Pirates: Invincible At The Beginning

Chapter 15 Deadly Bullet Holes

When hearing Celestial Dragons this world borer.

Sorata could already figure out what was going on.

Tianlong must have taken a fancy to Liya's beauty.

"What a beast, Liya was only fourteen or fifteen years old three years ago!"

"True lolicon."

Celestial Dragons are descendants of 19 of the 20 kings who formed the world government 800 years ago. They call themselves "descendants of the creator" and enjoy all privileges.

Once offended, Marine Admiral or cp0 must come out to protect.

So basically no one dares to resist the Celestial Dragons. As long as they violate the wishes of the Celestial Dragons, not only will they have bad luck, but their family members and even the country they live in may be destroyed.

These guys are a bunch of stupid pigs raised by the entire World government, they have no fear.

Not only do they think they are "gods", but they actually live in the world like gods. They look down on any ordinary people and treat all ordinary people as slaves.

These guys are also the biggest slave owners in the world.

These guys can also take whoever they fancy as their spouse, and throw it away as soon as they get tired of playing.

Presumably this is how Liya was spotted by a Celestial Dragons!

Sorata looked at Bada, raised her hand, and took a sip of her wine.

"Well! Let's talk! Since Liya was captured by Celestial Dragons, how did you rescue Liya!"

Bada came back to his senses, stunned for a moment, and then said: "After I got the news, the Celestial Dragons ship has already set sail."

"But this guy is out to play, so the ship's sailing is not fast, and I used the transformation ability attached to the fruit to mix into the Celestial Dragons' ship."

"By the time I found Liya, it was too late."


Of course Sorata knows the nature of Celestial Dragons. Since they are captured, they will of course be marked as slaves. As for whether they have been violated...

Leave it to the individual to think about it! .

"Well! It's late."

Speaking of this, Bada suddenly burst into tears.

"It's painful!"

No one can remain indifferent after seeing their daughter being tortured!

Everyone looked at Bada with a heavy face.

Even if you haven't seen the species of Celestial Dragons, you must have heard of it.

As for Kuina, who has been reading newspapers for a long time, she knows the cruelty of Celestial Dragons.

So pity flashed in her eyes.

She couldn't even imagine how desperate a fourteen or fifteen-year-old girl would be if she was captured by Celestial Dragons.

Thinking of this, murderous intent appeared in her eyes.

Bada reached out to wipe away the tears on his face.

"Sorry, can't help it."

"It's okay, it's human nature. If it were me, I would definitely kill the Celestial Dragons."

Sorata looked at Bada with a calm face and an indifferent tone.

Bada was taken aback by the murderous aura emanating from Sorata, and then he clenched his hands into fists, and the veins in his arms burst out.

"I've thought about killing Celestial Dragons, of course."

As he said that, he suddenly relaxed all over, as if his whole body was pulled away, and said in a low tone:

"But when I think of the entire Bath Kingdom, I can't do anything about it!"

Sorata was taken aback for a moment, and didn't ask any further questions.

If you are not in your position, you will not seek your job.

He is not Bada, he is Sorata, anyway, if it were him, he would not only kill Celestial Dragons, but also kill all forces related to Celestial Dragons.

This is the confidence brought by strength!

If he was an ordinary person, he might not have such thoughts.

So he didn't despise or ridicule Bada's approach and plan, but admired him very much.

Behind this guy is not just one person, or a few people, but tens of thousands of people!

Really kill Celestial Dragons, these people have to die.

"Then you rescued Princess Liya, how did the Kingdom of Bath collapse?"

Indigo looked at Bada, and said suspiciously: "There is more! With your strength, how could these pirates and bounty hunters destroy Bass Island like this!"

Bada is the one who was actively invited by the Golden Lion to board the ship!

Just look at Sorata to know the Golden Lion's vision.

As he spoke, he glanced at Sorata, and murmured in his heart: "The same was invited, but also rejected, one became a loser in life, and the other killed the Golden Lion, completely becoming a strong man."

Thinking about it, he couldn't help shaking his head, "It's really the same body, different fate!"

"Is it the Kingdom of Bath?"

Bada rubbed his chin in thought for a while, "By the time I come back with Liya, the Kingdom of Bath has already been broken by cp0 and Marine."

"And I was also wounded in the battle with members of the World Government's spy organization, a few people known as 'cp0'."

"This also forced me to use my ability to erase myself, so as to protect the rest of Bath."

"As for the pirates on Bass Island now..."

As he spoke, he slowly opened his shirt, revealing his majestic chest.

He reached out his hand to touch a place on his heart that had been scarred for a long time, looked up at Sorata and said, "This scar is left from the battle with 'cp0'."

Follow Bass' hand down, and take a closer look, the scar is not big, but very deep, even if the scar is formed, it looks like it was dug out by something.

"Even this scar is healed now!"

"With your strength, it's impossible to be destroyed with a single shot!"

Indigo looked at the scar, and the doubt on his face didn't dissipate, but intensified instead.

"Of course it's not that simple."

"Don't look at the scars, but inside the scars..."

"What's going on inside?"

"The bullet inside hasn't been taken out yet!"

Indigo looked at the scar, and his face gradually became clear.

Ordinary bullets may not be too deadly to the strong, but if special bullets with armed colors are attached, they will be fatal.

"It can't be taken out, or it can't be taken out."

He has to figure out this point. He is a doctor himself, and there is still a difference between these two points.

If it can't be taken out, it should be because the doctor's medical skills are not superb enough, which is not too much trouble.

If you can't take it, it will be troublesome.

"Can't take it."

Bada buttoned his buttons and looked up at Sorata, "That's why I can't get rid of the pirates on Bass Island."

"The bullet from the gunshot wound in my heart is a special bullet from the World Government. There is a small bomb inside. As long as I use my strength, even if I am too emotional, it will completely detonate this time bomb."

"This makes me have the strength, but I dare not do it."

As he spoke, a cold light flashed in his eyes, then he stood up, walked in front of Sorata, and knelt down slowly.

Sorata looked at Bada, didn't say anything, and didn't reach out.

One person endured for three full years for his beliefs, for the country, and for the people.

He didn't know how this guy resisted the impulse in his heart and didn't go to save his people immediately.

But this guy is definitely not greedy for life and afraid of death, so there must be a reason why he has to endure it.

As a result, this guy did not act for a long time.

Looking at the hundreds of children around him, he gradually understood.

Is it for the future of Bath?

If he really died, then these children...

He dare not think.

Then Bada must not dare to think about it!


The sound is not loud, but it is shocking.

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