Pirates: Invincible At The Beginning

Chapter 7 See The Peak, Let's Move Towards The Peak

on the beach.

The two stood facing each other, and compared to Ivankov's ease, Sorata was obviously much heavier.

Sorata looked at Ivankov, his tall body with his back facing the sun and glowing halo, his eyes suddenly shrank!

The faint starlight in the eyes swiveled quickly around the middle.

It's like a black hole, as if it wants to pull the entire starry sky into his eyes.

Profound, mysterious and full of deadly charm.

At this moment, an invisible momentum emanated from Sorata's body.

Noticing the change in Sorata, Ivankov slowly let go of his contempt, and his face became a little more serious.

If Sorata was a kitten before, she is now a tiger, and the level of danger has increased dozens of times.


Ivankov grinned and roared, tore off the black robe, twirled his hands up, and revealed the strange clothes under the black robe.

I saw him wearing a tight-fitting ultra-low-cut jumpsuit, a mesh cloak and stockings, a big skull tattooed on his abdominal muscles, and a dark purple explosive head, which was unusually huge.

He stretched out his right hand, turned his palm up, and hooked his palm to Sorata.

"Come on, little Sorata!"


On the pier, among the crowd watching the battle, at some point, Lightning put on his glasses and suddenly turned into a man.

He looked at the two people who were facing each other on the beach, a trace of solemnity flashed in his eyes.

"Are you serious? Ms. Iwan, and that brat is completely different from just now!"

Looking at Ivankov who showed his full figure.

Ahua showed a suddenly realized expression, and then shouted in surprise.


"So shemale is pervert!"

He started on the boat, and until now, he still wondered what a transvestite is?

"To shut up."

Yifu turned his head, stared at A Hua viciously and shouted.

"How can you brat be so unreasonable to Master Ivan."

He knows ladyboys are perverts, but Ivankov is different.

Ivankov is a new human being, a new ladyboy. He is not only the king of ladyboys, but also one of the leaders of the revolutionary army they respect.

"What? I want to fight!" A Hua shouted at Yifu, taking advantage of the large number of people.

"That's right, what's the matter, isn't pervert still being told?" Arlo continued.

"Come on."

Yifu rolled up his sleeves, showing his muscles, stretched out his fingers arrogantly, and hooked Ahua and the others.

"If you have the ability, you go together, and I will hit ten."

"Shut up."

At this time Lightning and Koshiro spoke at the same time, obviously they couldn't stand it anymore.

The two sides looked at each other, turned their heads together, and let out a "hum" from their noses.


Kuina and Zoro stood in the crowd without speaking.

They were all staring at Sorata, tense and focused.

Sorata tucked her hands into her sleeves, shook her shoulders, and slowly took off her top, revealing her muscular upper body and eight-pack abs.

It was hard to believe that this was the body of an eleven-year-old child.

He leaned forward, gripping the handle of the knife tightly.

He stared up at Ivankov closely, his eyes twinkling.

"Space field!"

A transparent space expands quietly.

"stress reliever!"


Simultaneously launch.

With a sound of "Whoosh!", it disappeared in place.

As for why he didn't teleport directly, of course there is no acceleration and the power is too low.

With his current strength, facing someone far stronger than him, he might not be able to break through the defense by teleporting directly.

Watching Sorata rushing towards him, Ivankov took a step back and blinked his left eye at Sorata.

"Hell winks!"

A pink shock wave rushed towards Sorata quickly.

Just when the shock wave was about to collide with Sorata, his forward body instantly disappeared in place.


Sorata stepped over the shock wave and appeared in front of Ivankov in an instant.

He didn't give Ivankov time to react at all, the space domain expanded, and in an instant, Ivankov's entire body was shrouded in it.


"Draw your sword and chop!"

All in one go.

Ivankov's eyes flashed red, and when Sorata first appeared, he wanted to react.

But when he wanted to raise his right hand and punch Sorata.

A burst of terrifying pressure hit him instantly, and he couldn't help but pause.

Although he broke free from the pressure in an instant, it was enough for Sorata to swing the knife during this pause.

Staring at the sharp blade glowing coldly in front of him, Ivankov only had time to hastily put a layer of Armament Haki on his chest.


A storm formed by air pressure spread from Ivankov's chest to the surroundings, splashing gravel.

After only a moment of stalemate, Ivankov was quickly pushed backward by the terrifying force on the blade in front of him.

His feet plowed two gullies about ten meters long on the sand.

Ivankov stopped, feeling a dull pain in his chest, and looked down.

I saw a faint blood-red wound on his chest, and blood was seeping out.

Although due to hasty response, he didn't have time to mobilize all the Haki, but being able to cut his Haki and hurt him, at the age of eleven, it's too pervert!

If it wasn't for his quick response, if Haki was a little slower, this embarrassment would be embarrassing, and I don't know how to be laughed at by the dragon!

He raised his head and stared at Sorata floating in the air, his pupils shrank slightly and his face gradually became serious.

"It can still fly."

Sorata stood in the air, looked down at his hand, and rewound Haki's Zhankong, with a satisfied smile on his face.

"Sure enough, fighting the strong can refine Haki even more."

Although the quantity cannot be increased, the quality can be increased.

Every Haki strongman comes from hard work.

In the previous collision with Ivankov, his Haki collapsed in an instant.

If it wasn't for the opponent's hasty response, he wouldn't be able to break through the opponent's Haki defense.

This is the difference in Haki quality.

Like, the difference between iron ore and steel.

Low-level Armament Haki is iron ore, and only through continuous tempering can low-level Haki evolve into high-level steel.

Ivankov looked at Sorata and sighed, "Young Sorata, you are really amazing!"

"But you have to be careful next time."

"Let you experience the essence of the shemale boxing technique that Kamabaka hits right in the middle of it!"

As he spoke, he took off on the spot, spun 360 degrees in the air, landed lightly, and drew a word in front of him with both hands.

As for what that word is, no one knows it anyway.

His left hand is relaxed at his waist, and his right hand is spread out into a palm, pointing at Sorata.


Sorata stared at Ivankov's flamboyant shemale boxing, dumbfounded.

"Is this the shemale boxing method? It's really a second class."

Ivankov withdrew his right hand, raised his hands slightly on his shoulders, relaxed all over, and shouted with a smile: "Okay, okay, come here!"


"You thought you were Bruce Lee! You're still laughing, why aren't you laughing?"

Sorata pursed her lips, resisted the desire to complain in her heart, held the knife in both hands and lifted it up, raised it above her head, and stomped on the ground with both feet.

"Whoosh" sound.

The body shot towards Ivankov like an arrow from the string.

When he got close, he slashed at his chest fiercely.

"Shave · Slash!"

Ivankov was already prepared for this time, and the little pressure in the space field could only affect his speed a little bit.

He continued to attack Sorata with the tip of the knife in his hand at super high speed.

"Shemale Fist, Dream Strike Handling Fist!"


The hand and the knife bounced off each other as soon as they collided, and then collided quickly again.

clang clang clang...

The blade collided wildly with the hand knife covered with black Haki, and only the afterimage and the flashing cold light of the knife could be seen.

Between electric light and flint.


The two collided again and wrestled with each other.

During the interval of wrestling, Ivankov suddenly blinked at Sorata below.

"Hell winks!"

Feeling the oncoming shock wave, Sorata used all his strength to hit Ivankov's hand, and with this reaction force, he jumped back.


Where he was originally standing, a big crater was blown out by the shock wave.

"Little Ivan, don't talk about Wude, sneak attack."

Looking at the big hole in the ground, Sorata pretended to be in a state of lingering fear, and stretched out his left hand to wipe the sweat that was not there on his forehead.

"Not at all!" Ivankov yelled.

Then he blinked quickly at Sorata.

"Hell winks, hell winks, hell winks..."


Wave after wave of shock waves quickly hit Sorata.

Sorata didn't pay much attention to the shock wave in front of him.

He expanded the domain, stretched the space, let the shock wave rush into his domain, and the speed dropped sharply.

He stood calmly on the spot and quickly swung his knife, cutting apart the incoming shock waves one after another, just like cutting through air bubbles.

Seeing that this trick is useless against Sorata.

Ivankov kicked his feet hard on the ground and ran quickly around Sorata.

He ran faster and faster, and his high-speed movement produced countless afterimages of his face.

"Face afterimage!"

From a distance, there are countless big faces surrounding Sorata.

Looking at the afterimages around her, Sorata put on a defensive posture.

There was a red light in his eyes.

"found it."

Then he swung his knife quickly and slashed at one of the afterimages.

A silver-gray slash passed through the afterimage, leaving a deep knife mark on the beach behind.

“Little Sorata, useless”

"Each of my afterimages may be real, or each of them may be false."

All the afterimages simultaneously opened their mouths and roared loudly.

"Are you ready for the storm?"


Ivankov reminded, blinking quickly, all the afterimages of the face gave death winks at the same time.

"Galaxy winks!"

Countless shock waves ten times stronger than the winking eyes of death shot towards Sorata like missiles, leaving him nowhere to escape.

Sensing the fluctuations around him, Sorata quickly sheathed his sword and clasped his hands together.

He's not going to run away, that's exactly what he wants.

Sorata slowly closed her eyes, and the soul of Chu Er burst out.

"How many floors do I have to carry a bag of rice, how many floors do I have to carry a bag of rice, how much do I have to pay for a bag of rice, and I have to wash a bag of rice..."

At the moment when the shock wave was about to approach, he suddenly opened his eyes, his pupils dilated, and the space around his body instantly collapsed inward.

Then he pushed hard to the sides with both hands, and a powerful force rushed towards the surroundings at an even faster speed.

"Pseudo-Shenluo Tianzheng!"

This was done by imitating Shenluo Tianzheng.

In fact, it is to compress the space in the space field, Ultimately compress it for a moment, and then explode it.

The two forces were in a stalemate for only a moment, and then a shocking explosion occurred with a bang.

The sand rushed towards the surroundings with a more powerful shock wave, which instantly dispersed all the afterimages and sent the real Evakov flying.


Ivankov's back slammed into the mountain wall behind the beach.

Because of his size, it was as if the whole mountain shook for a moment.

The people on the pier rushed towards the village as early as the moment the explosion occurred.

Seeing the impact Namikaze storm approaching rapidly behind him, the brats like Ahua wished they had a few more legs.


"The storm is coming."

As soon as they hid, the storm hit, and the whole street was instantly emptied.

The people hiding behind a house were dumbfounded when they heard the whistling wind.

"Is this something a human can do?"

"What an exaggeration!"

Kuina looked out, a look of concern in her eyes.

Koshiro saw her state and pushed the frame, "Don't worry Kuina, Sorata is fine."

"I'm not worried, I'll always trust Sorata,"

Kuina paused and gave Koshiro a careful look.

"I'm just wondering how much Pele has to pay this time."

At this time, a sea fish that was blown into the sky and hung on the eaves happened to fall.

"Crack!", and it hit Koshiro on the head.

Koshiro took the fish off his head with no expression on his face, and threw it aside forcefully.

He raised his head and stared at the gravel-filled street, and the fish, fruit, and rubble rolling in the gravel.

The left hand that was pushing the mirror frame trembled.

"Father, are you okay?"

Kuina looked up at Koshiro.

"It's okay, it's just a little Bailey!"

Koshiro replied nonchalantly.

He was ruthless in his heart, and when Sorata came back, he must let Sorata earn twice as much.

"Okay, let's go out!"

Koshiro took a step forward and walked outside.

The streets outside are full of mess, tiles, fruits, fish,...


Everyone stepped on the rubble and walked towards the pier.

When we arrived at the pier, we saw that there were a dozen or so small fishing boats parked in the port, except for a few larger ones, all of which were blown over on the beach on the right.

Under Sorata's position, there is a huge circular pit bottom, slowly seeping seawater upwards.

I believe it won't be long before there will be a small pond there.

Zoro's eyes widened, fixed on the intact Sorata hovering over the crater.

Trembling with excitement.

Only when you have seen the power of the peak can you work harder to catch up. He firmly believes that he will be able to catch up.

Sensing Zoro's fighting spirit, Kuina's left hand holding the knife tightened.

She stared at Sorata calmly, her mind churning.

"Is this the power of Sorata at its peak?"

"It's really disappointing!"

It turned out that Sorata had never been serious about practicing against her before!

Seymour Zhiji Village is too small, so small that even she can be almost invincible.

If Zoro hadn't come, she would never have improved so much this year.

She could feel that it would not be long before Zoro could surpass her physically.

It was so inherent, no matter how unwilling she was, there was nothing she could do.

All she could do was to train harder.

Otherwise she will soon be overtaken by Zoro.

Staring at the sandy beach in the distance.

Kuina strengthened her faith even more.

She will definitely become the strongest female swordsman.

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