Pirates: Invincible At The Beginning

Chapter 30 The True Cruelty Of The Grand Line

"Step aside."

At this moment, a tyrannical voice suddenly came from behind the pirates.

After hearing the sound, the pirates quickly moved out of the way.

I saw a huge, strong figure walking over.

Come here, more than 4 meters tall, standing among the pirates, a proper titan.




Titan's footsteps on the deck made the dilapidated sailboat under him tremble uncontrollably, as if it was about to disintegrate in an instant.

He stood at the bow of the boat, watching the two small boats gradually approaching in the distance, with a bloodthirsty light flashing across his face.

There are ships, and one of them looks like a merchant ship, so there must be islands ahead.

Although his arrogance made their pirate group sail in the dark, the members were halved and the ship was severely damaged.

But it doesn't matter.

They are pirates, vicious pirates, there is no ship to grab, no one to recruit, as long as they have money, they have everything.

They snatched the large sailboat under him.

As for his subordinates, as long as he is there, his pirate group will be there.

"Boss, there seems to be a pirate ship on the other side, shall we go there?"


Titan turned his hand and slapped this subordinate.

"Who do you think Laozi is?"

"Give me the boat over there."


The pirates adjusted their course excitedly and rushed straight towards the Liberty.

Now is not the time to be slow, as long as you rob the other party, the broken ship under your feet will be gone.


Looking at the bow of the Liberty, Sorata was slightly surprised when he saw the pirate ship that suddenly turned its bow and came straight towards them.

Just looking at the route, the opposite party should not be on the same route as them.

Looking back now, wouldn't it be to rob them?


He planned to ignore the other party, thinking about rushing to the uninhabited island where Bass nationals were held as soon as possible.

Who knew that the other party was so anxious to seek death.

Since you want to die, let's fulfill the other party!

Thinking of him jumping lightly, jumping onto the bow, holding the knife in his left hand and the handle of the knife in his right hand.

Seeing Sorata's actions, Firebird hastily raised the camera with excitement on his face.

He had seen this action last night.

That scene made him tremble all over thinking about it now.

"Are you going to attack again? Silver-haired Sorata."

At this moment, a stream of black Haki wrapped around Zhankong along Sorata's arm.

Sorata drew the knife instantly.


"One Sword Style·Iai·Slash Wave!"

If you want to talk about long-distance slashing, you have to learn the slashing from Golden Lion.

I saw a huge silver-gray crescent-shaped slash, quickly slashing towards the dilapidated giant sailboat in the distance.


Slash easily sliced ​​through the surface of the sea, leaving a bottomless crack on the surface of the sea.

Looking at it from a distance, it looks like the entire sea has split open.

Bada standing at the bow narrowed his eyes and looked at Sorata in surprise.

"This strength is too exaggerated!"

"Did Marine make a mistake? That's it. Don't offer a reward of more than one billion yuan."

Anyway, among the people he has met, only the Golden Lion seven or eight years ago can bring him such a great pressure!

No wonder it can kill the Golden Lion.

This strength, presumably even the World government, has to deal with it well!

As Sorata's display of strength grew stronger, he became more and more reassured.

Although I believe in Sorata, but the other party is the World government, it is impossible not to worry.

On a broken sailboat.

Looking at the huge oncoming attack, the pirates completely stayed where they were.

"Hey! Just kidding!"

"How could there be such a terrifying slash in the world!"

The slash hadn't arrived, but the aura brought by the slash had already taken them out of their wits.

This is bad luck.

Just rushed through the extremely harsh beginning of the Grand Line, what is waiting is not a bright future, a brilliant life, but a huge blow of death.


No way, the pirates can only hope for their captain.

The bow, titan, with bloodshot eyes and bulging veins on his forehead, looked up at the oncoming slash and roared loudly.

Then the whole person suddenly turned into a huge elephant.

The elephant is about ten meters long and seven or eight meters high, occupying the entire bow of the ship.

Because the elephant is too big, the boat under his feet kept screaming "creak! Creak!"

Although he knew that the ship could no longer withstand his devastation, but...

"hold head high!"

The elephant let out a loud cry, and headed towards the chopping blow, intending to use his hard tusks to fly or break the chopping blow.

But all this is just his beautiful imagination.

Every year, countless pirates like him attack the Grand Line. Some of them are lucky enough to get through the beginning, but they stay on the first island forever, never daring to move forward.

Their confidence has been completely shattered by this devil-like sea, and they have stagnated.

That's why most of the first island is full of pirates.

Apparently, this captain of titan, who has the same type of fruit as "Jack the King of Ships", had the misfortune to meet Sorata, was unlucky to be self-righteous, and even unlucky to say the same thing as Jack.

Although he said Jack's words, he didn't have Jack's life!


There was a split second of sparks from the impact of the slash and the ivory, and then it slashed across the colossus, across the sailboat.

"Puff!" With a sound, it disappeared behind the dilapidated sailboat.

Because the slash was too sharp, the giant statue has not yet fallen to the ground.

However, from between his eyebrows, a line of blood was becoming like a volcano, expanding continuously, and bleeding continuously.

The colossus raised its head, the blood in its eyes quickly faded, leaving only the desire for life.

"Is this the Grand Line?"

"I'm really not reconciled!"


His tusk snapped, then his body, then the boat, and then the sea beneath him.


The pirates exclaimed, feeling that they could catch something, but the ship and the sea separated, dividing them and the ship below them into two.

The hull fell towards the middle, collided with each other amidst a "boom", and then quickly slid towards the cracked sea below.


The rest of the pirates were yelling, just like the villagers in the villages and towns they robbed, they were trembling, they were afraid, and they were even more afraid of death.

But it didn't work.

With Hai Hai's mind, they couldn't escape even if they wanted to.

After a while, the entire pirate ship disappeared into the sea, of course, including these pirates.

The Grand Line is different from the Four Seas. If one falls into the sea, there may still be a glimmer of life, but on the Grand Line, death is certain.

Besides, it was Sorata's slashing abyss that fell into it.

At this level, only the murlocs have the possibility of surviving!



On the bow of the Liberty, Sorata sheathed the knife, then bent her legs, sat cross-legged on the sheep's head in the bow, pulled off the gourd of wine, and drank.

The Firebird looked at the camera excitedly, and above it was the whole process of Sorata's slash just now.

Then he thought of something, and cast a grateful gaze towards the dilapidated sailboat that was gradually sinking into the sea in the distance.

Although he didn't know the other party's name from beginning to end.

But this does not affect the fact that the other party sent him a news cover.


He couldn't help admiring in his heart.

"What a nice guy!"

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