Through the air door, Bruno suddenly appeared in everyone’s view.

“How did this happen? That’s awesome! Magic? Bucky’s eyes widened, and his jaw hit the ground in surprise.

“It turns out that this is magic!” Luo Luo believed it, and immediately nodded his head abruptly, ignorantly understanding.

“How is that possible? Obviously the Devil Fruit ability! Nami glanced at them both and said speechlessly.

“It’s the door fruit!”

Dadi recognized at a glance that this guy was Bruno and had the “Door Fruit”.

With this ability, anyone who touches can turn anything they touch into a door, and walls, human bodies, and even invisible substances such as air and flames can make holes in them.

Such a sharp fruit is simply a necessary ability to pick locks and steal incense and jade. and another peep-specific “transparent fruit”, and called the two deadly fruits.

Ahem… The topic is a bit far, all in all, this is a very powerful ability, gentlemen dream of it.

If it is well developed, thousands of people will not be cut down, but it is a pity that it falls into the hands of a big man like Bruno, and it is absolutely blind.

“Clumsy bar owner, I didn’t expect you to really be a government spy?!” Barry was livid and gritted his teeth with hatred.

One of his hobbies was gambling.

Although he won more and lost less, every time he won money, he would generously invite the foreman to the tavern for a drink, and Bruno was responsible for entertaining them.

Coming and going, several people have become good friends who talk about everything.

Although Mr. Iceberg informed him in advance and saw Bruno appear, a deep sense of grief and anger at being betrayed still rushed straight overhead, making him blinded and almost mad.

“That’s right, I was an undercover agent sent by the government from the beginning, and this operation was also an instruction from above. It’s just that I didn’t expect that you would be able to escape from the sea of fire and break into the main island of “Justice Island” all the way…”

Bruno’s face was expressionless, his tone was extremely indifferent, and then he frowned, his gaze skimmed over him, turned to Dadi, and said in a deep voice: “If you guessed correctly, all this is your handiwork!” ”

“That’s right!” Dadi Wan’er smiled.

“You don’t seem to realize the seriousness of the problem!” Justice Island is a direct organ of the world government, and attacking here would mean making enemies of more than 170 allied countries. From the moment you set foot on the island, your future is already predestined, which is to die in the most cruel way to set an example. ”

Bruno’s face was covered with a dark cloud, and Sen Hanxu said.

“…… Hehe, this is actually a drill from beginning to end, don’t take it seriously! Bucky sweated profusely in fright and sneered.

“…… What, I said that I accidentally broke in because I was lost, do you believe it? Nami blinked, pretending to be innocent.

“Shut up!”

Dadi glanced at the two goods, and then the corners of his lips raised slightly, and he laughed: “Use the world government to pressure me, are you sure?” ”

Bruno was immediately stunned into speechlessness.

Beating Draco, freeing prisoners of “Advance City”, participating in the Top War… Take out any one, it is a world-class big crime, and the government will definitely not die with it.

But Dadi is still alive and well.

More lice do not bite, perhaps for him, against the world government, it is already a habit!

“Phew, since that’s the case, then there’s nothing more to say, you guys are ready to die!”

Bruno exhaled deeply, his eyes suddenly sank, and a menacing and dangerous aura emanated from his body, like a wild beast.

“Exactly! Mr. Iceberg’s hatred, as well as the previous account, we also have to find you to calculate it well! ”

The three foremen stood up with their necks twisted, their weapons on their shoulders, ready to go.


Just when the two sides were about to break out, Dadi crossed his arms, blocked their way, and said lightly: “There is no time to waste now, you go and break through the court, open the way to the Tower of Justice, I will solve him.” ”

Barry’s faces turned pale, but they didn’t refute anything.

“Then please.” The iceberg made a quick decision and accepted the way.

Under Dadi’s orders, Oimo and Cassie carried the crowd on, and he stayed behind to confront Bruno.

Bruno didn’t stand in the way.

It’s not that you don’t want to, it’s that you can’t act!

Because at this time, Dadi was looking directly at him, his flat gaze, but containing a palpitating sharpness.

He felt as if he was being targeted by some kind of super sea king, and cold sweat couldn’t help but burst out, moisturizing his vest.

This feeling is even far more than the pressure when facing Luqi.

“Wasn’t it imposing just now, why did it suddenly calm down now? I’m in a hurry, since you don’t do it, then I’m welcome! ”

Dadi tilted his head, with a smile at the corner of his lips, then his eyes flashed, his arms were raised, and the blue-white arc of electricity condensed and jumped on his fingertips.

“Thunder Finger!”

A blue light flashed, and a high-voltage current shot out violently, approaching in an instant.


As soon as Bruno took a breath, he couldn’t react in time when he was hit by an electric current.

The fierce charge suddenly exploded, and the whole body fell into paralysis, and with this blow alone, half of the body almost lost consciousness.

“Not good!”

Bruno’s face changed drastically, and without thinking, he started to shave and immediately opened the distance.

At the moment he had just flashed, a coin surrounded by thunder light swept across the place, bringing a piercing sound of breaking wind and slamming straight into the Tower of Justice.


With a loud bang, the whole tower shook slightly, and a huge hole appeared in the wall, as if it had been bombarded by a cannonball.

“Such a terrifying power, far more than ordinary cannons, must not be hit, otherwise, even iron may not be able to hold up!” Bruno’s face turned a little blue.

Iron is a defensive technique in the Six Styles, which puffs up the power in the body, making it as hard as iron, and cannot even be broken by guns and swords.

But the power of the electromagnetic cannon, which can be judged at a glance, is definitely beyond the limit of iron defense. If he resists head-on, I am afraid that his end will be very miserable.

“There is no advantage in head-on bombardment, as long as you can use his physique as a “door”, you can seal his actions!” Bruno’s mind turned and he gritted his teeth secretly.

“Iron block wheel!”

After making up his mind, Bruno flashed behind Dardi, his feet straightened into a straight horse, and hardened abruptly.

Immediately afterwards, the whole body rotated at high speed, like a huge round axe, slashing down towards Dadi.

At this time, the ground is as fragile as tofu, and every time the toes split, they can leave deep pits on it.

Dadi stepped lightly, as if sliding on the ice, and his figure floated and retreated. Although Bruno’s foot axe is amazingly destructive, it can’t even touch a single hair of his.


The attack failed again, Bruno suddenly activated the “Gate Fruit” ability, a humanoid gate suddenly appeared on the ground, and his whole person fled into the ground and disappeared without a trace.

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