Pirates: Invincible At The Beginning

Chapter 25 This Is A Hot-Blooded Anime, Not A Romantic Romance

"Okay, let's introduce yourself first!"

Sorata stared at Firebird with interest in her eyes.

"After chatting for so long, I still don't know your name!"

When I first saw this guy, I thought this guy was a fan of Doflamingo!

Sao Bao's fiery red coat is exactly the same style as Brother Ming's, and he has a pink comb hairstyle. At first glance, he thought this guy was spying on a turkey!


Firebird Vance's face flushed suddenly.

Because he heard the hint of friendship from Sorata's words.

As the first reporter to have friendship with Sorata, he can be sure that his status in the newspaper office will be greatly improved as more deeds of Sorata are reported in the future.

In the end, he might be able to become like the senior he admired, the king of photography nicknamed "Flame Photographer".

Of course, all of this is based on the premise of making good friends with Sorata.

He stared at Sorata, cleared his throat, and said excitedly: "I, 'Firebird Vance', 28 years old, a reporter by profession, unmarried, blood type A..."

Sorata looked at the chattering Firebird, and didn't interrupt until the guy finished talking about the place of birth, place of residence, how many members of his family, and who they were.

Then he said: "It's not that simple to get my friendship! It depends on whether your newspaper can afford the price."


Firebird suddenly became speechless, he thought Sorata wanted money!

Although he had never seen a pirate asking for money, he had heard of it.

But he is just a small reporter, and he doesn't have much money!

So he looked at Sorata, and said carefully, "That, that,..."

"Don't stammer, talk about something."

Sorata stood up, stared at the distant sea, stretched out her hand and yawned.

"Well, big silver-haired brother, how much do you want?"

Firebird stood up, staring nervously at Sorata.


Sorata turned her head and looked at the Firebird in surprise. Seeing its nervous expression, she couldn't help curling her lips.

"When did I say I want money!"

"for free."

Firebird heaved a sigh of relief, then seemed to think of something, and picked it up just as he was relieved.

"No money? Then what do you want!"

He glanced at Sorata cautiously, seeing the evil expression on the corner of Sorata's mouth, his body couldn't help shivering.

Following the footsteps, he couldn't help but took a small step back, folded his hands on his chest, and looked at Sorata with a vigilant look.

"This guy must have taken a fancy to his beauty!"

Although he knew he was handsome, he didn't want to fencing with others!

Sorata looked at the fire bird, as if sensing something, the corner of her mouth twitched, and the veins on her forehead popped out.

He stretched out his hand, took a step forward, and punched Firebird in the head.


"What are you guys thinking?"

"Laozi is the most beautiful man in the world, is he like that?"


Sorata looked at this guy, the more he thought about it, the more angry he became, and he couldn't help but have the urge to kill and silence him.

"Hiss~ It hurts! It hurts!!"

Firebird clutched his head, the cockscomb on his head was flattened by Sorata's punch.

He raised his head and looked at Sorata carefully, and when he saw the fierce light in Sorata's eyes, he opened his mouth quickly.

"Brother Silver Hair, don't be angry, don't be angry, I was just joking, nothing else."

As he spoke, he suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

Seeing that Sorata doesn't look like a fake, it must not be someone peeping at his beauty.

Thinking of this, for some reason, a trace of loss emerged in his heart.

"Hey! I have nowhere to put my beauty, how come no one appreciates it!"

"Stop squatting."

Sorata looked at Firebird, and said angrily: "Call your president quickly, I will talk to your president, and if we can talk, you can get my friendship."

"If we can't talk..."

Saying that, Sorata's face darkened, "You know."

"It's okay, it's okay, it's definitely okay."

Firebird looked at Sorata, his face turned pale.

"Our president, specifically told us reporters that we must take pictures of you! As long as you take pictures of you, not only will you get a bonus, but you can also be promoted."

"That's not too soon."

Sorata looked at the Firebird, and her patience was a bit worn out.

Whoever is treated as that kind of person will be unhappy!

What's more, it was such an ugly ghost who regarded him as that kind of person.

"Bah bah bah bah!!"

"What are you thinking! Even a handsome man won't do."

This is a hot-blooded animation, not a romantic romance!

Firebird looked at Sorata impatiently, and quickly took out a red phone bug from his arms.

Seeing him open the cover, the fiery red phone bug's shrugging head suddenly woke up.

He then stretched out his hand and squeezed the rocker next to the back shell of the phone bug and shook it a few times, and the phone bug dialed with a burst of "beeps".

"Is this the phone bug? It's amazing."

Such things as phone bugs are rare in the world, and they don't have any in the Yixin Taoist Temple.

So since childhood, this is the first time Sorata has seen him so close.

"After talking with this guy Morgans, I must ask this guy to give him a few."

At that time, a phone bug that plays videos can be installed on the ship, which can be used as a movie theater.

That way it won't be so boring.

At the same time, the headquarters of the World Economic News Agency, even in the dark, is brightly lit, and countless people and newsbirds come in and out.

In the president's office, Morgans just finished writing a news article, and now he is lying on a chair, drinking coffee, and resting.

at this time.

"Blue, blue..."

The phone bug in front of him suddenly rang.

Morgons put down the coffee cup slowly, took the napkin gracefully, wiped his lips, and then reached for the microphone on the phone bug.

"Moses Moses! This is the World Economic News Agency, the president, Morgans."

"Hi, President! I'm Firebird Vance."


Hearing that it was the Firebird, Morgans quickly sat up straight, "Is there news about silver hair again?"

"Master President."

Bass Island.

Firebird glanced at Sorata cautiously, and said to the phone bug: "Silver hair, silver hair Sorata, is by my side."

"What did you say?"

Morgans was taken aback.

"I said the silver-haired brother is by my side."

Seeing that the call was connected, Sorata hurriedly stepped forward, reached out and took the phone bug from Firebird's hand, held it up to her eyes, stared into the phone bug's eyes, and said.

"I think the opposite is the well-known president of 'Morgans', one of the emperors of the underground world!"

Morgans looked at the head of the phone bug in front of him, and suddenly changed his appearance, especially a pair of blue eyes.

The whole person suddenly became excited.

"Silver hair Sorata."

"Yes, that's me."

"So it looks like you are looking for me, not Firebird."

Morgans looked at the phone bug with interest in his eyes.

"Hey! What can I do for you?"

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