Pirates: Invincible At The Beginning

Chapter 28 He's Not A Sailor Moon

In the early morning, the sky is very bright.

Before the sun jumped out of the sea, Bada took his younger brothers and appeared on the embankment of Chundao.

Looking at the countless stumps and broken arms on the street in the distance, shock flashed in his eyes.

Because judging from the wounds, these people all died under a knife.

So even the movement of falling to the ground can be called neat.

"Wow! This is too miserable!"

"What a tragedy!"

"These guys have plagued Bass Island for two or three years!"

A younger brother looked at the corpse with joy in his eyes, "It's over now, we should be happy."

"Yeah! These guys should have died a long time ago!"

"I don't know who I messed with! It's a pleasure to be killed all of them."

The noise of the younger brothers caught Bada's attention, he turned his head, "Okay, don't make noise here, now only the silver-haired brother has this strength on the island, I'll go see if the silver-haired brother is awake, you put these Clean up the body."

As he spoke, he looked towards Winter Island, "Since the pirates are all dead and you've cleaned them up, go and call them all out!"

"I haven't felt the warmth of Chundao for so many years, I think they are very nostalgic!"

"To understanding!"

The little brothers responded in unison, and happily rushed to the street, looking at the corpses all over the ground, they were not afraid at all, but very excited.

Many of these corpses were pirates and bounty hunters who bullied them.

Now that they are all dead, it's no wonder they are unhappy!

No. Liberty.

On the middle deck, the three of Ahua and Kuina are training separately.

Ordinary people can only become stronger through countless accumulations, not to mention that they still have Ahua's radish now, which makes them no longer have the idea of ​​​​salting fish before.

On the bow deck, Sorata was lying on a deck chair, drinking morning tea and reading a newspaper.

Beside him, Firebird Ace stood quietly with his hands up.

"Brother silver hair, how are you doing?"

"Hmm! Not bad."

Sorata put down her teacup and nodded.

The newspaper in his hand is the World Economic News Agency, which rushed out the news overnight.

I saw the front of the first photo above, which was the photo of him beheading thousands of people last night.

The above even gave him a new nickname, "Elegant Moonlight Swordsman".

It seems so.

But thinking about it, why is it so strange?

"For love and justice, Sailor Moon—Shui Bingyue, I will represent the moon and destroy you!"

Sorata quickly shook her head, "He's not a Sailor Moon!"

Then he turned over the newspaper in his hand.

I saw the content behind the newspaper, which was the content of the transaction between him and Morgans.

It clearly stated that the farce of the Kingdom of Bath three years ago was accompanied by a photo of the Celestial Dragons and the Royal Palace of Bath where the war spread.

I think these news should have been written three years ago, but they just haven't been published!

However, it is not too late now.

It was published three years ago, maybe it can only spread in a small area, by now, the world should have forgotten it!

And with his news, it's different.

His news will not only be sold in a small area, but will basically be distributed all over the world, and as his popularity rises, the world just wants to forget about Bath, and it will be many years later.

Sorata finished reading the newspaper, put it aside, turned her head to look at the embankment, just in time to see Bada and his gang.

Seeing Bada walking towards this side, Sorata picked up the teacup and took a sip.

These guys are quite early, he thought they had been excited all night, and they wouldn't come out until the sun fully rose!

Firebird Vance, following Sorata's gaze, looked towards the embankment, and happened to meet Bada's majestic gaze.

This made his pupils shrink.

"Strong, another strong."

He fixed his eyes, and when he saw Bada's clothes and appearance clearly, he couldn't help shouting.

"Bass Bada!"

This name, three years ago, was the strongest on Bass Island and the surrounding waters.

Of course exclude Marine.

This name, three years ago, let Bass Island, no pirate group dare to mess around.

This name, along with Bath wine, appeared more than once in the headlines of various newspapers three years ago.

He lowered his head and thought for a while, why did he forget this guy before!

If it weren't for Celestial Dragons, if it weren't for cp0, this guy's reputation would be even worse by now!

He didn't understand, why did he forget "Buzz Bada"?

But one thing, he understands.

That is, this guy is back, and it looks like he is still with Silver Hair, so big news is coming.

Thinking of this, he trembled all over, and his face quickly turned red, as if he was drunk.

Happiness came too suddenly!

"Hey Hey……"

"What laughing?"

Sorata turned to look at Firebird with a puzzled expression.

"Nothing, nothing."

Huo Niao hurriedly shut up, his shoulders trembled, and he couldn't help being excited. Looking at that excited look, he was like a wretched man who saw a beautiful woman, unspeakably wretched.

"Laugh loudly if you want to laugh, so wretched, get the hell out of here."

"Yes, yes, I'm going to the side, to the side."

Sorata looked at the Firebird who retreated to the side and squatted beside the boat, and was speechless for a while.


Bada jumped onto the boat and couldn't help but glance at Huobi.

The main reason is that this guy's pink cockscomb head is too eye-catching.

Bada just glanced at it, then lost interest, and walked quickly to Sorata.

"Brother silver-haired, it's not too late for the younger brother!"

"not late."

Sorata looked at Bada, and didn't correct his address anymore, this guy was completely dependent on him.

As he spoke, he drank the morning tea in one gulp, put down the teacup, took the newspaper aside, and handed it to Bada.

"Well! Let's take a look! This is the capital of whether your Bath Kingdom will be safe in the future."

After hearing this, Bada quickly took the newspaper.

When I saw the news about Sorata, I was taken aback.

"Behind, idiot."


He quickly turned over the newspaper and took a closer look. When he saw what was written on it, he suddenly trembled with excitement.

Today, three years later, he saw the Kingdom of Bath again, which made him unhappy.

After excitement comes thinking.

He bowed his head in thought for a while, then his eyes lit up, and he looked up at Sorata, eyes full of gratitude.

Although I don’t know how Sorata asked the World Economic News Agency to report on what happened in the Kingdom of Bath three years ago, it must not be easy to think about it.

You must know that since the Kingdom of Bath was destroyed, the news organizations in the world have collectively been silent. He has never seen a news about Bath in the past few years.

Sorata looked at Bada, the corners of his mouth turned up, and a smile appeared on his face.

"Now that you know what I mean, take this Firebird reporter to take more photos!"

Sorata thought about it, and although she couldn't bear it, she still had to do it, "Go and take more pictures, the ruins on the island, and the children and old people in the cellar."

"The more miserable you are, the safer you will be in the future."

"Ok, I know."

Bada nodded firmly.

He knew Sorata's intentions.

No matter how he is the king of a country, he still knows the public opinion.

No one knows the news about Bath, but it’s okay to say that if everyone knows about the trouble, then the World government will be restrained.

At least not blatantly.

And secretly, with his strength and Sorata's protection, he believed that he would be able to protect Bath well.

As for Sorata's strength...

He glanced at the younger brothers who were carrying the corpse in the distance.

This strength is really reassuring!

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