Pirates: Invincible At The Beginning

Chapter 6 This Welcome Is Quite Special

Bass Island.

Spring Island, Central Palace.

The present place has long since lost the appearance that a royal palace should have.

I saw that the palace was full of pirates.

These pirates lie down, sit, or yell.

Anyway, it's just a group of demons dancing wildly.

But in the other palace, it was a different scene. The people here all had cold faces, drinking wine without saying a word.

Eyes vigilantly watching all the people and things around.

Judging from the aura emanating from these guys, they shouldn't be pirates.

This is the Kingdom of Bath today.

Looking outside, there are only two remaining complete palaces in the Central Palace. The entire kingdom is in ruins.

The village around the palace is full of ruins.

And in some of the ruins, one can still see numb and desperate faces.

There are not many people, and they are not strong enough. They are basically old people and children, and there are few women.

These people hid carefully, rummaging for something, as if they were afraid of being discovered.

All of these remind the people who arrive here that this place is no longer the bustling, joyful, and happy Kingdom of Bath.

The island is still the same.

But the Bass Wanguo above has disappeared.

Now there are only some old, weak, sick and disabled left.

And the former kingdom and dock have been completely reduced to a paradise for pirates and bounty hunters.

Why can pirates and bounty hunters coexist peacefully on this small island!

Think of it like Whiskey Peak, some incompetent people who are waiting to hunt and just entered the Grand Line!

Pirates here can turn into bounty hunters at any time, and bounty hunters can turn into pirates at any time.

They not only rob pirates, they even rob passing merchant ships.

And some of them can even instantly transform into human traffickers.

Because Grand Line, the best-selling item, is all kinds of slaves.

Bass Island.

In the giant harbor between the two islands.

The harbour, in the shape of a river, is deep but not wide.

At first glance, it is artificially built.

The left bank is covered with green trees, while the right is snow-covered and white.

At this moment, the Liberty sailed in slowly in the afterglow of the setting sun.

It was as quiet as night on both sides of the strait, without a single light.

On the left, the river in Chundao Harbor is full of people.

"Look at the banner, it's a newcomer again!"


"The heads of this group of pirates, our Bada bounty group has accepted."

Although Sorata is very famous, their flag is not so famous.

After all, he had only offered a reward for a few days.

On the left side of the river, one of Bada's subordinates lying on his stomach around Bada heard the boss's voice and quickly fired at the Liberty.


This gunshot sounded like a fuse.

Then there were countless gunshots all around.

These bullets were not aimed at the people on board, but at the ship.

They want to smash the ship first, and then concoct the pirates who fell into the sea.

They all fell into the sea, so for them, don't they do whatever they want?

"Bastard, I've said it all, this group of pirates belongs to our team!"

As countless gunshots rang out, Bada took the first step and rushed out.

He wants to occupy a favorable terrain and wait for these pirates to fall into the water.

It's time to catch one.


At this moment, Bada, who had just jumped off the river and was rushing forward, suddenly stopped and froze in place.

"What's wrong? Boss."

One of the dozens of subordinates rushing out after him asked quickly.

Seeing that the boss didn't reply, he didn't dare to ask more questions, but just followed Bada's gaze to look at Liberty.


After just one glance, he froze in place, and then his pupils dilated rapidly, as if he had seen the most terrifying thing in the world.

At this time, everyone in the harbor, no matter whether they were headed or not, all stopped in place.

They looked at the bow of the Liberty, and their hearts twitched.

"How did this guy come to the Grand Line so quickly!"

Although they knew that with the reward offered by the other party, they would definitely come to the Grand Line.

But this is too fast!

They only saw each other's reward order two days ago!

Come as you say! It happened to be met by them.

The most important thing is that they are still on such a small boat. At first glance, this boat does not fit the identity of the other party's new generation of legendary big pirates!

If Liberty wasn't too inconspicuous, they wouldn't have fired so hastily, and wouldn't be as scared as they are now.

Some newly emerged pirates quickly lay down on the ground, wanting to dig a hole to bury themselves. They dare not even breathe for fear of being discovered by Sorata.

He stared at the Bada group who were frozen in place from a distance.

They couldn't help feeling rejoicing.

Fortunately, fortunately, they were not the first to rush out.

"Well! This is not a special welcome ceremony held on Bass Island!"

Sorata expanded the space field to block the bullets coming from all directions.

"Didn't the old man say that this place is very prosperous?"

"It's very prosperous!"

Indigo let out a "pop" and took a step forward, looking at the pier without a trace of light around him.

He was stunned for a moment at the two palaces that were still intact on the hillside in the distance.

"Impossible! Judging by the degree of desertion, it must have been here for at least two or three years!"

"The Kingdom of Bath is a member country of the World Government, and it cannot be destroyed so easily."

"And there is still no news."

As he spoke, he shook his head, then seemed to think of something.

"If you want to destroy the country, there is only one possibility,"

"What's possible?"

Sorata looked at Indigo puzzled.

"That's the country that couldn't pay the heavenly money, so it was removed from the membership by the World government."

"Then this country will soon be wiped out by endless war."

"That would also explain why not much news is coming out."

"Because of the World government, it is simply not allowed to report the news here."

As he spoke, Indigo's face gradually darkened, as if thinking of the past, a flash of memory flashed in his eyes.

"There are a lot of these countries in the New World."

"These countries are full of wars all year round, and the royal families of the countries are constantly searching for all the money and fighting with foreign countries, just for the slightest chance to join the World government."


Sorata turned her head, looked at the palace halfway up the mountain, and said doubtfully, "Even if you are expelled, you won't be exterminated so quickly!"

As he said that he put away the space domain, the bullets outside fell on the water like rain, splashing waves of ripples.

These ripples seem to be the same as Sorata's mood at this time.

I was just looking forward to bringing him good wine here!

Unexpectedly, the pier was full of pirates and bounty hunters waiting for them.

He looked at the dilapidated palace in the distance, a red light flashed in his eyes, and his sense of knowledge swept across the entire pier in an instant.

Not a single civilian was found.

Even if the country is destroyed, there should be no one left, and it is impossible for everyone to become pirates and bounty hunters!

His Haki then expanded, gradually enveloping the entire Spring Island outward.

With his exaggeratedly powerful spirit, his current knowledge and knowledge can easily cover a small island.

Of course, not at the level of Enel.

The guy's fruit plus knowledge color, thus forming his own "heart network", should be the most extensive Observation Haki in the whole One Piece!


Sorata was taken aback suddenly.

In his perception, apart from these pirates and bounty hunters, there were only old, weak, sick and disabled left on this island.

Young adults don't get any.

Even children are like mice hiding around.

Breath frightened, weak.

Chronic starvation.

He then swept across Winter Island, but found no breath, it was dead silent.

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