

Smoker picked up the papers on the desk and looked at them.

"Silver Hair Sorata!"

Looking at him with a hint of doubt on his face, he raised his head and asked Tashigi.

"Isn't this guy fighting the Golden Lion over Puluo Xius Island?"

"Is the winner determined so quickly?"

The Marine Base in Rogge Town received news of Sorata's battle with the Golden Lion before they received the bearded gang.

Originally, Smoker was planning to go to Puluo Xius by himself, taking advantage of the battle between Golden Lion and Sorata, to see if he could arrest the two pirates.

However, his application for sailing was directly rejected by Naval Headquarters, so he didn't go.

"Silver-haired Sorata, the first time he went to sea, he offered a reward of 70 million Berry, and he also fought the legendary pirate Golden Lion, so he escaped unscathed."

Frowning, Tashigi clapped his hands on the desk, leaned forward, stared at Smoker and said loudly.

"Colonel Smoker, please take it seriously. Although we don't know who will win between him and the Golden Lion, we can know his strength from the fact that he can fight against the legendary pirate Golden Lion."

"So what if you can fight the Golden Lion?"

Smoker put down the file in his hand, and said to Tashigi calmly.

"It's not okay to be so nervous about a little thing! I have my own way, right!"

Obviously they haven't received the news that the Golden Lion has died. If they know, it will be another scene!

Smoker stood up from the sofa, walked to the clothes rack beside him, picked up a large white coat with the word "Justice" written on the back, and put it on his body.

The guy's coat was covered with cigars, and it was obvious that his addiction to smoking had reached the level of obsession.

Smoker couldn't leave his mouth, and just finished the cigarette in his mouth, he lit another one.

He was smoking, turned to Tashigi and said calmly: "Also! When have you ever seen me let go of any pirate easily!"

He paused, then cursed fiercely at Tashigi.

"Stupid woman!"

Hearing Smoker's scolding, Tashigi calmed down his nervousness.

That's the pirate with a bounty of 70 million Berry, and the pirate with the highest bounty in East Blue so far, so it's no wonder she's not nervous!

But nervousness is nervous, but she will not be afraid.

She looked up at Smoker's fierce expression, and there was a glint of admiration in her eyes.

With Colonel Smoker around, I believe that even the silver-haired Sorata will not be able to cross the town of Rogge easily!

Since Colonel Smoker came to Rogge Town, very few pirates can cross his mountain and easily go to the Grand Line.

Also don't look at Colonel Smoker who always has a fierce expression, but she knows that Colonel Smoker is actually a very gentle person in his heart.

Tashigi pushed the frame of the mirror, stood up straight, and said loudly to Smoker with firm eyes.

"I see, Colonel Smoker."

"Well! It's good to know"

Smoker walked up to Tashigi, stroked Tashigi's hair, and said seriously.

"We are Marine, and our duty is to catch pirates. It should be the pirates who are nervous when they see us, not us."

"And the other party is not an invincible pirate, is it!"

Although he often scolds Tashigi, in his heart, he always treats Tashigi like a younger sister.

Don't look at this stupid woman who always looks natural and dumb, but she is actually a very strong and brave person. When facing pirates, she bravely kills the enemy without flinching.

In normal training, he is not afraid of hard work, and works harder than most men.

And Tashigi also has his own concept of justice just like him, which is why he values ​​Tashigi the most.

Smoker walked to the window, looked at Marine who was training on the school field below, and turned to Tashigi and asked.

"By the way, do you know when the silver-haired gang will arrive?"

Tashigi straightened his expression, reached for the document on the table, looked at it and said.

"Judging from the news from the headquarters, Silver Hair flew towards the town of Rogge after a short fight with Polusalino Admiral."

"As for the Golden Lion..."

"No trace has been found yet."

She pushed up her glasses and looked up at Smoker.

"Combined with the silver-haired pirate ship in the morning and the sailing time, I'm afraid they should have converged by now and turned around and returned."

"Do you know the exact time?"

Smoker lit another cigar and smoked, staring at Tashigi and asked.


"Is it noon?"

Smoker stroked his chin, frowned and thought for a while, then looked up to Tashigi and ordered.

"Go tell everyone to get ready, I'm going to keep Silver Hair out of Rogge Town this time."

Tashigi stood up straight, gave a military salute, and shouted.

"Yes, Colonel Smoker."

Then she turned and left the office.

After Tashigi left, Smoker turned his head to look at Sorata's reward on the table, and was stunned for a while.

Then he turned around and took down a giant ten-handed weapon from the wall by the window.

This weapon can not only restrain the swordsman's sword, he also specially added seastone on the top of the weapon in order to deal with capable people.

It doesn't matter whether the silver-haired guy can fight the Golden Lion, or escape from Polusalino Admiral.

He wasn't going to let this guy get out of Rogge so easily.

Even at the risk of his reputation as the "White Hunter" Smoker.

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