Pirates: Invincible At The Beginning

Chapter 66 Upside Down Mountain, End Of East Blue


"Come on, I can't stand it at this level, how can I become a strong man in the sea!"

"Zoro has adapted to this level of pressure since he first came to the dojo for a year!"

Liberty, on the middle deck.

Sorata stood at the bow of the ship, the space field unfolded, and the pressure was on the three of Ahua, especially Ahua and Aluo.

After these two guys ate Devil Fruit, they improved very quickly.

And A Tao also entered the field training with the blessing of the infinite stamina radish.


Indigo leaned against the door of the cab, staring at the three of Ahua with interest.

"It's amazing! I can still control the pressure."

"Sorata, the newspaper delivery bird."

Kuina was lying on the deck chair, drinking tea, watching the newspaper bird flying in the sky, and turned to Sorata and shouted.


Sorata withdrew her gaze from the three of Ahua, looked at the newspaper bird standing on the railing at the bow, walked over and spoke.

"Get a copy of the latest newspaper!"

As he spoke, he handed over a hundred Berry.

The paper delivery bird took the money in its beak and put it in the red leather bag hanging in front of it, then took out a newspaper from another bag hanging on its body, and handed it to Sorata.

Watching Sorata take the newspaper, it saluted Sorata, spread its wings, and flew towards its next guest.

Sorata turned around, leaned her back against the guardrail, unfolded the newspaper in her hand, and read it.

"Hmm! About the Golden Lion."

As soon as he saw the title, he knew that this news should be dedicated to him.


Below the title are all his information, and Golden Lion's information.

In the end, he was called a new legend.

Sorata stroked her chin, looking down in thought.

"Is it a legend?"

"Since you say so, then I will accept it."

He originally went to sea to become the strongest, to become a legend.

Although this is only a small reason for him to go to sea, it is also a reason, isn't it?

Then when he turned to the next page, a reward order suddenly fell out from this page.

He took it quickly with his eyes and hands, and took a closer look.

It turned out to be his own.

The reward order this time is much clearer.

"500 million? It's not low. It seems that this time it's really famous!"

"Sorata show me."

"No, take it! It's all old things, and there's nothing to see. By the way, how long will it take for us to reach Upside Down Mountain?"

Kuina took the newspaper and casually said to Kaidō: "There are still about two days!"


Regardless of the fact that the town of Rogge is the closest to the Upside Down Mountain, in fact, this nearest island is just the nearest island.

In fact, starting from the town of Rogge, the fastest sailing will take a few days to reach the Upside Down Mountain.

And the closer you are to the Upside Down Mountain, the greater the weather changes and the slower the sailing.

"Wow! 500 million."

Kuina looked at Sorata's bounty and let out a big cry.

"What's all the fuss about! You beat Smoker in Rogge, and the bounty will go up."

"Yeah! That's right."

Kuina put down the newspaper, stood up, walked to Sorata, stretched out her hand to hug Sorata's arm, rested her head on Sorata's shoulder, and accompanied him to look at the sea in the distance, with excitement in her eyes.

Soon to the legendary Grand Line.

On this ship, Indigo will not have too much excitement!

After all, this guy is used to it.


two days later.

upside down mountain.

Due to its special geographical location, the nearby sea area has extremely extreme currents and climate.

It makes it impossible for ordinary navigators to predict the wind direction, and the ocean currents near here, under the reefs and waves, will appear from time to time, Uzumaki-shaped ocean currents.

As long as you don't pay attention, the ship will be destroyed and people will die.

And there is one and only one seaway leading to the artificial canal of the inverted mountain.

So the ships that can come here and want to go to the Grand Line are all sea warriors who are ready to die.

With the approach of Liberty.

It can be seen from a distance, the black clouds connecting the sky and the earth, because of the relationship between the inverted mountains, the clouds gather together, roll up and down, and from time to time there will be one or two white and red lightning bolts like giant dragons.

Sorata stood at the bow of the ship, looking at the spectacular clouds in the distance, with a flash of excitement in his eyes.

Then he turned his head and shouted to the back: "Ahua, go help A Tao steer the helm. A Luo pays attention to the ocean current. Let's rush through here in one breath and go directly to the artificial channel."

"To understanding."

"Oh! By the way, you can also help Indigo. The current here is too fast. I'm afraid the two of them won't be able to control the rudder."

"Understood, Captain."

Indigo walked into the pilot room with a few "puff puff puffs".

As the distance narrowed, the speed of the ship became faster and a huge wave rushed towards it.

The bow of the ship broke through the huge waves, like a sharp sword, inserted into this sea area.

Watching the oncoming sea and rain Sorata opened the field, enveloping him and Kuina within.

The sea water rushed in and slid to both sides along a transparent space.

Looking at it from a distance, it is like installing a transparent windshield on the bow of the Liberty.

As the Liberty deepened, the surrounding ocean currents became more and more turbulent. If you didn't pay attention, you would be taken away by the ocean currents, deviate from the only route, and hit the Red Line directly.

After rushing through a thick fog, the eyes suddenly opened up.

In the distance between the sky and the earth, standing tall, this world is the tallest and largest continent.

"Red Line".

The ring-shaped continent where the Red Line and the Grand Line intersect is named for its red soil cover. The Red Line and the Grand Line are two rings respectively, so there are two intersections, and the first intersection is the Inverted Mountain in front of you, and the second intersection is the holy land Mariejois, which is also a barrier that distinguishes New World from Paradise.

Seeing the Red Line deep into the clouds in the distance, Sorata sighed.

No wonder Celestial Dragons and the former Kingdom of God want to live here. Living here is like looking down on the entire sea. The feeling of dominating the world must be enjoyed by these stupid pigs!

As the distance got closer, a faint but bright light suddenly came from between the distant mountain walls.

Sorata looked at the light, turned her head and shouted to the back: "A Tao, do you see the light in the distance?"

"That's the entrance to the Grand Line, try to keep the rudder steady, and we'll head straight for it."

Then he looked up at Arlo and shouted, "Alo, furl the sails, now it's fast enough, we'll ride the current."

"To understanding."

Sorata and Kuina stood at the bow of the ship, watching the approaching lights, and finally saw the only channel in the blink of an eye.

I saw a silver-white waterway on the mountain of the Red Line, like a ribbon, fluttering up and down with the current.

"I don't know who dug this amazing project."

Kuina looked at the waterway excitedly, and exclaimed, "It's really spectacular!"

"Hmm! It's really spectacular."

Looking at the approaching waterway, Sorata's eyes were filled with excitement.

The Liberty with its sails folded, under the control of the three of A Tao, steadily rode the upwelling current leading to the artificial canal in the distance.

As the Liberty gradually stabilized, the three of A Tao rushed to the bow, while Indigo followed them leisurely.

Lying on the guardrail of the bow, the three of Ahua were all excitedly staring at the Red Line in the distance.

"Wow...it's so spectacular!"

"Yes! It is indeed the entrance of the Grand Line."

"The entrance is so exciting and spectacular, and I don't know how magnificent the real Grand Line is."

Everyone had a look of anticipation on their faces.


"Captain, do you want to hold a ceremony!"


Sorata stroked her chin, thinking of Luffy.

He pulled an empty wooden barrel from the side, put his right foot on it with a "boom", and shouted loudly.

"I, Sorata, want to be the freest person on the sea, the strongest in the world, and go wherever I want."


"In order to become the strongest female swordsman in the world."

Kuina grasped the words of Hedao tightly, saw a trace of tenderness in Sorata's eyes, and said silently in her heart: "It's also to keep up with Sorata's pace."

"In order to become strong."

"In order not to be bullied by others."

"In order to go on adventures in various places."

Ahua, Aluo, and Atao spoke respectively.

Then all eyes turned to Indigo.

Indigo looked at Sorata and the others with a flash of reminiscence in his eyes.

I still remember that when he first went to sea, he was so full of vigor and hope.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help showing a hint of ending.

"Indigo, it's your turn, we're partners, aren't we?"

Sorata knew that there must be a story in Indigo, but he didn't ask. Everyone has their own past, whether it is good or bad, that is everyone's own business. When the day he wants to tell, Sorata believes that Indigo Definitely tell him.


Indigo looked at Sorata and suddenly smiled.

Yes, in this group of young pirates, he saw the appearance of real partners, not the superior-subordinate relationship like Golden Lion.

He feels equality and respect here.


"For the wishes of the captain and everyone, I will work hard to research various potions."

During these few days together, he already knew why Sorata asked him to be the ship's doctor.

One, of course, is his medical skills, and the second is the various viruses of the Grand Line.

Due to the special geographical location of the Grand Line, each island is different, which has caused some islands to remain in ancient times or even prehistoric civilizations.

All kinds of ferocious beasts live on these islands, including viruses and even plagues of course.

And what he is best at is making various virus medicines and vaccines.

Then they smiled at each other and kicked the bucket hard.

At the same time, Liberty was like a sharp sword drawn out of its sheath, without any accidents, riding the rising current, easily inserted into the artificial canal, and sailed towards the top of the Red Line.

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